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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No game

  1. One year before surgery I gave up one thing it was a very very small thing but it was bigger than I could of imagined sugar real or fake of any kind. It was really hard at first to find things that didn't have any sugars even bread even deli meats!! I will say I was still fat after a year (I lost a little weight) BUT I felt great. I was no longer getting dizzy and the shakes.. Well as you know this surgery and the months after it's hard to stay away from artificial sugars so... But I try to limit my intake now that I'm further and use liquid stevia in my teas and coffee if I need sweetness... But even then I'm trying to cut down I have weaned myself of it in my Greek yogurt.
  2. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Brown the protein debate..I don't know I'm going to look into it but not stress at the moment about it. Now the weight loss! Imma stressing But really I am going to do what I can right now which is maintain through the holidays. I wanted to lose during this month, but I've come to the realization that my schedule is really out of whack and special occasions are being thrown at me left and right... New goal maintain for three more weeks
  3. No game

    Compulsive Overeating

    Fluff have you ever thought about suggesting this site to him? It seems to helping the rest of us that have these issues...
  4. No game

    Reflux Question

    I'm going to give you the most precise answer you can ask for....It's a crAp shoot. There is no definitive answer or study to back it up either way. Some with reflux still have it after, some will have it worse, some will lose it Same goes with people that NEVER had it... Some will get it after the sleeve to varying degrees. Some, it will still not be an issue. Some bariatric Drs will not perform the sleeve on someone with bad reflux but really the reasons behind it are neither confirmed or denied by stats and studies.. Luck of the draw..,
  5. I haven't checked in on this thread forever! The holidays I wanted to actually lose and not "just" maintain... Yeah... At this point I will hang on for dear flipping life to try and maintain!! If 5:2 can help me maintain through this period of celebrations I'll take it. Started June 11th. Start weight 171 Current weight 149
  6. Yep, it is, most of it, in our heads! Our stomachs are "fixed" now we need to put the hard (but doable) work on our thoughts about food and the compulsion to eat.. 5:2 is a good method but for people under a year it's really not effective because the calories are already so restricted.. Most people doing it are eating 1300+ calories a day
  7. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wholly sweet Jesus!! I'm praying for a thaw!!!
  8. Sucky!! Are you eating peanut butter? I eat pb2 yes and it's good.. But I also go to the store and fresh grind peanuts (no sugar no honey) into peanut butter. I eat a bit of that for a treat.. Yes high calorie and fat... But good stuff if you spread the thinnest amount on a kims magic pop (like a rice cake)
  9. No game

    Real Food?

    You, my dear, are doing great! Trust me, it will all be so worth it
  10. A serving of almonds would add those extra calories. I buy raw almonds at trader joes..
  11. Seela I don't track on MFP.. I'm a rebel I use "calorie count" Really you'd be bored to tears with my food logs.. I pretty much eat the same things EVERYDAY! I've always been like that even when fatter as long as it's food. For instance I eat plain Greek yogurt, and frozen blueberries every (yes every) morning. Once in awhile I get crazy and put a smack of ancient grains granola in it Almost every dinner is chicken on a bed of lettuce and veggies with some bolt house dressing. I boil a chicken every week or buy a roasted one at Costco and eat of that. Lol I'm not that great of an example because lord knows a lot of people at a year have dropped a lot more weight than me (those young skinny bitches)
  12. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes! Emergencies! That's my thought process. I would say I'm a food hoarder in that way... But that's not quite right either because it never stays around long enough to actually call it a "hoard" This time of year is just plain hard out routines are so out of whack.. I like things perfect all the stars to line up on my fast days no diversions! Yeah, good luck Laura. Lol man flu. Sorry but I love that. Your friend? Ugh that would kinda bug me too... I'd actually encourage her to eat the snickers bar.. Or three I try not to get upset when I see these people all passing me up around here.. Yes they are younger or they don't have my metabolism or of course they are dropping it like crazy they ate crAp before the sleeve, blah blah blah.. It still can put me in a shITy place though.. My weight has flatlined for a month.. Nothing new drop a pound and that's it for a month.. But I have my appt with my surgeon next week and I had a goal JUST to be in the 140's clothed (for the weigh in) I'm 149 on a good day and 150 on a bad day... I just wanted to get say about 147 or 146 so it will show in the 140's Flipping holiday season!!!
  13. No game

    What Should I Do?

    Oh boy that's a hard one... So just one class that's it? Umm.. It could be possible.. I mean I've seen some people feel pretty chipper in a few days after surgery.. I couldn't do it though. I felt like poop for a week..
  14. I eat more than a thousand... He doesn't want your metabolism to totally tank. That being said though, I would not push it if you can't eat that much yet. Slowly raise it up. Like right now shoot for 800..
  15. No game

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Me?? It wasn't meant to be...
  16. The first six months.. People call it "the honeymoon phase" at about this time (6 months) Your stomach if fully healed any residual swelling has gone down and it "relaxes" a bit more. Also your hunger come back a bit. This is where the work comes in, this is why we have to work from the first day out to change our habits. You still have your sleeve and it's still working, you just need to get back to basics. You know the drill dense protein and veggies, get off the carb processed stuff and you will be on the right track again.
  17. No game

    Who Else Is Not Losing?

    Your in a stall, that's all. A stall in weight loss can last several weeks. If you look at any of our losses it won't be an nice even losing streak for most of us. It comes in fits and waves for most. Make sure you are pushing the water everyday because it really helps. This is a long process...patience is a must:)
  18. No game

    Real Food?

    Yep your going through all the what's ifs and such.. I'm sure being cooped up doesn't help This phase and early post op are hard, but it's all very temporary. I don't have a "rule" about eating things like bread.. I just don't do it much because it seems not worth it much anymore. Now I do have a rule about sweets and stuff. Like tortilla chips! Those devils are still my nemesis!! I still at this point will eat to many sleeve or no sleeve. Hang in there and you will do great. This time next year you will be a transformed woman!
  19. No game

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Ok perhaps this one The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.
  20. No game

    Real Food?

    Yes we can eat anything after a time.. I'm a year and I can eat most of that stuff you mention, but most of us choose not to or modify... For instance when I make my family chicken enchiladas I eat the meat filling only not the corn tortilla, because it takes unnecessary space and doesn't have any nutritional benefit same with a hamburger eat the meat and fixings without the bun.
  21. No game

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Shitted! This was the one I was gonna like
  22. No game

    Hot Sauce/vinegar?

    Yeah, I gave up soda about a year before surgery.. And I hate beer so I honestly don't know. I will experiment with a straw and wine this weekend and let you know how that goes though
  23. No game

    Hot Sauce/vinegar?

    Why no straws?? Because it will blow up your tiny little tummy! Really some docs say no some are ok with it. It's one of those thing I think once your good and healed if it works for you it works for you..

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