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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No game

  1. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok I'm at the doctors office! I decided to go big.. If I couldn't reach my goal on that stupid scale I Thought imma going to at least look good You know the drill wearing the lightest clothes you can.. f**k it! I've layered up the wazoo. I've got two sweaters on an undershirt heavy jeans my studded belt and a heavy necklace Stepped on my home scale and I read 153!!! Lol from 149 to that!!
  2. No game

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    "I was fat before I became fat" Wow I so relate to this. It still resonates today... You describe this so well, including to rituals of food and love.
  3. No game


    You are doing great! Look at that weight loss! I'm jelly! Your lucky I gave to the straight dope instead of scaring the poop out of you
  4. No game


    Don't be scared! It's completely normal at about the sixth month mark or so for the stomach to relax a bit.. It just part of the normal healing process (yes it's been healing this whole time) Just keep doing what you're doing and eat until satisfied but not over stuff and you will do great
  5. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yep you got it!! I wish my surgeon didn't keep up with his patients so closely You are so right though.. Thank you. And why can we see this so clearly to tell others but are so hard on ourselves.,
  6. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Welcome Susan And yes the host thing, sorry daisy after catching up last night I knew I'd forget a few things in responding. My fast went ok yesterday I went over by a tad because I ate some plain Greek yogurt last night.. It's become a comfort food for me. Not sure if thats good or bad.. Today! Ugh I wanted today to be so different. But after life whacked me upside the head this weekend, I am disappointed but at the same time don't much care.. Today I have a weigh in and meeting with my surgeon, I've known about it forever and in the last month I just wanted to walk in there and step on that scale and be solidly in the 140's (with clothes on) I'm 149 so that means getting to at least 146 unclothed.. It didn't happen. It's my thing not the doctors thing (I hope) and I think he will be pleased but I'm not.. I wrote a thread yesterday about balance. I need to find more of it, including balancing my expectations and responses to them should they not be met perfectly.
  7. I'm 47 and the thighs have seen better days. They are a little (ok a lot) deflated looking .. But most definitely I feel better. I had planter fasciitis, I was at a point that walking was excruciating.. It's an non issue now. I walk up escalators now instead of standing. I can run up my stairs with out hurting oh And without feeling like a heart attack will strike at any moment
  8. Great question.. I moved your thread out of the vets section and to an more appropriate area. I'm more pear shape than anything else, my thighs are definitely not my best feature out of clothes. I've lost the weight for the most part, but if I wanted to have "perfect" or better thighs I would need plastic surgery. I look ok in clothes but there will be no bikini modeling for me!
  9. I felt the same way.. Isn't it odd that we find doing something to take care of ourselves as a selfish act?? Well if that's what it takes:) I do think as mentioned by several in this thread I can only be better for me and my family if I do things to take care of myself.. Like I said now I need to figure out a balance that works.
  10. No game

    Anybody Else Cheating?

    We are at the point of jumping the shark here.. I think the points were made. Correct me if I'm wrong but the horse is dead why keep beating it..
  11. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok I just caught up!! I hope I can remember everything because boy it was a lot!! Sarsar it's nice to see you back. Same with you swizzly. I'm sorry things are not going the best right now.. I worry about wanting to drink sometimes. This weekend was pretty bad and I wanted to drink my troubles away.. So I didn't. Oregondaisy and Jane! Oh dating! Wow is all I can say.. But it is interesting the thing you said having your pick, that's got to be such a weird feeling scrolling down a page picking out one. I'd probably be picky too! Eh this one has a butt chin... NEXT! Fudge?? Did someone mention fudge??? Something I must avoid! No baking this year! GT. You have been through the ringer. I hope you can just come back to the states and take care of yourself and go to school, skinniness..., daughters, my bad weekend had to do with my daughter.. It started with a knock on my door from another parent and it ended one hole in the wall (by my daughter) and emotional wrung out and shell shocked me... Ok it's settled we all need to treat ourselves with love and kindness through this holiday season. We will work on maintaining our successes. Because face it we are successful! I fasted today and it went well... I'm at 456 so I might have some "diet" hot cocoa tonight
  12. Great mother of earth really?? What the **** do they out in there?? Wow ok I've never been (though my daughter says its the bomb or some other thing like means good) I will keep it that way...
  13. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok I have fallen of the edge of the earth the last three days... I'm going to spend as long as it takes to read what I've missed here!
  14. No game

    6 Weeks Post Op Eating

    You are going to be able to eat more when you eat things like soup and even mashed potatoes. You really want to try and move away from those things a bit (cottage cheese, tuna, and eggs are good protein sources) and start incorporating more dense proteins.. Some soft fish for dinner or even chili will fill you more and stick with you longer. I eat a lot of chicken but in those early stages I ate canned chicken just because it was easier to get down you will find that when you get to those denser proteins you may be eating less of them..
  15. No game

    6 Weeks Post Op Eating

    Well my first reply would be to ask your husbands qualifications are?? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he's not your nutritionist.. I can't speak to if you are taking in to much because quite honestly we all have different capacities. Are you overly full? Just because you measure out that much doesn't mean you need to eat it all., but if it just satisfies the hunger without over stuffing then you are on target. To be safe I would read your post op instructions and make sure your measurements are following their plan. And if they are? You're all good
  16. No game

    Tomorrow Is My Two Year Anniversary

    Jane I am glad you are one of the vets that has stuck around.. You are not only a sleeve success but a wonderful woman whom I am proud to call a friend Happy happy day girlie!!
  17. Yes butter, I'm taking care of myself, overcoming so much.. I knew I swung a bit far into the other direction. I saw it, but needed wanted it.. People in my life want me to go back to the way I was before to some extent.. But how do I do that without losing what I've become.
  18. I think a lot of our lives were put of balance so to speak, before the sleeve.. The years leading up to my highest weight, then the sleeve, I became a non person.. I was just a mother and a wife, my family mattered more to me than me.. Not only did I get rotund, but I think some respect was lost for me. From my daughter in particular... It's funny, for every step I take in life there are multiple ripples in so many different directions. I take care of others, I forget myself. I forget myself and others forget me too.. I take care of myself and others think I've forgotten them.. Maybe I have to some extent. Thats the balance I need to find. I need to take care of my family but I need to not forget myself which is so easy to do.. I did not binge this weekend.. But I did not take care of myself either..
  19. If your husband can't control his outbursts he should leave the house.. He is damaging two young children by saying these things more than you can just see at the moment it's said..
  20. No game


    Main Entry: en·abler Pronunciation: \i-ˈnā-blər, -bəl-ər\ Function: noun Date: 1615: one that enables another to achieve an end ; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior food ADDICTION Food addiction manifests itself in the uncontrollable craving for excess food that follows the ingestion of refined carbohydrates, primarily sugar and flour substances that are quickly metabolized and turned into sugar in the bloodstream. Due to those uncontrollable cravings, a food addict's quality of life deteriorates when he or she eats sugar, flour or wheat. It can deteriorate physically, emotionally, socially and/or spiritually. If any of the following symptoms are familiar to you, you may be a food addict: Physical Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you think you cannot control your intake of food, especially junk food or high sugar foods? • Have you tried different diets or weight loss programs, but none has worked permanently? • Have you found yourself vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics, or exercising a lot to avoid a weight gain after you have eaten a lot? Many food addicts are obese and have tried numerous methods for weight control (diets, drugs, surgery, etc.) yet nothing has created a permanent solution. Other food addicts have never been obese. Their physical weight has been controlled by extreme measures such as excessive exercise, purging through vomiting or laxatives (bulimia), or the severe and unhealthy limiting of food substances(anorexia). No matter which version of food addiction fits you, all of these symptoms become more severe with time and eventually lead to physical problems that can create an early and sometimes painful death. Emotional Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you find yourself feeling depressed, hopeless, sad or ashamed about your eating or your weight? • Do you find yourself eating when you are upset or reward yourself with food when you do something good? • Have you ever noticed after eating sugar, flour, or wheat that you become more irritable? Food addicts notice that their emotions become more severe, intense, or unreasonable when eating the addictive substances. For many food addicts, emotional life may deteriorate into despair, depression, or thoughts of suicide. Social Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you eat in private so no one will see you? • Do you avoid social interactions because you feel you do not look good enough or do not have the proper fitting clothes to wear? • Do you steal other people’s food? • Are you more interested in what food is served at social gatherings than looking forward to the warmth of being with the people attending? A food addict’s social life is affected by intense obsessive thinking about food. Making eye contact with people and taking an interest in developing friendships or intimate relationships become secondary to locating and eating addictive foods. Food addicts often hide or steal foods and eat in secret.
  21. No game

    Competition Amongst Women

    Why do we do that? Why must we compare?
  22. This thread is for us to share our starting date for the 5:2 method. Also how much we started at and where we are now. I started June 11th. S.W. 171 C.W. 162 -9 pounds
  23. Flippity floppity Wow WOW AND WOW!You look hot!!!
  24. No game


    I don't personally understand it but it happens to a lot of people with eggs, they are just hard on the sleeve.. Oh but you are the opposite? Well even if it's puréed it's still a dense protein.

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