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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxlaceylace

  1. So as I'm typing this I am 90lbs less than when I started this journey. Everyday is still a challenge but its getting better day by day. I wish sometimes that they would have done surgery on my brain to cure the head hunger and mind games we all go through but I'm so thankful to have this sleeve. So much in my life has changed in the past 6months. I've gone back to school to finish my RN. I spend more time running and playing with my son instead of on the couch stuffing my face. And I'm training to run a half marathon next March something I never would have done before.


    I hope all my other sleevsters are doing great. Lets bring on the next six months and see where we are at the year mark.


  2. Thanks icon!

    Smt- I did save, lol I bought the five dollar kids meal and shared with my one year old, haha, it was nice. It's funny the second day we were there I was running around ridding rides seeing things and even though my fiancé and son had a small Breakfast at 7 I still hadn't eaten and they were like we're starving it's noon we gotta take a break and eat lol I'm like crap well I will go ride a ride and yall eat :) love this sleeve

  3. Today's my one month surgversary and I'm so happy! Ive lost over 45lbs including the two weeks pre op diet. I did have a stall for ten days , where everyday I thought that's it this surgery isn't going to work for me, I will be the exception to the rule, what have I done to my body ect., then I started losing again and feeling wonderful. I have more energy then I've had in years, my one year old loves that mommy crawls and plays on the floor now. I went to Disney and walked for three days having the time of my life because I didn't have to sit and rest every 45 min. I love not being hungry at all and forgetting to eat. It does feel weird sitting down while everyone else eats, sometimes it's painful to watch them enjoy the foods I know I can't ever eat, but it's fun afterwards when I'm still full of energy and they can hardly move from eating too much! I love that I have almost no clothes now, even my skinny jeans are getting loose and shirts I've never worn look lovely on me now. All these random thoughts and ramblings have one central theme I FREAKIN LOVE MY SLEEVE ! Love you guys too, and thank you for the support :)

  4. I had the procedure on a Wednesday and was back at work the following Monday. Im lucky I have a very understanding boss, since he just had a full BYPASS so Im taking it easy but Im here :). I get sleepy in the day sometimes, but I just use my lunch break for a quick nap if need be. Its not always easy but Im glad I came back so quick, I would have drove myself nuts staying home :)

  5. Was sleeved on the 28th so its day 8 for me too :) I started back to work this past Monday and am doing great. I have no problems with liquids and eat a few soft food items. Im never hungry but if I dont put something in there after like 5-6 hours besides Water I get a headache. Im sleepy but its getting better day by day. Ive down 8#s since surgery date and the 17# the two week preop diet so yay! :)

  6. It's 330 am and I'm rocking. It was a rough few hours post op, no pain meds and nausea. But I'm great now. No major gas pains, and just a little tender tummy. Doc was super happy to get inside and find my liver had shrank so much Bc I stuck true to my preop, he said surgery went smooth and fast. I'm sooooo not even hungry which makes me really happy and 17lbs done past two weeks preop so I'm in twosville. Thank everyone so much that prayed. I love my support group on here. Will keep everyone posted leak test soon :)

  7. Today's the day ! Yipeeeeeeeee ! I've been on an emotional roller coaster since last night laughing/crying but I know one thing is for sure I'm ready !!!!! I'm looking forward to this new life on the other side of sleeve! Asking for all my sleeve buddies to say a prayer for me! I will keep everyone updated as soon as I can! Okay here goes nothing :) let's rock this thing!!!!!

  8. Can completley understand ive been on liquids for ten days and thanksgiving was interesting to say the least, I just wanted to put my whole face into the sweet potatoes and the stuffing. Lol but my mom made special turkey broth for me and afterwards I felt great, because I new that surgery is just around the conger and if I could make it through thanksgiving I could make it through anything :)

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