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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Wrinkle

  1. I have a question everyine here w low weight low bmi. Do they have to do self pay or go to mexico. Because im 207 bmi of 37 but if i dont have anything i need to be on meds for. I may be denied im fat but. Maybe not sick enough. So unfair

    I am self-pay. My insurance would not pay due to lower BMI. I have read some people had good results with Mexico/Trip-but I preferred to stay local.

  2. On my surgery date, my BMI was 34. Here's the way I made my decision.

    I just turned 57 and have struggled with my weight for close to 40 years. Like so many others, I've been on every diet imaginable. I've also been pretty successful on some of them; about 10 years ago I got down to a size 6. About 5 years ago I got down to a 'small' 10 for my son's wedding.

    For a few days, or weeks, or months, I looked great. But then I gained it back. All of it and more. Then it got to the point that I gave up and gained more and more, but always with the intent to lose it before the next vacation, the next big event, etc. Then it hit me. Why in the world did I think that the next time would be any different than all of the attempts over the last 40 years?!?

    And that's how I came to the conclusion that I had to do something different. And I'm so glad I did...

    I'm 60 and BMI 31. My surgery is scheduled for next month. Your posting is very encouraging. How are you doing now?

  3. I am 60. My BMI is 31. I did not have a weight problem until the past 10 years. But, I am now on cholesterol and blood pressure meds. I am scheduled for Jan 28th. I go back and forth and think about the possible complications. But, I have tried all types of the dieting programs including HCG, Medifast, etc nothing works. I have friends that had this procedure with much success.

  4. Kinda down. I first was scheduled Jan 18th-got scheduled earlier on the 14th----real excited about that- got work arranged around it-got my cardiace clearance and PCP visits scheduled---then I got rescheduled for Jan 28th.I just need to rearrange my work scheduled. But-I am attempting to be discreet-a few choice few wiil actually know my journey. I'm self pay. So I can keep it a little more 'undercover." BMI 31 with several comordities. Borderline diabetic, on HP pills, on Crestor. and 60 years. I guess tonight I am cleansing my soul. And body attempting to keep your surgery--your business and not everyone esle? I'm heavy on privacy..

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