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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Wrinkle

  1. I'm almost 3.5 weeks out. And occasionally have that "room is spinning" feeling. Today was one of those days. I had to come home from work. Drinking slowly and resting--starting to feel normal. Can't identify any single reason why that "dizzy" feeling comes and goes-and would love to have a common denominator to be able to STOP it-but haven't a clue. But reading this thread-I will definitely look for Fluid intake, B/P, and food intake. Thanks.

  2. I am only 2-3 weeks out and people are noticing my weight loss. Some know I had a hernia problem. I say, " I had surgery-and if you had to eat like I do--you'd loose weight too!" Their usual response, "Oh-ok" I do not leak any of the other. Maybe down the line-just not now. I feel I have to say something-when they are seeing me eat creamy soups/broth while they are eating roast-fish-burgers..

  3. Not yet. My patient coordinator will be submitting to my insurance for approval in mid-May. Once I get approval, they will give me a date. I imagine it will be sometime in June or July. I'm trying to make sure I have enough PTO built up to cover 2 weeks off in case I need that much time. I'm nervous, don't know what to expect or how to even begin to ask for the time off or what I'm supposed to tell my job about *why* I want, no need..to take that much time off and ask my colleagues to cover my caseload. I'm thinking I'm going to ask for the time off and say I have to have a hiatal hernia repaired. I figure that is something that is important enough to justify the time but not so major that I wouldn't have some leeway in the timing of surgery. I want the time to pass so I can just do this. I'm tired of looking at myself. I'm tired of eating and feeling guilty and resentful and rebellious with a f**k it attitude and eat crap I know is bad for me, is stupid and self defeating only to then beat myself up over every bite of even frigging plain lettuce for the next few days. This waiting is killing me. (Can you tell I'm a little over-wrought?)

    I'm 2 week postop-and going back to work tomorrow. As far of the majority of the people at work know "hernia." I told immediate family and 3 close friends only. I am contract so taking off from the hospital did not involve PTO. And I was self-pay- so no insurance aggravation. Keep going forward w your plan!

  4. 3/11 I had a hernia procedure at the same time. My postop was last Thursday he kept me on full-liquids. My doc said I needed extra heal time. But, if I ate too much or drank too fast I would feel those pains. And I have. I will start my pureed foods next week. Be sure to keep your doc informed on your condition and discomfort! Hope you start feeling better!

  5. I'm at 2 weeks today. Still, I'm on full-liquids. One day I'm lousy the next ok. But better than last week. I had a hernia fixed w my sleeve and went home with drains but got those little devils out last week. I've lost 15 since surgery. Congrats on your loss! I couldn't get my Protein in and I finally found "Nectar" a flavor I could tolerate and I add a serving of Unflavored protein to it. So It takes me hours to get it down-but by the end of the day I have my protein in !! I am getting some Water down, Eating (drinking) creamy soups! Tomato today. YAY!

  6. I'm 60. I have my first surgeon consult this coming week. I am doing the 3 months of medically supervised by my PCP diet as required by my insurance...which is a joke, but what are ya gonna do? I know what it is like to be thin and I WANT it back!!. I lost 110 pounds on medifast in 1989 as well as my gallbladder. I kept it off with a slow creeping upward climb until 2000. Then menopause, my mother's death, depression, and anti-depressants all came together in one perfect storm and I crumbled. Gained about 100 lbs in a little over 6 months time. I crawled up to 289 a couple of years ago, then started counting weight watcher points and over a year lost 50 lbs. Then I stopped losing. Just....stopped. No idea why. I counted points another year without losing any at all. The last 3 months that I counted points, I actually began to gain again. Probably a lot of things I was doing wrong- portion creep, not weighing my food, etc. But anyway, I have gained 20 back since I gave up counting points and seem to have stopped at 250 for the past 6 months. My shrink has provided 5 years of documentation of my weight battle to the insurance company, so that part is covered. So yeah...60 years old, but big deal. I'm still 18 in my mind and I am still working full time and will be probably until I die. So, I am going to grab all the gusto I can get and will cheer each of you onward as you each make your own journey.

    Have you been scheduled yet? I'm 61-was sleeved the 11th.

  7. WOW! I was 3/11 too. I am still on full-liquids. BUT, I did have a leak (found in surgery-and fixed) and a hernia fixed. I just got my drains out Thursday. While I calculated I would be on the soft/pureed this coming week-didn't happen. But the week after next-hoping to on that soft diet!! I can usually get 16 ounces in an hour. If anyone has any hints on how to get the fluids down faster-please let me know!

  8. I am still on liquid and its difficult because everyone else is eating. Can't graduate for another week. My surgeon has me in 3 weeks liquid and I am not tempted to hurt myself yet and I am scared. But I will make it. Down 25 lbs since pre op diet. 15 of it after surgery.

    I was sleeved on the 11th. I have to stay on liquids an extra week also.But, had a hernia fixed along w the sleeve. I haven't been tempted either. Almost scared of the next step. Better safe than sorry.

  9. I am sorry. I understand the apprehension your facing. It's hard not to think 'what if's'

    I am just now eating real food. The surgeon who put my stents in and removed them. Told me food can re open the leak!! I frequently wonder if each bite will be the one to reopen my stomach. The fear is real strong. I have to eat and all of the dr kept telling me to eat. After not eating for three me that it's just not that simple. No desire, good doesn't taste good. Vomiting and the pain and nausea (thankfully the esophageal spasm was diagnosed and treated) I no longer have the pain, nausea or vomiting. :)

    My leak didn't present with typical symptoms. Just listen to your body!! Any little sign that appears and if you just don't feel okay, get help!! Always better safe than sorry!! I am here for you!! I know leaks are scary and can easily uproot your life and existence. Hang tight!!



    Sannah, I appreciate you sharing your story.. HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY that you made it to the food stage..But I can only amagine the feelings you have. Your body has been thru a lot.

    But you listened to your body. And I'll definitely be listening to mine. KEEP us updated on the food thing and how you tolerate it.

    Thanks so much for your responses!

  10. Thank you so much! I was 11 days post op when my leak was found. I told myself 'Gosh if I knew this surgery was so easy, I would have done it sooner!' Haha.. Then the leak happened and nothing was easy!

    My 11th day is tomorrow.. I had a leak in surgery-the doc caught it and "fixed" it but I continue to think about it. I guess you have to stay on alert for several months. Thank you Sannah.

  11. I had a leak , but my doc caught it in surgery. That was 3/11.

    He said he restapled that area-at the top. Before I was discharged he had me do a postop "barium swallow." And of course- the dose was a baby dose. How many of you that had leaks had a "swallow" before you were discharged?

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