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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TheCurvyJones

  1. TheCurvyJones


    Not saying you should dump your boyfriend but you're going to need enthusiastic, ready support while you're having surgery and the days following. Take someone that you know is going to be there for you. Daddy will manage with his children. We all do things we don't want to do.... he'll be alright. This is for you... arrange things so that you know you won't worry and then go have your surgery.
  2. I was the same way. Not a big eater, I actually was doing good to get in 1000 cals a day on average. But from time to time I'd go through periods of eating absolute crap, at night, IN BED. And then go to sleep. After awhile that does some serious damage. Now I eat very small portions, mostly Protein cause it's honestly all that I want. When I saw my surgeon, he said my journey should be relatively simple. I was not suffering from any diseases and aside from binge eating, no disorders. No comorbidities, I was not being medicated for any issue. I was just fat. He said he wished all of his patients were that healthy. ALL I have to do is eat well and move my behind.
  3. TheCurvyJones

    Valentines Day Challenge!

    Last weigh in was 230. Today- 229.4! My challenge goal is 227. Coming down to the wire... can I lose 2.6 lbs by Thursday? I dunno....
  4. I watched a video of a plication procedure. If one of those sutures popped, she would most certainly feel it. It's not just a single layer of sutures, it's layer upon layer upon layer of the stomach folded in on itself and sutured closed. She would feel that and she would definitely KNOW. This really just sounds like a case of a large sleeve and a patient that has to learn to manage that or look at a further procedure like the Duodenal Switch.
  5. TheCurvyJones


    Miralax, MOM or Colace will be your friend.
  6. TheCurvyJones

    Not hungry

    The hunger is different... less 'OMG I NEED TO EAT' and more 'I feel empty and I should have some food'.
  7. TheCurvyJones


    Dr Alvarez is the sh*T!
  8. TheCurvyJones

    progress photos

  9. TheCurvyJones

    Wedding 11 days post op....?

    At 11 days out I was on full liquids so see if there is a creamy soup with no chunks or bring your own protein shake.
  10. I think the point is that a lot of docs say a lot of things and reach for the most improbably dire consequences to scare you away from doing things you probably shouldn't do anyway because some people need a reason like 'your sleeve will explode' to not do it. Should we NOT drink carbonation... we all know the answer is yes. HOWEVER.. My surgeon said IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT, let the carbonation fizzle out a little and let some ice melt in it. Water it down because a) our sleeves can't hold an entire can of carbonated soda and b ) carbonation straight from the bottle or can is pretty painful and very strong. Most sleeves don't like carbonation and no doctor wants to see their patient in unnecessary pain. That's why they tell you not to do it. It's important to follow your surgeon's instructions but always weigh their advice against general common sense and be aware of any recent studies that may refute them. Many doctors are still operating under old myths and even RNY standards that don't apply to the sleeve. In answer to the OP, yes you can gain weight with the sleeve. You can gain weight with any WLS procedure. Half of the people I know who've had surgery have gained. Some have stalled... simply because of food choices and choosing not to exercise. Is it HARD to gain? Yeah. But a couple days of 'don't-give-a-crap- will send you right on your way to Gainsville. You don't wanna visit there. it's miserable.
  11. Seeing numbers I haven't seen since 2007... both in clothes and on the scale. *Faints* So thankful for Dr Alvarez. Much love!

  12. TheCurvyJones

    Can we have rice?

    Always go by your surgeon's instructions. That said, I eat rice and it goes down/settles fine! I am 6 weeks out.
  13. TheCurvyJones

    Nausea H-E-double hockey sticks

    Six weeks out and I am just now getting nausea. EVERYTHING makes me want to hurl. It blows. Last night I actually got some gingerale and let some ice melt in it.....and some crackers.....AHHHHHHHHHH. Relief. Happened to one of my friends as well and the only thing that settled her stomach was crackers and coke.
  14. TheCurvyJones

    Valentines Day Challenge!

    That was last week. Today I weighed in at 230.6! Huzzah! Moms Nature packed her bags and took some lbs with her, so yay! Challenge goal 227 Lbs go to goal 3.6
  15. I am six weeks out as well with Dr A. I walk. I am not a strenous exerciser, but I do walk away the pounds, a 1,2 or 3 mile walk. I find I don't have a lot of stamina so I do what I can and Im working my way up. I am starting Turbo Fire this month and I try to keep up as best as possible. Make sure you're getting in your vitamins and your protein and email Dr A with any questions or issues. He may suggest something that will help! I just emailed him this morning about something.
  16. TheCurvyJones

    Week Six Weigh In/NSV's

    SIX WEEKS ALREADY! HW: 273 SW: 250 LW- 233.6 CW: 232.6 About 40lbs down from my highest weight, about 18lbs down since day of surgery. Hoping I get somewhere near 230 by my 8 week update.... Not gonna talk about how annoyed I am by how slow this is going. Non Scale Victories- As you all know I hit my goal of 20 miles of walking in January. I am going to leave the goal the same for February and add a few days of Turbo Fire, the Fire 30 work out. It’s pretty fun and burns a lot of calories. I have also been getting LOTS of comments on my apparent weight loss, so that feels good. I was thinking about going to pick up a couple of pairs of pants this weekend but……….I think I have talked myself out of it. I don’t know, I just feel like if I went, I would be disappointed and I just can’t really take that right now. My mom suggested I go TO the store and try them on and I said, why so I can have a proper breakdown in public in the changing room? NAWL. So we’ll see. I might and I might not, depending on how small I feel when I get up and get going tomorrow.
  17. TheCurvyJones

    Rant: The Scale

    And that's cool, because that works for you. But if you weigh in for 3 weeks and for 3 weeks it's the same and you ask about it, and someone says, well don't weigh......................How does that solve the problem of the numbers being the same for 3 weeks? It doesn't.
  18. TheCurvyJones

    Rant: The Scale

    vehemently disagree that the scale is the enemy. It is part of a set of tools that people can use to track progress. One must learn how to interpret the information-- among other information - to evaluate success. Along with clothing sizes and general overall feelings of healthy and improvement, the scale can be an effective tool. Knowing how to interpret data and use it in conjunction with other tools can help tremendously. If you track scale weight and inches, you will begin to see patters--- inch loss where the scale stands still... and then a drop in scale weight... and then inch loss. If you track food as well, you can see an immediate impact that certain foods have on our bodies, i.e. sodium. If I eat something salty, guaranteed it will show up on the scale. Bloated? Cycle coming? Constipated? All of that shows up on the scale for me. I bet it does for others. I'm annoyed when I see someone asking about how to improve their efforts and the first thing people say is 'well ignore that data'. Actually.... what is that data telling us? If the scale AND the measuring tape AND the clothing sizes all say the same thing, is the scale still invalid? if I'm at a standstill, HOW DO WE ADDRESS THE STANDSTILL? Telling me to ignore the problem and keep doing what I am doing when I am getting no result sounds nuts to me. Don’t brush me off as crazy because I look at numbers and you don’t know what to say to actually solve the problem.
  19. TheCurvyJones

    Rant: The Scale

    I am also an every day weigher. I always have been. And the people I follow that have been most successful track everything EVERYDAY including weight. When I don't weigh, I don't care. When I don't see the impact that certain things have on my body, it's like out of sight out of mind. If I hop on the scale and it's up and i don't know why? THAT. DRIVES. ME. NUTS.
  20. TheCurvyJones

    Rant: The Scale

    YES. I am VERY irregular. You know how I know my cycle is coming? I start gaining for no apparent reason. And also everyone around me seems to be stupid. LOL. But yes. I know my patterns and I know when the scale holds, I pull out the measuring tape. It's not the scale that is the problem, it is how you handle that data and most certainly if you CANNOT HANDLE the scale not moving, then don't consider that data in measuring your progress! Instead of telling people to stay off the scale, how about teaching them how to fold that data in with other factors to measure success or failure.
  21. TheCurvyJones

    Recommended Reading

    The Gastric Sleeve By Guillermo Alvarez. It's actually a nice handy size to carry in your purse or bag. IT's got some history on weight loss surgery, what the sleeve is, what the stages are, recommended eating and advice on getting to goal. It's a nice read. I am buying "Skinny Jeans at Last- secrets to long term weight loss surgery success" which was recommended by some YouTubers. I heard it was good.
  22. Stomaphyx is Bariatric revision for Gastric Bypass patients who are regaining weight. Not something that would be performed on a Gastric Sleeve Patient. People typically get this when they have stretched their pouch. Sleevers have less likelihood of doing so.
  23. TheCurvyJones

    Spouses reaction 2 weight loss

    The dirty little secret about WLS is that a lot of marriages end over the resulting issues. You will be feeling more confident and changed. He will be feeling exactly the same and he won't quite 'get' the new you. Hopefully a couple grows and changes together but sometimes the men in our lives don't get why anything has to change at all.
  24. TheCurvyJones

    38 and so scared of having surgery!

    I am 38 and had my surgery in December. EASY PEASY. You won't remember a thing after they start your IV!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
