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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NaomiesMommy

  1. Aww thank you amystimetoshine! Congrats on all of your babies ;) Babies/kids sure are amazing! I just gaze at our little sweetie and am constantly amazed at her <3

    No worries on not having something ultra inspiring to say... I actually think you did a fine job! It sounds like you know what needs to be done... Decrease calories, sliders... I think the hardest part is actually doing what we both know is the best thing to do. WE are the only obstacle standing on our way. We can...and will lose that weight once we get back to what we know ;)

    Best of luck to you!!! ;)

  2. Yay!!! Congrats butterfly!! How exciting!! :)

    Eh. That 15-25lbs weight gain is for "normal" pregnancies. If I may say... We aren't normal lol. We are modified. ;) My doctor saw no issue with me gaining the 65. She had the bypass years ago and I thank her for recommending the surgery to me!!

    The surgery is permanent.. We WILL lose the weight, it's just a matter of when! My appetite has already started to go back to the way it was before the pregnancy. What I want to know is....when does it go back to the way it was completely and how does breast feeding facto in? Helpful or hurtful in the weight loss process?

    Enjoy the pregnancy! :) hoping someone replies who has had the sleeve and a baby and Is back on track ;)

  3. Thank you!! :) We are so thrilled :)

    Now...to lose this baby weight and get back on track!! It's a bit discouraging o lose so much weight then gain 65lbs during the pregnancy. All for a good cause of course, but still. I know that I'm only 6 weeks post delivery but, I'm eager to get back on track.

    Anyone out there have a baby that had sleeve? I know there are a ton of you currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant... I wish you ALL the best of luck trying! Have fun! ;) Feel free to ask me questions about what happens during pregnancy after sleeve an all that!

  4. Thanks ladies!! :) She was a long time in the making...

    My husband and I tried for over a year to get pregnant back in 2009-2010. We finally were told to see a fertility specialist. I was informed that I had PCOS and we were going to have to do treatments. After 3 rounds of IUI, I was pregnant!

    Unfortunately, we had an awful and catastrophic pregnancy. I delivered our twins at 24 weeks gestation and they were just too young and tiny to survive for long. We ended up losing both our son and daughter after only a month of life.

    After the loss of our children, we took a break and got our lives back together. Not long after our loss, I had the sleeve. I lost 115 pounds in 13 months and then SURPRISE!!! Without even trying or planning on it...we found out we were pregnant! Ha! Quite a shocker! :) We were thrilled!!!

    I had an amazing pregnancy, and have birth to our beautiful baby girl at 36 weeks gestation. She's amazing!

    Like I said... I gained 65 pounds during the pregnancy. My appetite certainly increased during the pregnancy. I are much more frequently and small meals. I noticed that my capacity increased as well.. Whereas I could eat an entire sandwich instead of just a half of a sandwich. All of the sleeve rules go out the window when pregnant. I was starving and ate constantly....which is probably why I gained the 65! But...baby is here and happy and healthy and chubby! :)

    I've already lost 30 pounds but obviously still have some more to go to get to where I was pre-pregnancy. I am breast feeding and my appetite is still increased. Breast feeding burns a ton of calories and I find myself most hungry after a feeding.

    I have slowly started applying the rules again, but there are days where I feel famished. I assume due to the breast feeding.

    Any advice that any of you have on getting back on track post baby and breast feeding will be appreciated!

    So glad to be on this forum surrounded by support!



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