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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jen35

  1. I was having gallbladder issues 3 weeks out and couldn't eat/drink without getting sick. I didn't even think I was that dehydrated, but at the ER they had trouble finding a vein AND my pancreas was inflammed from it. Don't mess with dehydration. You really can't catch up once you are at that point. You need IV fluids.
  2. The nausea could be gallbladder. I was doing fine with Water (couldn't eat much) and no nausea until week 3. Then I couldn't even drink - I got so nauseous. It turned out to be my gallbladder. Hate recovering from another surgery at 3 weeks post op but I can eat/drink again no problem. Talk to your doctor - you shouldn't be choking for sure.
  3. I'm a month out too and I've had regrets, especially at first. I really think that part is somewhat normal. My body didn't feel good yet: I'm tired, have no energy and I really can't eat enough to be healthy yet. And I feel like I'm "melting" - I can't work out yet so my muscles are going. (I had gallbladder surgery at 3 weeks post-op so I'm only 1 week out from that - can't work out yet) So I get where you are coming from in a way. I did all my research (since October) and have been seeing a counselor since January (really helps), but I don't think anyone is truly prepared for how we will feel in the reality of it. I just want to feel healthy. But I know that it takes time for that. That being said I'm finally starting to eat real foods so I'm getting more energy and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Staying positive is key and my therapist is wonderful (she specializes in weight issues/bariatric surgery). I know things will get better and I'm focusing on that. I've lost 35 pounds which is amazing but I know that I'm not going to be a supermodel just because I'm losing weight. As I can work out and build muscle, I'll look better and feel better, but I've never been a knock-out and this surgery isn't going to magically make that happen:) Give it time. Think positive thoughts. Eventually, you will feel better - your body is still doing a lot of healing. I got my hair cut and try to take time for me.
  4. Jen35

    Full after 2 bites

    i have the same problem. i am full after a few bites and i know im not getting the nutrientsi need.
  5. I'm3 weeks post op and now I'm back in the hospital to have my gallbladder out tomorrow. I started getting really nauseous when I ate, or drank, had diarrhea. Dr told me to go to the ER - I knew I was getting dehydrated. Got some iv fluids, they did cat scans and ultrasound and my sleeve looked good. But my gallbladder is "sludgy" so surgeon recommends taking it out. I really don't want to have another surgery so soon, but I need to be able to eat and drink, which I can't do now without getting sick. I really hope this fixes my issues.
  6. right after surgery they gave me dalaudid (sp?) which I asked them not to give me. it's awesome for pain but it makes me feel dizzy and sick to my stomach. that's just how I react to it. morphine works for me. They gave me a morphine pump after the sleeve, guess I just assumed I would have the same. Never assume! I'm in as much pain as I was with the sleeve. I really think it's because my surgeries were so close together.
  7. Had my surgery today and home this evening. I'm in a lot of pain! maybe because I'm still recovering from my sleeve. I thought about staying one more day at the hospital, but they were giving me crushed Percocet which wasn't helping at all. I still have lortab at home which works better. don't know why they wouldn't give me morphine like after the sleeve.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I thought I had a stomach virus but I'm better when I don't eat. I've eaten very little for the last few days. But I still have back pain where my gallbladder is. I hope recovery is easy.
  9. I'm 3 weeks post-op I've really had issues getting in my food/protein. But I thought I was doing good with my Water intake - about 60 oz per day (really difficult to get more). Yesterday, I didn't get quite as much. Here's the problem - today I feel aweful. Nauseous, lower back and side cramps and generally feel blah. And now I feel the tell tail sign of a UTI (burning sensation). I know UTI's can happen when you're dehydrated. I'm really trying to get the water in even though I feel sick to my stomach. Should I call the doctor's exchange or wait until the morning? I know the UTI isn't an emergency, I'm more worried about being dehydrated (the cause of the UTI). Any thoughts?
  10. i can call the exchange. i think I'll try to get in a bunch of water and see how it goes tonight. if it doesn't get any worse, i can call the dr in the morning.
  11. I'm just wondering if I should wait until tomorrow or if I really need to call the doctor/go to the ER for fluids tonight.
  12. I can't tolerate the crystal light or other flavored drinks. I really tolerate water well and have my mug with me everywhere I go. I really thought I was doing well with it. Tonight I'm not even eating - drinking instead. I do like popcicles and use them to mix it up. My stomach is just so small or swollen or whatever that I can't eat/drink as I need to. I know I need to focus on the fluids.
  13. That's awesome - you can do it! I've got 14.5 more to go.
  14. I know we will all have different opinions on this and I may get flamed for this, but I'm so tired of hearing that "it's just head hunger - you're not really hungry". I'm sorry but I'm a big girl and I know when I'm hungry. I'm 18 days post op and I've experienced both head hunger and real hunger. It's not true that hunger goes away for everyone after surgery. Is it reduced? Yes, but not gone. Head hunger for me is craving something, wanting a specific thing that I can't/shouldn't have. Real hunger is when my body is telling me I need fuel, nurishment. And when I'm not eating very much (300 calories a day), my body is telling me I need food. That is a natural reaction to such calorie restriction. But I am only able to fulfill a small portion of my caloric needs right now. Before the surgery, I knew the difference between head and real hunger - I just ignored it and ate whatevery I wanted. Now, it's a lot easier for me to tell the difference. So please remember, some of us are actually hungry and it's not always in our heads. I'm so happy for those of you who don't get hungry - more power to you.
  15. Jen35

    Soft foods

    Week 1 - clear liquids and protein shakes Week 2 - full liquids Week3/4 - Puree/soft foods
  16. Jen35

    My tummy is aching funny...

    I get that pain in my side too. I'm hoping that it isn't my gallbladder. I don't want another surgery so soon after the VSG.
  17. Jen35

    10 days post-op and Im hungry!

    I'm 18 days post op and I felt the same why during the first week or so. If you look on this forum, you will find that It's really normal. No matter how much you research and prepare yourself, you don't really know what it's like until you experience it. This is an emotional process as much as a physicall one. I'm able to eat soft foods now and it's getting better every day. I go to a counselor and talk through my feelings which really helps. I'm really craving the foods I can't have (head hunger). I also get get real hunger. This will pass and in a few weeks/months, this will all be behind you.
  18. Jen35

    May 22nd sleevers ..

    I was sleeved May 22 and I'm down 28 pounds including my 1 week pre-op. Lost a total of 11 inches too:) I'm excited about that, but I know I won't keep losing that fast. I've just started soft foods and I think it's already slowing because I'm eating real stuff now. But I'm fine with that - I know there will be ups and downs, etc. The first week or so was really hard for me too. And the mental hunger is the worst!
  19. I'm 2 weeks out and I also have bruises under my 2 lower incisions. They have been more painful lately, but I also sit for several hours at a time for work. I have the pulling sensation too, but I remember having that with my c-sections. It's all the internal muscles they cut through - it's all still healing.
  20. Jen35

    I hate food

    I'm not a fan of food anymore either and I'm sad:( I love food and I still think about it, want it. I look at blogs of food I can eat soon (I call it food porn, hee hee). But then I eat and I'm like, ehhh not so wonderful. I tried the ricotta bake and that was the closest I've been to liking something. But I don't enjoy anything like before. I keep telling myself it's because I'm only 2 weeks out and I will eventually enjoy food again. Otherwise I get depressed.
  21. My husband has severe depression. Starting in 2005 he was hospitalized several times for it. They tried so many meds and the werent working or working fast enough. He had ECT sessions which really helped. this is a life saving treatment and not as scary as you may think. Aftet the Ect, he was no longer suicidal. Trough trial and error they found the right meds, but its a combination of 3 meds that work together. He is now on disability because he relapses and can't consistantly work, but tghe meds keep him doing well in general. His is a severe case, but just shows you not to give up hope. Thereare so many meds and a good pyschiatrist knows how to combine them. Dont lose hope. Call your dr and ask about free mental health services in your area. I know the depression makes it hard to do anything. Maybe ask a friend or relative to help with the calls and research. Reach out to your support network because you need that help right now.
  22. I've tried applesauce and it was okay. It seems my tummy doesn't like tangy things or artificial sweeteners or protein shakes. So that means alot of the stand-bys like sf jello, pudding, crystal light are all out. So far cottage cheese works, I've been eating eggs okay (I've had 1/4 of one over medium and just made some smushed up egg salad), smushed potatoes, smushed avocado, etc. It's not technically on my soft foods, but I've eaten watermelon and really ripe pear. I can't tolerate the baby food fruits, but real are okay (as long as they are smushed). I can actually have some crackers (on my list) so I have a couple with the laughing cow spreadable cheese. I want to start tuna and fish but that isn't on my plan until week 4:( Chicken is week 5 I think. I did buy some vienna sausages (not usually my kind of food - but I won't puree meat). I watched a video on You Tube and she had them during her soft phase - not hard to chew, etc. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm game. They actually have bbq and buffalo flavors. We'll see. I'm going to pull out the juicer and try juicing as well. I just need to get some more veggies. I like carrot/apple/spinach juice. We'll see if my tummy likes it. I just really need more nutrients! I'm going to start steaming some veggies too. I worry about the protein as well, since I can't do them. I'm just doing my best, taking my vitamins and trying to get as much protein in with food.
  23. Wow! You were sleeved the day before me and doing so much already. I don't have enough energy to go to the gym even if I was cleared for it. After my 1 week apt. last week I don'd see my surgeon until 1 month out. I think that's when I can start working out. What is your diet progression like? I just started soft foods, but I looks like you're eating a variety. I want to start eating more foods because I'm so weak! But I'm scared to push it too far too soon. The veggies - did you cook until really soft? Did you puree them?
  24. Jen35

    getting sick of water

    I have the same problem. Even plain water tastes a bit sweet to me. I cannot choke down the protein drinks and I'm kinda worried about not getting in my protein. But I'm on soft foods now so, I try to make sure it's higher protein stuff. I can't do any artificial sweeteners. No jello, isopure clear, powerade zero, etc. But I like the idea of putting fruit in the water - I will have to try that.
  25. Jen35

    Mud Run Tomorrow!

    Awesome! I did a 10K Mud Run here in St. Louis about 3 years ago. I had to walk most of it and skip a couple of the obsticles, but I was so proud of myself. I was about 215 pounds but had a lot of muscle. I plan to do the one next year, as I will be 1 year post op. I plan to rock it!

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