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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jen35

  1. Jen35


    Then you have more options (yay). My doctor allows any soup (no beef) as long as it's pureed and strained. This includes creamy Soups. I don't love canned soup, so I got some chicken and dumplings prepared soup from the salad bar of my grocery store. I blended and strained it and it was so yummy:) I look for those kinds of soups (already prepared on the salad bar or at a restaurant). Once you blend/strain, you can keep the rest in the fridge and enjoy for a few days. I'm also allowed s/f yogurt, no sugar added applesauce, no sugar added fudgesicles, so I've been eating less soup lately.
  2. Jen35


    On my clear liquid diet, I don't know about you but the broth got really old, really fast. The store bought stuff just isn't very yummy. What I found that helped me mix things up. Steak-n-shake vegetable soup - strain out all the chunks and it's a yummy veggie broth. Panera Bread chicken noodle soup - same thing, strain and enjoy the broth. Those are a couple things that helped me get through. There is a jarred boullion called Better Than Boullion and you just mix with Water. Has a good flavor. I have also used Cup a Soup or Ramen Noodles and just ate the broth (NOT the noodles). Any canned soup with a broth base can be strained as well.
  3. Jen35

    Protein shakes

    The Sunkist are sweet but tart at the same time. I'm not saying that they are yummy - but they aren't milk based and I don't have to force down as much to get the same protein content.
  4. Jen35

    Protein shakes

    I found them at Dierbergs (high end grocery store). Here is the company website: http://www.sunkistprotein.com/index.html You can find them on Amazon too.
  5. Jen35

    Protein shakes

    I had 1 week pre-op diet and I'm 10 days out and I've lost 25 pounds. So far so good! The first week is realy hard, so just be prepared. I only stayed one night in the hospital, but I should have stayed another night just for the adjustable bed and the good drugs . I'm still in some pain but not bad. I take pain meds at night just to get comfortable, but I plan to stop that soon. No nausea or vomiting (thank God!), my hospital gave me a patch behind my ear, nausea meds and a pressure point wrist thing so I'm sure that helped. They do that proactively so never felt sick. I'm on full liquids now and can move to soft foods in 4 days. Doing well, just get tired easy.
  6. Jen35

    Protein shakes

    Pre-op I liked the Premiere Protein from Sams, Atkins shakes, GNC Lean shakes. I'm 10 days post-op and it has been so hard to get my protein in. They don't taste good to me and I can't get in all the fluids. I recommend post-op, Sunkist protein shots. There are 2.5 oz shots with 24 grams protein and 3.2 oz shots with 42 grams protein. A little pricey but I think it's worth it. They come in orange, grape and fruit punch.
  7. I'm 10 days post-op and I still get gas after eating (also depends on what I eat). I'm on full liquids and it's nice to have a few different things now. I was having a lot of issues drinking my protein shakes. I think I'm lactose intolerat so so of them had me running to the bathroom. Others I just can't choke down anymore. But I found some Sunkist protein shots at Dierburgs. One is 2.5 oz with 24 grams of protein (isolate) the other is 3.2 oz with 43 grams of protein. They come in orange, grape and fruit punch. They don't taste too bad. They are fruity, sweet/tart. So I can get my protein in without having to drink so much during the day. Hope this helps others:)
  8. I'm 8 days out from surgery and I have been really weak. Yesterday I took a shower, got ready, went to my 1 week dr. appt then grocery shopping for an hour and a half. Felt aweful!!!! Back sore, abdomen sore. But today I'm much better. The nurse said that it's normal because we just had major surgery. It's going to take a while to get back to our usual speed.
  9. Jen35

    Diet Foods?

    I agree with the more natural route. I am 1 week post op and I cannot tolerate sugar free Jello, pudding, crystal light, light yogurt, etc. Most things with artificial sweeteners. I think my body is saying ENOUGH already. It's too much and it hurts my tummy, gives me gas. I want to eat healthy for the rest of my life and I don't see myself doing that on all this fake stuff. (the words "diet" and "cheat" are no longer in my vocabulary - this is my new lifestyle) I just started full liquids and it's hard right now. I'm trying to eat Soups (the real ones - just blended and strained), and start working in some of the things without the fake sugar. I can ony eat 3 bites anyway. 5 days till soft foods and counting!
  10. I am only 1 week out and really wish I could eat! Seriously, I think a 6 inch sub is not horrible. It is an improvement over what I know I could eat before (a lot!). I all comes down eating in moderation and making good choices. When you are talking fast food, a healthy option at Subway is better than a McDonalds Big Mac. Subway has healthy and not so healthy options, so the key is to know what they are before you go and have a plan. Eating at home is much healthier, of course, but there are times when we are going to eat out. I'm not swearing off restaurants for the rest of my life. But I will have a plan - knowing at least a few healthy choices at each so if I find myself there, I have the knowledge to stay on track. Regarding pushing yourself and eating what you can. My brother is 2 1/2 years out and he said that he's become used to the full feeling and it doesn't bother him as much. So he eats more than he should. He lost 150 lbs. and has gained 30 back. He went back to liquids for 3 days and he said it made a huge difference in feeling the restriction. Your brain can get used to those full signals and you can ignore them. So eating less than you "can" is usually better in the long run. (Even after 2 1/2 years he still can't eat the amounts that he used to - but you can eat more often to make up for that)
  11. I can relate. My sister has always been smaller than me (except for when I was a teenager and she was married and just had a baby). She's gained some weight here or there, but always could diet successfully. There have been times when I have asked for her help, if we could diet together or workout together, but sh never really supported me. Recently her weght has been creaping up closer to mine (pre-op I was 244 she is probably 220) but she is also 5 inches taller that han me. Since I was approved for the surgery, she has been dieting like crazy. She's also made comments about our yearly family trip to Florida in Sept that its clear to me she does not like the idea of being "the fat one". but its perfectly ok for me to fill that rollyear after year. Not this year!
  12. Wow. Protein shakes take me a bit longer than 15 minutes (closer to 30) but I can get the water in faster. My biggest problem is feeling so full. I also am realizing that I am lactose intolerant. FUN:( Even a couple sips of a protein shake with lactose gives me aweful gas and has me running to the bathroom. I was avoiding shakes because of it, but then realized it must be the lactose. I have some Isopure that I'm drinking now.
  13. I am 1 week post op and YES! I get so full so fast it's hard to get it all in. What I found that has helped me today - I take a 2 oz little cup (like one of those disposable ones with a lid) and I measure out 2 oz at a time. Whether its water or protein shake. That gives me a easy way to measure how much I'm getting in and gives me a smaller goal that doesn't seem so hard to do. I can easily drink that in 15 minutes. I have my 1 week appointment today and I have to be able to get my fluids in. I don't want this to keep me from moving on to full liquids - I NEED to progress in the food plan. Next week is soft foods and I don't think I've looked forward to anything so much in my whole life!
  14. Jen35

    post op day 4!

    I received guidelines of the types/amounts needed in a vitamin. As long as those are met, the brand doesn't matter. As an example, my nut wants us to have a vitamin with Iron (at least 18 mg) Folic Acid (400 mg) B1 (Thiamin) Selenium Zinc. If they are not Bariatric vitamins, I was told to take double the dose. The bariatric brands are already higher potency. Also need a Calcuim Citrate with Vitamin D (1500 mg per day divided into 3 doses of 500 - otherwise you won't absorb them) Also take your calcium separate from your multivitamin - taking iron and calcium together means they don't get absorbed. They also recommend a B complex (1 per day) We don't absorb B12 in our digestive tract after surgery so you need to either take sublingual (under the toungue) daily, nasal spray 1x per week (Rx) or a shot 1x per month. I ended up getting Celebrate Mult-Complete with Iron (chewable - Berry flavor is not bad). You take 2 per day. Solaray brand B-Complex chewable in strawberry kiwi flavor 1 per day. Bariatric Advantage Calcuim Citrate chews in Lemon (really good) - these have Vitamin D in them too. Again this is what my surgeon recommends, I'm not endorsing anything or saying you have to go that route. Hope this helps.
  15. My doctor is 1-2 nights in the hospital. I only stayed one night and was home by the next evening. I really wish I would have stayed an extra night. Day 2 was rough with pain and I could have used an extra day of IV fluids. It's been so hard getting in my liquids.
  16. Jen35

    Stomach noises?

    I'm 1 week post op and I mainly have the noises when I'm drinking/eating so far.
  17. you would only have mesh if you had a hernia repair at the same time and not all doctors use the mesh even then. mine didn't. I've got back pain from gas I think.
  18. I am really focusing on my water first so I don't get dehydrated which is also bad for kidneys. I have started mixing Isopure clear protein drinks with water for a 2 for 1 combo. It's really hard in the first several days, I know. I'm feeling a little better each day - getting a little more in than the day before.
  19. I'm so sorry you're going through all that! I was also sleeved 5/22 and had a few regrets myself - even without complications. Up until today, I couldn't swallow a sip without pain. That's finally going away. But day 2 I really wished I hadn't done this to myself. I still sort of feel that way when I'm hungry and all I can have is clear fluids or protein shakes - sooooo sick of all that. Keip your head up and I hope thing are better for you soon.
  20. Jen35

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    I was sleeved May 22nd and I've lost about 25 pounds so far. About 1/2 of that from my 1 week pre-op diet. I feel like I'm losing to fast (not complaining), but I really couldn't get my liquids in the last few days. This is day 5 and I'm finally feeling like I can drink enough. I'm also so tired all the time. Maybe once I'm on full liquids on Wed. this week I'll feel better. You're doing great!
  21. I was sleeved 5/22 with a hernia repair and I have the same thing. Every drink I get what feels like a gas bubble under my sternum, but it usually goes away pretty quickly (usually after I burp). My surgeon explained it to me like our stomachs are a clogged drain and when liquids go down it can "glug" air back up. I hope it goes away soon!
  22. So I'm on Day 4 (including surgery day) and pain is slightly better. Still can't get all my water/protein in. Every time I take a sip (even small ones) I have a tightness/pain in my chest which goes away once I burp. It's weird. So I'm sipping very slowly. I hope I don't get dehydrated. I go for my one week appointment on Wed. and that is when I should be switched to full liquids. I really need some variety. The clear liquids are getting so old. I also feel hungry which I didn't expect. Kids and hubby had pizza last night and I almost cried I wanted it so bad. Even a PB&J sounds heavenly right now! I'm not cooking right now (too much temptation) so my hubby has to feed the kids and he doesn't cook much. Therefore the pizza. They are really trying not to eat in front of me.
  23. Jen35

    I am 2 days post

    I had my surgery Wednesday as well. I came home Thursday evening, but I really think I should have stayed another night. Last night was really hard getting comfortable to sleep, even in my recliner. I'm having a lot of pain today, some is my stomach some is gas in my mid back. Walking definitely helps the gas pain. I'm kinda down because I'm really hungry and eating feels so wierd. I'm really focusing on my water right now. I started on some protein shake and that went fine. I just want this first week to be OVER! I want to be healed and on with my life.
  24. I'm home from the hospital and doing okay. don't like the pain at all. I'm hoping that gets better each day. eating feels really weird. I'm trying to sip all day, but I'm really feeling hungry, not sure if it's real hunger or just my strange stomach.
  25. Jen35

    Sharp Pain On Left Side Of Chest

    I'm 2 days post op and every time I swallow I get what feels like an air bubble and then I have to burp. It's weird and somewhat painful, but if I take smaller sips it helps. Sorry you're having this pain:(

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
