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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Tstorm1070

  1. I made a new protein shake today: 2 tablespoon pb 2 chocolate 1 med banana 1 scoop vanilla protein 8 oz water (recipe called for milk) 8 ice cube Blend and enjoy It was very yummy 244 calories 29g protein 1g fat 29g carb (most from banana) Made about 10oz
  2. I too had big bruises around mine. Especially my main one and they told me it was from going in and out of them and tugging but said they looked fine. I dont have pain any more after 8 days EXCEPT that main one is still sore
  3. Sorry I dont know why I posted so many times lol
  4. Eggs is one...1st time I pureed them after scrambling them. Then had a breakfast bowls with eggs and sausage etc. And since then.... thought of eggs makes me want to puke. Hamburger- made meatloaf and pureed that.... now thought and smell of meatloaf make me want to vomit. Those are the ones I can think of off hand.
  5. Eggs is one...1st time I pureed them after scrambling them. Then had a breakfast bowls with eggs and sausage etc. And since then.... thought of eggs makes me want to puke. Hamburger- made meatloaf and pureed that.... now thought and smell of meatloaf make me want to vomit. Those are the ones I can think of off hand.
  6. Eggs is one...1st time I pureed them after scrambling them. Then had a breakfast bowls with eggs and sausage etc. And since then.... thought of eggs makes me want to puke. Hamburger- made meatloaf and pureed that.... now thought and smell of meatloaf make me want to vomit. Those are the ones I can think of off hand.
  7. Tstorm1070

    February Sleevers

    I too have had issues knowing is enough. So I just stick with 1-2 tablespoon and that's it that way I dont over do it
  8. Tstorm1070

    Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!

    Good luck feb 22 slevers
  9. Tstorm1070

    Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!

    Wishing you a fast recovery and like liztex said it will be over before you know it and you will be on a new road of life.
  10. No I didn't. I will have check that out. Yes I have had all 4 flavors (as samples from my nut) and I did like them all
  11. I love them too!!! They are the little squares? By bariatric advantage? I got raspberry and caramel! Love caramel...makes me feel like I'm getting a candy treat (: those have never bothered me at all. The chocolate and citrus ones frim them are good too. They are on the expensive side but going to be so worth it for me lol
  12. I lost 9# right after and then weighed myself again after my 1 day stay and I gained 15#! It was a little frustrating and now I'm down #5 at a week out. It is patients and dedication and it will happen! The pain? Well my gas are still around but as soon as I had my 1st booty blow out then it started to feel better (:
  13. Ok I just tried bariatric advantage calcium citrate+vit d lozenges (even though they are chewable not a lozenge). They were huge and chalky and now my tummy is PISSED off! I am 7 days out and never experienced this before. Not pleasant(glad they were samples!) J.M.O
  14. My stomach hurts more on the left side stomach when I get up not real low though
  15. Tstorm1070

    February Sleevers

    I came home and right to my bed. The recliner isn't as comfortable for me.
  16. Thats a cool pillow! And congrats on everything is moving along (:
  17. Tstorm1070

    Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!

    I'm 7 days out and I'm still super sore on my right side. I cant even sit and bend to my right with out a lot of pain. Can do it on my left. I try stretching a little bit each day
  18. Well I never was much of a sleeper anyway. But I have noticed I am sleeping less and less. I'm at about 4-7 hrs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
