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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Tstorm1070

  1. Tstorm1070


    Yes, same here that is one of mine too that was really low. Smoking is the culprit! Stay strong (:
  2. Tstorm1070


    Some of my vitamin levels were low(due to smoking)and I need to wait as well for them to replenish and get higher. Smoking takes its toll on so many processes in the body
  3. Tstorm1070


    I too am a smoker. I quit 4 weeks ago this Friday. I went to the surgeon for what was to be my last appointment prior to surgery and they had already tested blood for nicotine several months prior and saw I had been smoking. I honestly lied to them and said I was only an occasional smoker(I was about half pack a day for past 15 yrs) and said I only had 1 cig in the past month. He looked at me and said even 1 cig a month? NOPE! postponed my last appointment by 12 weeks!!!!! However, this is the motivation I needed to give it up for good and to stop lying to myself and someone who was only wanting what was best for me. So lying about it gets you no where and you will feel so much better. I did stop cold turkey and there has been times where it is hard but its only fleeting urges and they subside and I move on. If I can do it I know you can too. You have to decide what is more important. I wish you the best!
  4. Tstorm1070

    On The Way To The Hospital

    Good luck and a fast recovery!!!
  5. Anyone using or used UW Madison Bariatric center?
  6. Tstorm1070


    OMG! I sure hope you get the surgery soon! Insurance co stink
  7. Tstorm1070


    Geesh...I sure hope you are almost done with your hoop jumping! I did a lot of them too. I don't know I have to do all those tests!? I go back in Dec for what I think is my last appt. I am hoping I will be ready for Jan, Feb at the latest
  8. Tstorm1070


    OH NO!!! that is so wrong. It is not like your so away from their requirements? So where at are you in the process?
  9. Tstorm1070

    Preop Loss

    The clinic never said that to me either. And they didn't say anything about my 2# gain. well good luck to you
  10. Tstorm1070

    Preop Loss

    I gained 2 pounds My xase manager called me from my insurance and checks on my after all my appointments and she said that places if any weight is gained they will not do surgery. I am just waiting for my last 30 min class w/nutritionist and then surgeon in same day(Dec is my last one and then surgey in Jan). I am just waiting to get final labs...I had a few vitamins that were deficient to start and have to get them back up. So how have you been doing? Does your program say you can't gain weight?
  11. Tstorm1070


    Wow you would of thought maybe 1 ha ha . My insurance requires me to go to Madison,Wi or Peoria,Il when there is surgeons in Rockford,Il where I am from. CRAZY HUH!
  12. Tstorm1070


    Hi there! I am 3 months pre-op. I am still having an issue and I need some suggestions. I LOVE to drink while eating and I have been working on it and find myself still doing this. I try and not have anything to drink near me and I do pretty good. Anyone else struggle with this and how did you overcome this. Also, its hard to wait for 1.5 hrs after to drink. Any suggestions welcomed. I will be having the sleeve in Jan 2013. Making the date in Dec. Thank you for your time
  13. Tstorm1070


    I think my NUT is a NUT! (:
  14. Tstorm1070

    Anyone Near Rockford,il?

    Yes I would love to keep in touch!!! And its so sad insurance companies will not pay and force us to go to a different country But I am glad you are getting it done. I would go a tad bit earlier than your surgery to enjoy the nice warm temps its going to get yucky here this weekend
  15. I wanted to know if there is anyone near me?
  16. Anyone going through UW Madison bariatric center?
  17. First of all...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is going to be an issue for me. But unlike you I have to buy my uniforms and shirts run 85.00 and pants are 100.00 each. I don't know what is going to happen? When my surgery date draws near and i will submit FMLA papers I will ask then. However, my employeer is not very understanding about ANYTHING! So I will keep my fingers crossed.
  18. Tstorm1070

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    I have found Synteax Nectar are pretty yummy! If you google it you can find some good deals. I would start with sample pack as you get almost all the flavors and can tell which ones you like and go from there. At si03.com they have a 14 packet special for 15.99 I believe. And they are low(if any) in fat/sugar and like 25 grams protein per scoop!
  19. Tstorm1070

    Anyone Near Rockford,il?

    Ah ok..not to bad of a distance then
  20. Tstorm1070

    Anyone Near Rockford,il?

    Burbs? Or actual Chicago? I am actually 15 miles north of Rockford
  21. Tstorm1070


    Thank you everyone!!! I think I will have to go cold turkey! Like when I quit smoking and that would seem harder so I KNOW I can quit drinking with meals. And they told me ideally they wanted me to wait 1.5 after eating. The 30 min before I am ok but after? UGH. I will aim for 10 min after and try pushing back as I go.? Thanks a million to pre and post ops! Love this place, I am finding it so helpful and supportive (:
  22. Tstorm1070

    Anyone Near Rockford,il?

    That is not too far
  23. Tstorm1070

    Anyone Near Rockford,il?

    Awesome! TheNEWME, I am much closer to you. I am just south of Beloit actually. Where at in the process are you? I am going through UW Madison and planning on Jan 2013 having the sleeve. I get my date the end of Nov or the beginning of Dec (:
  24. Tstorm1070


    Thank You, I am liking it so far Yes I do big drinks too. I am also finding it hard to get the water in with having to wait before and after. I currently drink 3 liters of water a day and when I practice the before and after I don't get hardly enough in. This is the biggest struggle in the whole process pre op for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
