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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TheGamer

  1. TheGamer

    Prepping for 2 week liquid diet

    I was allowed a single serving of broccoli on my pre op diet.
  2. The reason I won't take them is because they make me want to vomit. I've never tasted a bariatric vitamin that doesn't taste disgusting. After trying about a half dozen different vitamin types, I gave up and joined the gummy vitamin people and just supplement as needed.
  3. Sorry, this was a bag of the BA chocolate flavor shake.
  4. Sometimes I do miss having the ability to go all out on a meal. Mentally it's hard to break that desire. After all, I have a lot of good memories associated with my old eating habits. I can't really complain, though. If I had to pick one downside, I'd say it's how sensitive my stomach has become. I was the bearer of an eat anything love everything stomach pre-op. Now, certain things just make me go "eww, no" because my stomach just rolls at the mere idea of some foods. Also, my recovery time from stomach related illness seems to be much longer than it was before.
  5. You may want to check out the rest of the Bariatric Advantage line. I just took a look at the bag I've got and it doesn't mention shellfish on the list of potential allergens. I also didn't see iodine anywhere on the ingredients list.
  6. TheGamer

    190lbs to lose.

    I've lost that amount since late October. I was sleeved on 10/22. I'm 5'10" and my start weight was 383. Right now I'm about 286 and I've been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds this week, which I try to take in stride. My stomach's still a little sensitive from being sick, so my diet's been a bit more carb heavy than usual.
  7. TheGamer

    Items that Swell in your Stomach?

    I've not tried popcorn, but oatmeal has never given me any issues.
  8. TheGamer

    190lbs to lose.

    I hope it's possible, otherwise I'm screwed My goal puts me losing about 200 pounds when all is said and done. I'm about halfway there right now, and I was losing about 4 pounds a week. I was deathly sick for a couple weeks this month, though, so this month's weight loss is wonky as all get out. When comparing the long term results between a sleeve and RNY, the results are very similar. RNY has a slightly higher overall weight loss, but honestly, all the increased complications and icky side effects, not to mention a life without chocolate... it just wasn't for me.
  9. TheGamer

    Is My Sleeve Too Big?

    Just as a reality check, you do realize how very little 800 calories a day is, right? You could probably double that and still lose weight. Granted, it wouldn't be as fast, but I think we get a bit desensitized to the fact that we really, honestly, eat next to nothing.
  10. TheGamer


    Try taking smaller bites. Silly as it sounds, I eat with a baby spoon to help me take proper sized bites.
  11. TheGamer

    Protein shakes

    I like the GNC Total Lean pre-made shakes in chocolate and vanilla. I used to like the strawberry, but they're too sweet now =\
  12. It depends on what I'm craving, honestly. I love turkey jerky if I'm wanting to chew something. If you like seaweed, try the flavored nori strips. The most common are by Yamamoto Yama and they're pretty inexpensive at the asian market. I love the spicy teriyaki ones. If I want something a little sweet, I'll have a few cocoa almonds. I also like the low fat Laughing Cow wedges for something creamy and a little rich.
  13. At our local Mexican place, they have a spicy chicken dish called Pollo Loco that's very tasty. It's served with rice and Beans, but I just have them hold the rice. The soap thing might be a palate change if there's cilantro in it. For people with non-cilantro friendly taste buds, it's often said to taste like soap.
  14. TheGamer

    Hello, Im VQ

    Why not try to substitute being overweight with bulking up? As much as I'd rather not say it, if you want to sabotage around your sleeve, you *can* do it. Personally, though, I'd rather go for putting on muscle as opposed to fat.
  15. TheGamer

    Fresh lemons, what to make with them

    Ooh, I second on some fish. Some salmon with a little dill and some butter... Now I'm hungry
  16. TheGamer


    Yup. I had them when I was sick a couple weeks ago. I couldn't keep anything down but crackers and Soup. Was a high carb week but better than starving.
  17. TheGamer

    Protein Shake

    Check the massive shake thread for recipes once you find a brand of shake that doesn't make you gag. I think I went through a dozen different kinds before I settled on one.
  18. TheGamer


    If I'm going for taste I'd go with wheat thins, m'self.
  19. Yup! It happens. My post op stomach is much more sensitive than my old one. My biggest challenge was finding a protein mix/drink that I could tolerate post surgery. I had settled on GNC's Total Lean until I got sick a couple weeks ago. Now, they're too sweet and upset my stomach I also have a love/hate with chicken. Some times, I love it. Others, it's just icky.
  20. TheGamer


    Yup, when my stomach acid issues were at their worst (with my stricture) I felt hungry all the time.
  21. TheGamer

    I'm giving up________for Lent.

    I'm givin' up nothing cause I'm a (not as) big (as I used to be) ol' heathen.
  22. TheGamer

    big scar

    Most people don't want to risk having a more invasive surgery or the surgery cancelled altogether (the more common possibility). They literally have to move the liver out of the way to get at your stomach and livers are pretty delicate to start with. Highly fatty livers risk more tears and bleeding, so it's best just to stick with the pre op plan so that all goes well.
  23. TheGamer

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    They don't know I broke my ankle years ago, and they patched it with a plate and screws. It aches occasionally in the way that old broken bones will, so I didn't think much of it until I tried to stand up this morning and failed. Xrays showed nothing wrong physically and I didn't injure it in any way that I know of, so they stabilized the ankle with an air cast and gave me some crutches and told me to stay off it until it stops hurting.
  24. TheGamer

    How to handle critics?

    I think when people offer comments like that they are, in a backwards, twistedly strange way, trying to be nice. It's difficult to look someone in the face and go "Yeah, your ass is large enough to have its own gravitational pull..." Surgery for weight loss carries a stigma. We were the ones who couldn't do it the "right way". People are judgmental pricks when it comes to obesity. If you're fat they look down on you, and when we resort to surgery, they look down on that, too. That's just the way it is. It's not right, but life's too short to worry about a bunch of jerks. I've been very lucky in that the people in my environment have all been (at least to my face) very supportive of my decision. Your average person isn't going to get what we go through. They can try, but for the people that small changes in diet and exercise work for, they're not going to understand that we've been there and done that, often for most of our lives. We wouldn't be doing this if any of the other things we tried had worked. Just know you're doing what's best for you and don't sweat other people.
  25. TheGamer

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I did that program years ago, with moderate success. I'd join you on it again if I didn't just get a shiny new pair of crutches today

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