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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lizv123

  1. I regret this surgery. And I regret that my mom is in the hospital at this very moment fighting for her life because of WLS.

    It almost killed me, has made my fibromyalgia 10x worse, given me digestive issues, mental abuse by those in the medical field, take 40-47 pills a day (not counting Vitamin supplements), looking at more possible surgeries from side effects of the sleeve and now it's killing my mother? I researched for a FULL year, every day, all day before surgery.

    Yes. I have LOADS of regrets.

  2. Anybody that's been on here long enough knows my struggle with the sleeve. My leak, my inability to lose weight, my capacity still being huge, losing only 70lbs and that's by doing everything by the book. My mother is dying from this surgery because she's SO underweight from it. She's literally in the hospital now in ICU.

    So, mostly vets, are there any diet pills or supplements you've tried with success? I eat a balanced diet, and with my disabilities I'm not able to exercise like I want/need.

    Help please? Thanks in advance.

    And please save any ill remarks. They're unneeded. I was an inch from my life because of this surgery, my surgeon has berated me because he sees me as a failure and has marked me "non compliant" because I'm not physically able to do his exercise routine and because of his slip of hand I have a much larger stomach than 4 oz.

  3. They charge per page, and that is why you do not want every page. There could be 200 pages+ there. You call the hospital, ask for the Medical Records Dept. You tell them you may be moving and need to take your medical records with you (makes your reason simple for requesting records), and you want to know how much they charge per page for the copies. They might be able to tell you how many pages the total is.

    Linda, is there a pocket sized version of you I can buy? Because you're just great! Thank you again!

    I think it would be well worth the cost not only for the law purposes but to give to my new follow up surgeon, and keep for myself to reflect. If I have no case at I can look back at the severity on paper and be proud and grateful I'm still alive :)

  4. Having worked for judges and lawyers 44 years, never randomly call a lawyer. OMG. Law offices can be like vultures and promise you the moon - sorry, but I know. Find a board certified lawyer who handles personal injury. If you lose a case you can be ordered to pay attorneys fees and costs for the doctor, so you want an attorney who will be experienced, not new and hungry for a case, who will explain all this. You can order the entire medical records from the hospital but it will cost. Well worth the cost however as you can sit down and read everything. You can limit the exact papers you want to include doctors' notes, nurses' notes, operative reports, history and physical, discharge summary, lab reports, you get my drift. A lot of lawyers are former federal prosecutors, so those types of backgrounds are things to look for. I think you will not be satisfied until you get a professional opinion, and I agree. I wish you the very best of luck.

    How do I go about getting these records? And at what cost?

  5. I get it its highly frustrating when you try and try to be heard/seen and your real concerns looked at just to be told off like a child and its “bad girl bad!” and not anyone else’s fault but yours. Makes you want to scream and punch people and like every single way you turn its just hopeless. Had this years and years ago nothing to do with wls another issue had a rude doctor who made me cry during our meeting and all the way home. Just saying be careful they will twist it after all he is a medically trained doctor if he is the only one there they have a lot to loose if he is a insurance risk for litigation they will stick by him and rake you over the coals. That’s not to put you off but to be aware if you go ahead with it you are going to have to be strong and figure out all the ways they will try and twist and turn it and come at you. Also before you even speak about going ahead with anything get a copy of all your medical notes you would be amazed at what things get noted down its got a lot of people in trouble in the past for putting in rude judgmental remarks even if they were having a bad day. You want all this now as your gonna get a edited if at all version if you go ahead with legal actions. You need to get a new doctor and have them check everything out tell you point blank if the actions and treatment were truly the right things to do given the situations. You also need one for just better treatment all round even if you were told he did the right thing there is no way you would deal with him again or trust his word or treatment of you anyway.

    I never would have thought about the medical notes, and I used to be a transcriptionist. Duh lol that's brilliant! Thanks!

  6. Liv: look for a personal injury lawyer. Tell them right off this is a possible malpractice case. Be up-front about your expectations: you want a free consultation. You want to pay on "CONTINGENCY" basis - the lawyer collects a hefty percent if you win, no $$ if you lose. Expect the lawyer to want 1/3 to 2/5 of the final settlement. Just pick up the phone and call three offices. Today. Leave messages with their answering services. You're interviewing them for a job, be the boss!! They will call you back, I promise. Hang in there. You may or may not have a case, I don't know. I do know that each patient needs to be evaluated on their own merits, especially for pain control ... NOT based on how many people in your local area are addicts. If you have a doctor managing your pain meds specifically, that's good. There is a difference between being "physically dependent" (all opiates create physical dependence) and "addicted". Being an "addict" includes certain behaviors that your pain management doctor can speak to, not people on the internet. Some doctors are complete a$$h0les. And the whole "not taking responsibility" sounds about right, some docs think they're infallible!! Remember, "PERSONAL INJURY" lawyer. Just open the phone book.

    Thank you a million times over for this!!

    And even more thanks for understanding the difference between addiction and physical dependency. I know I'm dependent, obviously. But in no way do I take my medication to feed an addiction! I'm so happy to feel unjudged.

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  7. I'm so sorry you've gone through this. I'm in Southern Indiana as well and had surgery at Baptist East Hospital in Louisville by Dr. John Oldham. I really can't say enough great things about him or his practice. I highly recommend you reach out to them for aftercare. They have a dietician and psychologist on-site that I've also found extremely helpful through this journey. Best of luck to you and God bless.

    I was JUST looking up Baptist East's next seminar! Several years ago when I was looking into the lapband (06/07?) I went there and liked their program but at the time all they did was lapband and I didn't think it was for me. Probably should have gone with them first lol

    I'm in Scottsburg. How long ago was your surgery?

  8. In the hospital I didn't think much of his behavior because I know surgeons are top of the egotistical list, I saw him almost everyday while in the hospital that month. I wasn't in stable enough condition to transfer. At my one month and 6 month appointments I saw his nurse practitioner and not him. I didn't see him again until my one year check up and that's when he crossed the line. I haven't and won't see him again. But I do understand what you are saying. Pre-op and my initial post-op he wasn't that bad. It wasn't until my leak that he started seeing me as a walking mistake. I know he sees me as his failure and it hurts his ego.

    As for the stomach thing, they take 85% and he told me after my initial surgery everything went perfectly and my stomach could hold four ounces. In the seminar he "guaranteed" a 4 oz stomach. I only tested my stomach's capacity to prove my theory that I could hold way more than he stated and even promised. But because I know my stomach is larger, I meticulously measure all my food, maxing out at 6 oz if I'm having a low Protein day. Even after 4-6 oz I still physically feel hunger pains. My stomach growls. It's not head hunger, I've killed that beast lol but only eating the four ounces has effected my blood sugar and I'm hypoglycemic now, which poses a huge problem.

    I asked him about my meds effecting my lack of weightloss and he specifically said "your thyroid function looks perfect, it's not your medication."

    He's contradicted himself and wreaked havoc on me physically and emotionally. I actually started crying after I posted earlier and still am. That may not seem like much, but I don't cry lol I've never been a cryer, even as a child.

    This entire situation has me feeling worthless, used, and like a total failure at everything (not just weight loss)....I'm at the point of a breakdown.

  9. At this point I'm completely lost. I have compiled and documented everything I went through and what my mother, father, stepmother, and fiancé witnessed the first week or two when I was in and out of consciousness (thank you morphine!)

    But I am CLUELESS as to finding an attorney. I've never had any issues with anything legal aside from jury duty. I'm well aware of the slim chance I have a case, and I know if I do it will be settled to avoid totally trashing his reputation. I hate that this is happening. My mother had a DS done by him one month after my complications and she has since lost around 120+lbs. I just say she's lost both Olsen twins. So far her surgery is going perfectly but she is developing a concern. She isn't watching her caloric intake, she gets her Protein, but she also consumes a lot of calories and is still rapidly losing weight. Whereas I have done everything by the book (diet and supplement wise) and in around 16 months have only lost around 50-60lbs. (I no longer look at the scale because it just depresses me.)

    I'm STILL dealing with complications from the surgery. A VERY elevated SED rate, a higher tolerance to all medications (please save the narcotics speech, I cry almost every time I have to take a pill because I know the damage and the consequences.)

    I strongly believe he didn't remove enough of the fundus. When I started puréed, 8 oz wasn't a problem. I have been sick once from drinking too much Water too fast, but never from overeating. I did my own cottage cheese pouch test...12 ounces before I even started feeling full! But I still always measure my meals 4-6oz as my "surgery bible" recommends for sleeve patients.

    As much as I hate that I'm even thinking of this, maybe I need to get the lapband or look into a sleeve revision (different surgeon of course!)

    I'm 5'4" and weigh 220ish give or take a few pounds. That's after a surgery that almost killed me. After a surgery I was promised by my surgeon that would get me to a healthy BMI as long as I complied. Well I've complied for over a year and nothing. I've tried boot camp, I've tried raising and lowering calories...anything an everything I've been advised to do by my nutritionist and the vets on this board and NADA. Something is not right.

    I digress...how on earth do I go about finding good attorneys? Not the ones with PowerPoint commercials on local channels or faces on the sides of a bus. I need help finding a handful of lawyers to present my case to, to see if it's even worth pursuing. The statute of limitation in Indiana is 2 years. So time's a wastin'!

    Any advice?

  10. Yes most liquids taste nasty! but not these. Go to the websitehttp://www.wellesse.com/ or call the 800 number and they will send free samples. The Iron does not taste great but is is not bad. All the other taste very good. I was very surprised when I got my samples. I ordered them three weeks before surgery, I am two weeks post op and I take them daily. I have healed fast and feel very good. Anyway try the free samples if you do not like them you are out nothing.

    The Calcium was delicious! I finished a whole bottle before I realized it wasn't calcium citrate :/

    The Protein was awful lol but I choked down half a bottle of it before I noticed it was collagen Protein. Boo again!

    It was a nice chance up though.

  11. I'm sorry to hear how rotten you're feeling! I have Lupus and I hope you don't...but if you ever have questions about that, I will try to help! :D

    Thank you :) I pm'd ya!

    Lupus sounds scary and always makes me want to watch House haha! I need a Dr. House! My body is a mystery, my medical files read like a novel lol

  12. My mom has had fibro for years. She can't take any of the traditional meds for it because if there's a side effect...she gets it. She finally went to a fibro specialty clinic down in southern Arizona. They did a ton of testing to see exactly what things cause systemic inflammation and flare up her fibro. She's always known she was gluten and lactose intolerant, but only considered it an "inconvenience" that irritated her GI Tract. Well it was confirmed that the dairy and gluten and a TON of other food exacerbate her fibro. Ironically, the soy and almond milk she had been drinking all these years were near the top of her list. So she has a huge list of foods to completely cut out for now as well as being on a natural cortisol to help reduce inflammation in her body. The food restrictions have been very tough, but she has noticed a difference and is finally feeling better than she has in years. So maybe finding someone to approach your fibro from another angle could help with your pain levels. Chronic pain is extremely debilitating even without your other issues. (I know, preaching to the choir)

    Well turns out my lovely (sarcasm) state of Indiana passed some new bill requiring any pain medication (and other drugs) that is prescribed has to be done so by an office that accommodate a physical for the given condition. This may not seem like a big deal to most people but my doctor (a psychiatrist who has chronic pain herself and also runs a suboxone PROGRAM, not clinic) who has been in charge of all my medications aside from the random ear infection and my gyn stuff now has to stop giving me my medication and I have to find a new doctor. This notice to me came on the same day she delivered bad news about my blood work, my SED rate is 75 and there was some mention of sciatica PLUS lupus, cancer, etc because my white cell count was really high, too. But my increased SED explains why I'm in MORE pain than I was previous to the sleeve. To the surgeon that said I was lying about pain....SUCK ON THAT!

    So I get to find another doctor.

    And go through allllll this again. Who knows what crazy diet, drug, or therapy I may have to try next. Mrrrrph. Hopefully something will get figured out about my pain and complete stop of weightloss.

    She also had done the Hashi's tests when I had my labs done. Everything checked out fine there. Here's to finding the next thing!

  13. You can find the pouch test on line for free, there is something here called "Divas Boot Camp" that some swear by, others use the 5:2 (like me) to get the pounds moving. We do not have a pouch, the test is used by people who have gotten RNY surgery mostly. I don't mind, Im not worried about a lawsuit... but I can see Lizv123 surgeons name...

    I've tried Diva's boot camp and had success the first couple of times (a few months out from my hospital release) but since then, nothing. And I've done a solid Protein sleeve capacity test (essentially the same as a pouch test I think) and was so depressed by how much my stomach could actually hold.

    I think until I can get this Hashi's testing rolling I may try 5:2 next week. My only concern is with my hypoglycemia. The "fasting" days may not work.

    It's so frustrating to still be taking the time to measure and pay so much attention to eating Protein heavy foods and avoiding carbs as much as possible with no results :/

  14. i would recommend a paleo autoimmune diet, and a trainer who has experience working with bariatric patients. you may want to read a book called "ultrametabolism." it explains how hard it is to lose weight when your body is having an inflammation crisis. (which it sounds like it is based on your symptoms) feel free to PM me for more info.

    Thank you! I'll look into that!

  15. I have Hashi's. It's an autoimmune thyroid disorder that can affect the whole body. I agree with the other poster. You need to get a full thyroid panel + antibodies to get an accurate idea of what's going on inside. Current studies suggest an elimination of gluten can significantly improve Hashi's. Google Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for more information.

    Thank you so much! The only thing I saw on the symptoms that I don't and have never had is the goiter/thyroid swelling. I'm wondering if I do have Hashi's, if getting it under control will help with my pain and fibro? I'm about one step away from breaking down and applying for disability because I can't do anything. I sleep about 10-12 hours a day, most days I'm lucky to have the strength to go to the toilet (the rim hits right on my trigger points and I've sobbed numerous times while peeing just because of the trigger point pain.)

    I'm 27 and it breaks my heart to even think about being on a fixed income and giving up my dreams of a career and kids, but as things are now, that's where my life is heading.

    Maybe a full thyroid panel will help diagnose anything to kick start this damn weightloss! This sleeve disappointment was kind of the final straw. :/

  16. Your experience sounds awful! I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia as well as several autoimmune disorders (Hashimotos, PCOS, and lichen planus). A year ago I was in excruciating pain all the time and so tired I slept 12 hours a day. I have gradually been working on improving my health and losing weight was just a part of it. I am even running my first half marathon on Sunday! With your fibro, slow loss, and depression, I would highly recommend getting tested for Hashimotos. Make sure your doc tests for thyroid antibodies, and not just a TSH test. Since you mentioned that you have not seen an endocrinologist, that would be my first recommendation. Check with your pharmacy to see what endos in your area prescribe Armour thyroid, Cytomel, or other T3/T4 thyroid meds. The endos that only treat with T3 (Synthroid) are usually not the best docs for improving your health. If you get this done and find out you have Hashis, read the book "Stop the Thyroid Madness." Second, get your Vit D levels checked...

    Thank you! My D levels are right on target but the rest I will absolutely look into! What's the diet like? What is Hashimotos? That's a new one to me :)

  17. Have you been to a new surgeon for another opinion? I think that's where I would start, although, I can understand being nervous about doing that.

    I'm still contemplating a lawsuit so I need to look for a new surgeon for check ups anyway. I hate that because my current staff and NP are so amazing and sweet. I may have to pursue a surgeon in Louisville, KY instead. It'll be worth the extra drive time, but another operation is an absolute last resort in my mind right now haha

  18. I take the gapapentin for pain control for tardive dyskenesia (no cure). It has weight gaining properties that complicate my situation. I have verbal approval from the insurance company and my appointment with the surgeon next week. Is there anyone out there who as dealt with this.

    I take neurontin (gabapentin) and I think it may have a small effect on my complete lack of weightloss. Make sure your dr does regular metabolic/thyroid labs.

  19. I will be the negative Nancy on this thread. As a leak survivor it's my job. I followed everything to a T and ended up in the hospital for over a month with a leak. TPN strict NPO, MRSA, permanent lung damage, and here's the kicker: over a year out after following everything insanely strictly I stopped losing at 6 months. I regret it. I'm back at square one having to go back to different dieting, dealing my jerk of a doctor, etc.

    Think about it CAREFULLY! Just because you follow the rules doesn't mean you won't get a leak. Surgeons are much nicer pre-op, but once you're cut, they're done. I'm not going to talk you out of it. SO many people on here have amazing and inspiring stories and it's changed their lives for the better. But don't forget about the small handful that this surgery has devastated. We're a small percent (Thank God) but remember you could be in our number. Slim chances! But it's a serious life change and risk.

    Best of luck! (And before anything research research research! Think you know enough? Research more! So many people on here rush into things and then bit** and moan afterwards because they didn't do enough research beforehand) keep us posted, love!!

  20. I'm not sure I could do the 5:2 diet with my

    Hypoglycemia :/ I suppose resleeving or a lap and with a new surgeon would be possible but I'm terrified to go through this again. All the horrors I dealt with from my first go around. I went against the lap band, too because of all the complications and horror stories I've heard plus the fact of living with a big foreign object in me freaks me out. I'm just at a total loss. I don't want to give up, I'm still miserable with my weight. A contributing factor of this surgery was to help my BDD, anxiety, and depression. I went through YEARS of therapy dealing with just this, preparing for the change, having realistic expectations, etc. then alllll this happens. It's turned my brain to mush :P

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