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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123

    Non believers

    Alright I'm gonna say it, I skimmed this and as its a current thread I'd like some input. I was raised Southern Baptist, hardcore-wash your feet Southern Baptist. But in my adolescence I felt it didn't fit me and researched other religions and beliefs realizing I agree with little pieces of all of them. Those pieces being what should be common sense and basic human nature: be nice. I'm a non-believer. 99% of the time. But as silly and illogical as I know it is, in sticky situations (my hospital stay, my friends cancer, etc) I find myself praying/talking to anything as an attempt to cover all bases. Does anyone else do this? I mean at no point am I addressing a bearded man in the sky or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, just anyTHING or anyONE that may be there. Is that just the "programming" of my youth? I tend to think so.
  2. lizv123

    Why is this forum even here?

    Alright, looping largely back around.... I'm on my app, where are my dots? Pips are now gold stars in my mind.
  3. lizv123

    Diabetis and the gastric sleeve

    Hate to be the Eeyore of this topic but don't buy into surgeons telling you this will "cure" your diabetes. My mother had type II and two weeks after her surgery she was off all diabetes and blood pressure meds. However, I'm now having issues with blood sugar/hypoglycemia and was sleeved in November. Luckily for you, I'm in the minority! But let your surgeon (if he's anything like mine) promise a great miracle after surgery. There's no predicting how each individual will handle such a drastic change in their system. Best of luck!!
  4. My mother had the DS as 1 surgery and her results are phenomenal. I was sleeved 11-12 and had complications that had me in the hospital until December 29, 2012. I've been "stalled" at 220ish (a 55lb loss) for 2-3 months. I still do everything by the book as far as diet goes, and because of my fibro I can only exercise so much. I also feel my sleeve can hold way more than it should. My mother's sleeve stomach allows her to eat about one third of what I eat before even feeling satisfied. I'm giving serious thought to having the switch but I'm terrified of more complications :/
  5. lizv123

    Has anyone not had hair loss?

    I was sleeved at the end of November and have had no hair loss until the last month and that's entirely the fault of a new medication I'm on. But I also got in all of/if not more than my daily protein requirements, took very good care of my scalp and hair before and after surgery. There's a chance you won't lose any at all, but if you do, fear not! It will grow back. They say it tends to start thinning around months 3-5
  6. lizv123


    It's pretty nifty! I'll give it go when I put out my last smoke
  7. lizv123


    For me, the oral fixation was the hardest part. I don't particularly like smoking, but it was something to keep me occupied. Suckers work well as mentioned above. Unlike peppermints, they give you something to do with your hands. I just preferred the taste of mint
  8. lizv123


    The hardest time for me was driving. ALWAYS had to drive and smoke. I stocked my car full of peppermints and always made sure I had Water to drink if I knew I would be driving. You can do it, darlin'!
  9. lizv123

    Indiana Sleevers

    Until my weight is stable I'm hitting up Goodwill and consignment shops!
  10. lizv123

    Indiana Sleevers

    I felt the same way when mom bought me a size L old navy sundress as an incentive. I figured I'd try it on to gauge how much more weight I'd have to lose to wear it and it fit! A large! Not a XXL or XL but a large! Which is probably the smallest size I'll ever wear in tops. My grandma passed on her chest size to me, even at my smallest Mediums felt like a corset on my tatas Congrats on the NSV! Personally, I find those way more gratifying than the scale
  11. lizv123


    For the most part, yes. But as far as surgery is concerned the nicotine makes anesthesia complicated and doesn't mix well. In general though, you're right. The tar ad carcinogens are what causes long term cardio and pulmonary damage.
  12. lizv123


    It depends on heavily you smoked up to that date.
  13. lizv123


    So glad to see a smoking thread that hasn't erupted with drama!! I smoked before surgery and stopped roughly 2-3 months before hand because that's how long nicotine stays in your system. (Lab tech told me this.). Now with that being said, I've randomly picked it up again. Yes I know the risks. Yes I am trying to quit. I smoke about 1 cigarette every 1-2 days because its the only thing, aside from an enema, that will guarantee a trip to the bathroom. I'm one of those super rare cases that has #2 issues after surgery. Fun stuff But if you're down so much already it will only get better! Hang in there! I found that anytime I wanted one pre-op I'd chug a bunch of Water or eat ice chips. Helped with the oral fixation and ya know, it's good for you good luck! You can do it!
  14. I haven't had this, but when I was in the hospital many of the staff and nurses had had variations of weightloss surgery and more than one person told me they keep meat tenderizer with them at all times. A teaspoon mixed with a little water will dissolve most anything that's stuck with nearly immediate results. I haven't had this happen yet, but I keep a tiny container of it in my car and purse just in case
  15. A carb detox will help. Try the Diva's boot camp on here. I need to myself, but I'm cheap and I can't just pitch the carby foods I have here Once you eliminate carbs and load up on Protein you're likely to hit ketosis again. I'm slightly envious of your ketosis breath, that never happened to me so I have no real sign of it :/ Protein's hard! And somebody previously mention the Isopure ready to drink things, if you can stand the taste they're a great option. It's Fluid PLUS protein without that milky quality the shakes have. Early on I used them to make protein Jello. Gatorade 3 has protein shakes, haven't tried them, but they may switch up the taste for you. About Time (I think is the name) has a variety of different flavored that may help you switch it up, too. Also, protein Peanut Butter balls! There's a recipe on here. Nothing but peanut butter (or PB2) and chocolate protein powder. It's a protein packed sweet treat
  16. GNC has an unflavored protein powder that doesn't have the temp restrictions that the Unjury powder does. I use it a lot. I also eat my protein in food and have shakes as snacks as needed. I use chocolate protein powder with a little bit of sf chocolate syrup for chocolate milk. If you add powdered milk to regular milk it doubles the protein content and the taste isn't much different. Just remember your body can only absorb 40g of protein at a time
  17. lizv123


    Out of all my incisions you can only see one scar anyway.
  18. Absolutely! I hate those hot flashes!
  19. ... Huh? This one confused me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
