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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123

    Help Me Asap!

    Any peppermints or ginger around? You need an antiemetic and try to keep up the fluids. I know at this point you're probably just dry heaving which is dangerous for the new stomach. Any other symptoms?
  2. lizv123

    Help Me Asap!

    How far out are you? I'd say take any zofran/phenergen you have left over and contact your dr. That early on you could still damage your suture line. (Early retching partially caused my leak) if you don't have an antiemetic get into see a dr ASAP, maybe even the ER. Better safe than sorry. Good luck and keep us posted!
  3. lizv123

    Indiana Sleevers

    You lucky dog! I've been following everything to a T and have still only lost 65lbs, and 5 days shy of my year anniversary!! So glad you're doing well Milton!
  4. lizv123


  5. lizv123

    Non believers

    I'm glad we could help
  6. lizv123

    Non believers

    Ah, join the club!
  7. lizv123

    Non believers

    I think this is the one I read: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1558771
  8. lizv123

    Non believers

    Ha, she found the same thing you beat me!!
  9. lizv123

    Non believers

    http://m.livescience.com/20654-autism-belief-god.html This is one, but not the exact one I read
  10. lizv123

    Non believers

    I'll look for it when i get the chance
  11. lizv123

    Non believers

    I actually read an interesting article about autism and atheists. The part of the brain that process religion and faith in an aspie, doesn't function like those who aren't on the spectrum. It goes in hand with their very literal and logical thinking. So she's absolutely not alone. And as parent of a nonbeliever, neither are you I'm glad you can find comfort in this forum.
  12. lizv123


    During my morning ritual Facebook scroll, I see on CNN that parents had Bariatric surgery performed on their child. Their TWO YEAR OLD! Can we talk about how this is absolutely not ok?!
  13. lizv123


    From what I understand this particular boy didn't have the PW diagnosis. I've worked with kids in the mo/md room that have it. If he did I would still be hesitant but more understanding. This particular, again from what I understand, was just obese. And has very lazy, incompetent parents...
  14. lizv123

    Can u take to much protein

    You have to remember too, your body can only absorb 30-40 grams of Protein at once. But unless you've got kidney issues I don't think it'll hurt. Especially if you're working out
  15. lizv123

    Flu shot

    I would. I got mine in the hospital. But it's much easier to get it taken care if beforehand. Trust me, flu on top of recovery is NOT fun.
  16. lizv123


  17. lizv123

    XXX rated super serious question!

    That's what I'm thinking lol

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