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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nina_S

  1. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    You go Toni!!! Work it! I want some cc's :phanvan. I'm looking forward to Big Medicine myself. Nina
  2. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Janine, From what I understand my band was empty. Hopefully the second fill will do the trick - I can eat ANYTHING. Ugh! I believe that they want us to stay away from soda because of the carbonation and the possibility to create air in the pouch. Nina
  3. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Stefanie, This is a decription of jerk sauce... The "Jerk" method of seasoning and cooking meats dates back over 300 years and is a unique tradition in Jamaica. This hot jerk seasoning captures the genuine taste of jerk by combining tropical herbs and spices to create a delicious marinade. Ingredients include escallion, peppers, salt, brown sugar, pimento, cane vinegar, black pepper, garlic. ginger and spices. My favorite is the Grace brand. You can find this & other brands in the ethnic food area in your grocery store. I use it like a marinade, rub it on meat or fish, let it sit overnight, grill. You can also get a jerk dry rub.
  4. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Okay Beckie, you will have to post the Chicken Pot Pie recipe - you are so wrong for that! :faint: Nina
  5. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    (((O2Bthin))) Hang in there, you will see it working soon. Something has to give. I was quite disappointed when I got my fill on Wed. to see that I actually gained 2 lbs. The doc tried to talk me off the ledge but gee whiz! I have been busting my ass & this is what I get :angry I see a great difference in how my body looks and how my clothes fit (or not). The scale is evil!! That is my scale, for all of you that are losing - keep it up! O2bthin, keep your head up girlie, we will get there yet. Nina
  6. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi all, I had my first fill on Wed, Jul 11th. The dr. said that he inserted 1cc and about half of it was kicked back - which means that the band detected restriction therefore the kickback. My problem is that I really don't feel this great deal of restriction that I was expecting. It maybe partly because I still on liquids, but needless to say I am disappointed. Has anyone else had this experience? Or should I expect the difference once I get back on food? Bigbaby - You are welcome! You are doing great with your workouts - you go girl!! Captain Danbo - Did I see JERK SAUCE. I can jerk ina ting ya no! Have you ever tried jerking your fish as well? That's good stuff! Jerk chicken, jerk pork, jus jerk! Which sauce do you use? I use Grace Jerk sauce. Nina
  7. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Bcrazy, That is right for 1 cup of the uncooked grain. Once the grain is cooked, you will actually consume maybe 1/4 of a cup. I like quinoa because it does have protein. Here is a list of better choices for weight loss...130 Better Choices for Weight Loss from Cereal Grains and Pasta Nina
  8. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Toni - It's a date! I guess that means that I need to set a mini-goal - I'll work on that. Pippz - Congrats on the record!! You will be the lapband poster child. Here is a short list of foods that are high in protein. Hope this helps... Foods High in Protein Shortcut: An ounce of meat or fish has approximately 7 grams of protein. Beef Hamburger patty, 4 oz – 28 grams protein Steak, 6 oz – 42 grams Most cuts of beef – 7 grams of protein per ounce Chicken Chicken breast, 3.5 oz - 30 grams protein Chicken thigh – 10 grams (for average size) Drumstick – 11 grams Wing – 6 grams Chicken meat, cooked, 4 oz – 35 grams Fish Most fish fillets or steaks are about 22 grams of protein for 3 ½ oz (100 grams) of cooked fish, or 6 grams per ounce Tuna, 6 oz can - 40 grams of protein Pork Pork chop, average - 22 grams protein Pork loin or tenderloin, 4 oz – 29 grams Ham, 3 oz serving – 19 grams Ground pork, 1 oz raw – 5 grams; 3 oz cooked – 22 grams Bacon, 1 slice – 3 grams Canadian-style bacon (back bacon), slice – 5 – 6 grams Eggs and Dairy Egg, large - 6 grams protein Milk, 1 cup - 8 grams Cottage cheese, ½ cup - 15 grams Yogurt, 1 cup – usually 8-12 grams, check label Soft cheeses (Mozzarella, Brie, Camembert) – 6 grams per oz Medium cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss) – 7 or 8 grams per oz Hard cheeses (Parmesan) – 10 grams per oz Beans (including soy) Tofu, ½ cup 20 grams protein Tofu, 1 oz, 2.3 grams Soy milk, 1 cup - 6 -10 grams Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, etc) about 7-10 grams protein per half cup of cooked beans Soy beans, ½ cup cooked – 14 grams protein Split peas, ½ cup cooked – 8 grams Nuts and Seeds Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams protein Almonds, ¼ cup – 8 grams Peanuts, ¼ cup – 9 grams Cashews, ¼ cup – 5 grams Pecans, ¼ cup – 2.5 grams Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup – 6 grams Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup – 19 grams I am also fan of quinoa which is a grain that is rich in protein. Here is a little background info.. The seed of Quinoa is an excellent food, rich in protein and high in fiber. The protein is well balanced and is particularly rich in the amino acid lysine, which is difficult to obtain from other vegetable sources. It is also high in calcium, phosphorous, vitamins B and E. Quinoa is a very versatile food plant that can be cooked many ways and tastes excellent. The grain can be used as a hot cereal; used in soups, casseroles and souffles; used in the place of almost any other grain, including rice; ground into flour; and toasted. An imaginative chef can find many more uses and ways to prepare Quinoa than those given above. Dishes ranging from appetizers through desserts can be prepared from Quinoa. Here is the nutritional analysis on quinoa... Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Quinoa Nina
  9. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Bigbaby - Good for you!! One step at a time. When you see the difference it makes you'll learn to like it. You go girl!! Janine - Don't get discouraged about the weightloss - I have been there. Once you get your fill you will see a change. Stick to it!! The band has really been a great help for me. The exercise helps a great deal too - I spin for 60 mins three times a week, I do HIIT on the elliptical & stair climber the other two days, & I just got back to the circuit machines (weights) last week - I do legs one day then arms/back the other day, alternating through the week. Rhonda - What kind of elliptical do you own? I am seriously considering buying one but I want a quality machine without the BIG price. Nina
  10. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hello All!! Bigbaby - Thanks for the prayers, I surely need them!! I did notice that the lil ticker moved - great job!! How were those grits - sounds yummy to me? Bigsexy - I am glad hear that you are doing well! Itsjustme - Know that you are amongst a cheater. I went to Chuy's (mexican rest) yesterday and was a bad, bad girl. Not to mention Sat night I went to a wine bar, had a whole flight and the most amazing braised oxtails. I need a 13 step program!! Toni - Well, I lost 13lbs pre-op, 7 lbs lost at first post-op visit (Jun 22), and 2 lbs 5 days later (Jun 27). I guess I'm doing okay - I am averaging 3.5 lbs a week. I am reaching into the back of my closet - fitting old clothes, that feels good. BTW, I know that ole low-down Costco chocolate cake all too well, but I had to give it up. I found a new love! The Cheesecake Factory has the most divine Chocolate Truffle Tower. It is 9lbs of layer after layer of chocolate cake & ganache frosting topped with chocolate shavings.....:eek:....just thought I'd share..... (ducking out) Nina
  11. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    BigBaby - I can't encourage anyone right now for I have fallen :faint:! I vowed not to get on the scale until my next visit on Jul 11th but I could not hold out. Oh well! How are you doing? How are your incisions healing? Toni - Hey Lady!! Thanks for sharing you experiences after your fill. That is so interesting because right now I feel like I can eat/tolerate anything but I see my life may change after the fill. Also, I see that you were considering trying Syntrax Matrix, I have never tried it and I don't know where you purchase your supplements but I order from Complete Supplements (Complete Supplements). The site is run by Bill Haskins and he, in my opinion, has the best prices on the web and great customer service. He offers the 5lb bag of Matrix for $33. (((MVR))) - You are very lucky, even though you are hungry. You will feel better in no time & when you see those pounds melt away it will be well worth it. Feel better soon! CaptDanBo - I hope that you are home soon!! I am glad to here that everyone is doing well that was recently banded! I can't wait to hear from Bigsexy! Can he call or write, send word by pigeon - I am dying to know how well he's doing. Well, here's to a wonderful weekend for all and a fabulous 4th of July!!! (and the darn aroma of BBQ:ermm)
  12. Nina_S


    Nume130, You said it," I want to feel loved and desired ." This is probably a popular sentiment. But how do you walk toward something that is not there??? First you have to believe that it exists, but you also have to consider in whom or what you are looking for it in. I am a Chrisitian and I am also a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. The principle belief is that your thoughts, emotions, actions and beliefs attract corresponding experiences through vibration. In other words, if you don't belief that something exists or that you are not worthy of something you will not experience that. In no way am I trying push my beliefs on anyone but moreso to help you evaluate how you feel about yourself (for whatever reason) and how that effects what you are able to manifest in your life. Please try to get over the feelings of shame, we are all human and deal with the same issues, there is no need for you to feel ashamed. Nume130, you are a loving person and you opened your heart to this man despite his past and blessed him iwth beautiful children - I see no shame in that at all. Focus on all of the emotions that you want to experience - loved & desired. Stay focused on that, reside in that. Nina
  13. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Bigsexy (soon-to-be JustSexy), The only advice I have to have plenty of Gas-x, good pain meds, and a clear vision of what you want your life with the band to be like. I'll be praying for you!!:clap2: Nina
  14. Nina_S


    Wow! I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I may get stoned for my comments but I think that for everyone that is not satisfied & are really not getting what they want they should first look closely at and listen closely to your heart and what it longs for. Set aside all of the technicalities - the possibly gay husband, the lack of being or feeling attractive, the possible medical conditions, etc, etc. What is your heart longing for... now walk towards that. True enough some things you will have to "walk away" from but know that all things work together for good. Intimacy encompasses so many things, other than sex, it is a familiarity, a knowing, a closeness, then follows the expression (a hug, a kiss, a touch, a foot massage, a back rub, etc.) My point being is that we first have to know ourselves, then love ourselves then welcome others to know us & love us, but in that order. Considering that for many, from the moment we partner with others, we are constantly evolving and our wants and needs change and vary but the foundation (being love) should remain. It is important to really know the person that we partner with. Another important point is we have to face the truth. I don't have any stories to share but I do know that I have played the ostrich act enough to know that when you come up the truth is still there. Without that love for ourselves we are found constantly making compromises until there is nothing left of us. Don't get me wrong, I know that relationships take a lot of work but no relationship should require you to compromise who YOU are or who God has intended for you to be. I don't have any solutions and my only bit of advice is to LOVE YOURSELF!!! People will either celebrate that or move right along. the intimacy is merely a token of the true love. I would like to suggest that you guys get a copy of "Lies At the Altar" by Dr. Robin Smith. Here is a synopsis of that her book/audiobook is about... Gentle voice notwithstanding, psychologist (and national television personality) Smith pulls no punches and minces no words in her heartfelt caution against the danger in believing "that you don't need what you do need." Truth is the theme here, and Smith guides listeners in how to recognize it, speak it and make it a part of the marriage. Although targeted to women who suppress themselves in order to be in a relationship, men are not left out. Smith's candid examples from her own failed marriage and those of the troubled couples she counsels ably illustrate her points. The first CD lists the top 10 lies about relationships (including "You can learn to live with the things that make you unhappy") together with their corresponding truths ("Suffering is not love"). The second CD explains how couples can make each marriage vow real. The third CD's bonus material is equally valuable: a set of 275 questions (viewable in Adobe reader) to ask before you marry. Smith succeeds admirably in taking the microscope to the myriad actions and words couples automatically do and say, and explaining how questioning them can lead to a more authentic marriage. Can I get a head start running before the stones are thrown... Nina
  15. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Leenie, Toni & Janine, Thanks for the encouragement! The exercise is the easy part for me, my struggle is with food. I'm just trading addictions. Toni - You are good! Walking on the treadmill is great for your bones and preventing osteoporosis - keep it up! Everyone here is such an inspiration to me - I can't imagine having a more wonderful support system! Nina
  16. Nina_S

    my date is june 29th--i'm scared

    Hi TinaGirl! Congrats on your band date! Both you and your sister will be do great. You are both so fortunate to have each other & experience this at the same time - that support is great! The band will work for you guys - it's a tool, you make it work for you. Don't worry about the hunger or anything else, focus on how your quality of life will improve. I wish the both of you the best of luck! See ya'll in bandland!
  17. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi all!! Here is a shout out to all the June Bandsters!! OMG! My head is spinning, it is so hard to keep up with everyone. Jenf3, bd_pgx, KimberlyNYC, 2bhealthyagain, Adventurerider, LadyHR, FaithMD, Annie, CarlaHopeful, Cblancha9 - Congrats to all of you guys! Best of luck to you all!!! FaithMD - Congrats on your band! You have a gret idea with the prune juice & prunes. I totally forgot about the effects. I have been drinking Smooth Move herbal tea (Traditional Medicinals) & it helps. Prunes are good altenative. Thinsoon - I was banded on Jun 5th and I totally understand about the hunger. I get my first fill on Jul 11th - I am hoping that the fill makes a difference. CBM818 - The weight will come off - hang in there! Toni - Woohoo!! Hey Ms. Toni, I am happy that your fill went well. This is what I am hoping for. HottyToddy - I'm glad that you guys had safe and fun vacation!! I am having soft regular food envy - enjoy! I had my first post-op dr's visit on Friday (Jun 22) and I am down 7lbs since the surgery (Jun 5). The dr. says that I am "ahead of the game" but I look at the weightloss some of you guys are having, I may be a skeptic. So in I have lost close to 20lbs since my pre-op diet. That leaves me 50 lbs to lose to meet the dr's goal weight for me - I'll just take it one day at time. He said my scars are "cute" - they literally look like small scratches. I go back for my first fill on Jul 11th. I've decided that I am not going to get on the scale until the 11th but I have set a goal to lose at least another 7lbs by then. My blood pressure was 130/64 (without meds) - I am aiming for a better reading my next visit as well. I started back working out one week after the surgery - 45 mins on the elliptical for one week. The following week I went back to spin class (alternating with 60 min elliptical workout) and this past week I started back on circuit machines. I am being patient with weightlifting & ab work - it is a challenge. I want to wish everyone that will be banded this week the very best & happy losing for all! Salud!! Nina
  18. Nina_S

    Mushie Stage Woes

    Tavelgirl, That is a great response! Momma, Don't be discouraged, I think that you are doing GREAT! I don't have numbers like that. Nina
  19. Nina_S

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!!

    Good Luck Sonia & Bonjosie!!!:cheer2: The mixed emotions are so normal. See ya'll in bandland! Nina
  20. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Good Morning All!! Becks477 - Thank you so much for that information!! Now I have a reason to go back to my lush lifestyle. Really, what you shared was interesting & helpful. Ms. Ali's book seems like a great read! Thanks again! Toni - I surely hope that you feel better. I have had migraines and they are no fun (((feel better)))! Bigbaby is so right - you have the most inviting and warm spirit. Pippz - 37 lbs in one month!!! Phenomenal!! Believe it girl!! Isn't it amazing as you see your body change. You do have to take a moment to take it all in. Danielle - Good to hear that you are doing well. I am sure that your nutritionist will approve of you having a clear broth. Lovelibabi21 - Good luck on Saturday!! Bigsexy - Did I hear that you need some warm socks:cry. You have to know that the band is going to change your life for the better - focus on all the great reasons why considered it intially. Take it one day at a time - don't look that 40 year thing. I have found that in life with the band, everyday (almost) brings a new understanding about food, life, relationships, & well-being. Your stay will be really short in the hospital but think what a great inspiration you can be to your roommate. They'll be lucky to have you!! Good Luck soon-to-be Lil Sexy!! :clap2: Nina
  21. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Pamla! Wow, the 25th is like right around the corner. I remember I had all of those same emotions. You made a good decision to stick with the band & you are smart enough to do your homework. Good luck lady! Nina
  22. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Suzzzie, Your weightloss is AMAZING! Keep it up girl! Nina
  23. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Nina S-I was thinking of doing the exact same thing with the roast, but in a crock pot, then blenderize. How did yours turn out? Was the meat in small pieces, stringy? Easy to chew? Jackie - The roast had good marbling & it cooked long enough to be really tender. When I put it in the food processor (even with the carrots & onions), the stringy parts kind stayed on top of the shredding blade but the part that was shredded was in very small pieces. Out of habit I chewed it & partly out of fear that it wouldn't agree with my new stomach but it was easy to chew. I enjoyed it - you should give it a try! Add a little au jus!!
  24. Hi Gutierrezea! I don't know what you consider long periods but the day after my surgery I did 30 minutes (slow pace) then everyday I added more time, considering the comfort level. The walking surely helps with the gas. To answer your question, go for as long as you feel comfortable. Welcome to bandland & good luck! Nina
  25. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Musical Momma, On the food front, that's great. I haven't come across anything that didn't work well either, which is kinda scary. I cooked a beef roast for about 3 hours then put a piece of it in the food processor. I took a couple of spoons then waited for any reaction but all was well. I know what you mean about sharing your surgery with people. I have had some interesting responses/reactions. Some people ask about the weight lost but then some don't mention anything at all surrounding the surgery. Some of it maybe jealousy but I'm thinking, why weren't you jealous when I was working my *ss off & getting crappy results. Nina

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