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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nina_S

  1. I have lost more than 50 since the surgery but I have stopped getting on the scale. Sometimes it doesn't move - UGH! I am a really slow loser & I also lift weights so...yeah the scale can be disappointing.

  2. Nina_S

    30 Days~ Join me please!

    You go Ms. Trina! I suggest you mix it up a little, your body acclimates to one routine and you don't get the same results. Maybe try the ellipticl MON-WED-FRI (for example) and the the treadmill (walk/jog) on TUE-THURS. Also try throwing in some weights in there - muscle helps you burn more calories. I really like Vince Delmonte's workouts - I alternate with my cardio. I started slow & added as I went along. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yW3aVn4HM]YouTube - Female Figure Athlete 6 Week Diet And Workout Plan[/ame] You can also search YouTube for some good videos. R~
  3. Nina_S

    Where Are My G.R.I.T.S

    (((Hey Big"not-so-big"Baby!!))) How are you?! I am great! I have seen your pic and you look FA-BU-LOUS!!! I am glad to see that you are doing so well. This journey has been great, I would not change a thing - the good and not so good. The weightloss has only been on part of it. I am still not at my goal weight (i try not to focus on weight so much but how I look) but I feel great. I'd like to lose about 20 more lbs. I lift heavy so I am sure that's why the scale doesn't move much.
  4. Nina_S

    Where Are My G.R.I.T.S

    Oh my!! I haven't been here in soooo long. So much has changed - I love it! My name is Riechelle and I live in Houston (born & raised) Hello ladies :whatchutalkingabout
  5. Nina_S


    Agnot, I can't say enough that your are a outstanding man!! I will continue to pray for you and your family. God is present and constant help! Keep up the fight & speak VICTORY!! Much Love, Nina
  6. Nina_S


    ((Agnot)) First of all I want to congratulate you on your banding and the weightloss - that's is fantastic! As easy as it may be for me to tell you reassure your wife that she has, which you have built, a "safe haven" in your love - that wouldn't resolve it all. I think that first your wife has seek some sort of counseling/therapy onher own accord. Not to "keep" you but for her own personal healing and well-being, that seems to have been neglected. Agnot, you are a great guy, you have hung in there through all of this and probably some other things as well, but you have to recognize your role as the enabler. Your goal was to build a family yet you have allowed your wife to alter that with her "outgrowth" from her past. Hold off on the stones, I know that you can't control others or there past or destine their lives. I am sure that at some point you felt like your love was enough to "make everything alright". I guess at this point I would like to see you protect yourself and your children and help your wife preserve herself. She may need seek help alone and then you and children can join her as a family - you all need healing. Agnot, I admire you for honoring your vows - you deserve the best! N~
  7. Nina_S

    Weighloss at a screeching HALT!

    Finallythin, You have got some great advice - breakfast with Protein, more Water & try switching up your workout. Try doing something different, adjusting the intensity or adding more weights - I'm not sure what you are currently doing. Most importantly, don't be discouraged you'll be back on the "losing" side soon. Nina
  8. Dr. Rey from the hit show DR. 90210 collaborated with Bruno Schiavi, Austalian designer to create INSTANT SHAPE by Dr. Robert Rey. Instant Shape was designed using Dr. Rey's key plastic surgery reconstructive secrets as well as Bruno’s extensive knowledge in the lingerie/shapewear category. It's the first of its kind that will have you look fabulous but also will drop you a FULL DRESS SIZE! Launching October 27 , Instant Shape will be launched exclusively in Sears and on HSN nationwide. Garments range from $27.00 to $60.00. http://fashion.hsn.com/instant-shape...spx?prev=hp!sf Watch 9PM Tune in to HSNtv October 29 at 9PM & 9PM <!-- / message -->
  9. Enterprise01, Isn't that a great feeling!!! That is what makes it so worth it to tell people. In the beginning I was aprehensive about telling people because of the criticism but I noticed that I had more people with questions and looking for answers to their own weight problems. Nina
  10. Nina_S

    Spinning class?

    Thundandlight, I am no expert but I would say see how you feel after the surgery and give yourself at least two weeks. You may have to "adjust" the intensity for a few classes. Good luck with your banding and happy spinning!! Nina
  11. Nina_S

    Spinning class?

    OMG! I love spin class!! I am so happy to see that so many other people do too. For those that are hurting try getting a gel seat cover (it just fitsd right over the bike seat) and/or some padded bike shorts. You can these at your local sporting goods store. Schwinn has a seat cover for like $12 - you can also get one from Amazon. Schwinn Adult Double Gel Bicycle Seat Cover
  12. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Junies! Like BigBaby, I also had support group meeting last night & it was helpful. The therapist brought some products for us to sample by Kays Naturals (I'm not sure if anyone has posted about these before). They offer protein chips and cereals. I couldn't try any because I had a fill yesterday but the others in the group said they were good. existing_products_3.54 Texans, stay dry!!! Nina
  13. Nina_S

    Star Jones speaks out!

    Here the Glomour Mag article... "I'm ready to open up": Health: glamour.com Nina
  14. Is anyone here running the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Houston on October 6th (Saturday)? I am a beginning runner and would like to partner with somone who is also a beginner or an experienced runner who would be willing to help me train. My plan is to do a 8-week program. Nina
  15. Nina_S

    Komen Race for the Cure - Houston

    Thanks Suzzzie! I am determined to do it, partner or none. I walk the AIDS Walk alone. It's really not that bad, you meet alot of nice people so by the time it's over you're not alone. Nina
  16. Nina_S

    I feel like such a failure!

    MusicalMomma, I think for the most part, we are all struggling with eating and the lack of restriction/hunger - this is a new lifestyle for me at least. You are not alone. I'd love to say that have made to the other side but I can't. What has helped me is focusing on losing the weight. I still get small meals in a day but I try (not always succeeding) to make better choices. You can probably still have ice cream, have you tried any of the Blue Bunny flavors? Blue Bunny offers sugar- and fat-free flavors and you can find them at most (if not all Wal-Marts). http://www.bluebunny.com/main.aspx?topcategory=3 Just think moderation. Most importantly, don't get discouraged!! This is usually when I am ready to give up. I remember when I saw that I had gained 2lbs I was so dissapointed, thinking that I could have just ate what & how much I wanted to go and gain. Hang in there Momma things will get better!! They have to, I'm banking on it. I need this band to work. Nina
  17. Nina_S


    Diane, I have ceased to feel any resentment towards them years ago <<< That's it right there!! That's all I hoped for you and you are already there. I surely hope that I did not offend you and I definitely did not intend to question your faith. Nina
  18. Nina_S


    Gadgetlady, I apologize. I did understand what you were saying in terms of "trigger" versus "cause" - my wording was off. Sorry. Nina
  19. Nina_S

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    I have great deal of respect for Star considering how she handled the ABC/Barbara Walters thing & for how she took control of her health and did what she needed to do. She looks good....
  20. Nina_S


    Monk & Regina (((snapping my fingers))) Poets extraordinaire!!! Thank you ladies so much! Monk - they are great young men and constantly amaze us. <<< We have you to blame for that. I did read in a previous post that someone felt that porn was a cause for sexual violence. I don't believe that it this sole cause. I believe that violence begins in the mind, often times the mind of someone that has been violated or abused. Someone who did not seek help or even know how to deal with there own experience. We see these traits is so many people that have, what we call, addictive personalities. They are trying to find a "feelgood" to cover up the pain. The only variance is the choices that we make. Personally for me, the healing began with forgiveness. I had to forgive the violator for what he did, forgive myself for "thinking" that I could have prevented it. Yet, as I grew I understood that God "allowed" this to happen to me for a reason & I had to seek (and listen to His voice) to find what He wanted me to do with this. Just as Monk had raised wonderful sons and many of you ladies have found great mothers in yourselves because you knew the opposite. We have learned to protect & cherish our children. These are truly gifts!! I know that some of you mentioned not wanting to rehash or dredge up old memories, I can so understand that, but I think that we have to be able to face it. So many women go many years or even their whole lives not sharing or facing what happened. Take a count of how many women (and men) you know that suffer from obesity, cancers, unexplained illnesses, addictions, the inability to have intimate realtionships, multiple divorces/relationships - these are results of not being able to face it. I remember not wanting to tell anyone for the fear of what they would think of me. For some counseling helps, maybe telling a friend or husband/wife or sharing it with someone that has had a similar experience. None of this is an easy feat but it helps to have someone walk beside you that understands and I have found that in you ladies. Thank you all!! Nina
  21. Nina_S


    Wow, this thread has grown to be...something... I'd like to thank Monk & Regina (and any other ladies) for sharing their stories here. Abuse (child)/ being violated as a child has such a great impact on our lives and how we view ourselves. God knows I made some unwise decisions (partners, what I would tolerate, what I felt I deserved, etc.) & beat myself up about it until I realized that it had so much to do with how I viewed myself. The people that violated us may never suffer like we have but I hope that this thread helps someone begin a journey of healing. Healing is so essential!! Nina
  22. Nina_S

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Bigbaby! Enjoy your tilapia & good luck with your fill on Wednesday. Please let us know how you feel. Nina
  23. Any Whey (Optimum Nutrition) is a tasteless, Protein Powder. One serving has 17g of protein. I love it - put it in everything, and it is not grainy at all. I add it to Soups & juices. I get it from Vitamin Shoppe but you may be able to get it from your local GNC that carries ON products.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
