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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunshine6855

  1. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Sunny - you know the ratio in Alaska is 6 men for every woman! Why you going on-line? Just do a summer stint as a nurse for an Alaska hospital and find yourself a rich health care professional! Marcy, get the guest room ready. I am on my way:biggrin1: your daughter looks like a little doll. She has such a contagious smile...like her mom, I am sure. Dini, I would love to have someone come clean but i have to tell you, she would have been fired the moment she asked if I was preggers:biggrin1: Cincyn, KCorbin, Mango24, OnMyWay, Sheelagh,Tenille, BiggestLoser, Cate54, and ReneeMarie good luck tomorrow with your surgery. Chim, you are amazing keeping up with all of this. Lynette, I sure hope I can get as good as you with the exercise. Someone told me the walk away the pounds was good for beginners.
  2. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby, my surgery is at 10:30 am. I have to stay the night, too, and do the swallow test in the morning. Doctor said I could go home after I had my lunch (liquids) with no problems. I am excited too. 3 more days:clap2:
  3. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jeanie, here is a little sunshine from GA. Kathy, I want to see pics of the finished product. What you had done so far looked wonderful. I bet you are so excited. Linda, what a horrible thing to happen. I imagine everyone is in shock. My prayers go out to your daughter’s family. Alesha, welcome. There are several here from Ireland. Our own little Dini girl is here frequently. You will love her. WOOOHOOOO!!! Chim, that was great. It is going to be a challenge for me to incorporate exercise seeing as I hate it. Maybe I will learn to enjoy it as I get thinner Welcome Mommyof2. Phyl, glad you are feeling better and the temp is gone. I did read several people complaining of diarrhea. Liquids in, liquids out is what I believe I read. I hope it gets better soon. Indiogirl, are you feeling better? Everyone says times help. Lynette you are just a busy bee. No wonder you are doing so well. Thanks for the list o high protein mushies. I will need it in a few weeks. Just 3 more days til my surgery. Dini girl, a bright and sunny day to you. Hope all is well. Hello to all I may have missed!!!
  4. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I am 3 days post-op, and today is my anniversary! My hubby and I met online and are now celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. Ms. Yackie, you are another who met there hubby online. I need to know where are you'll going online to meet them. I am ready... Glad you are doing ok with post op. Welcome to the Lucky #7s. It's a great group.
  5. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi. I am from Augusta. My cousin was banded by Dr. Whipple in May. She has lost 54 lbs. She is doing great and is my inspiration. I get banded this Thursday.
  6. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You were in my thoughts too. I sorry you had to worry so this weekend. You are truly beautiful. I love pics. You really don't look as if you needed the surgery but I know photo and personal perceptions are different. No way you cousin is prettier, or funnier, or sweeter, or HOTTER!!!
  7. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    good luck to everyone having their surgery tomorrow. Chim, I did like you on the sleep study...could not sleep. and it took two shampoos to get all that gunk out of my hair. But it is over and Surgery day is Wednesday for you and Thursday for me....yeah!:whoo:
  8. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, I don't think you have to wait an hour after drinking protein to drink anything else. Liquids are not staying in you stomach long anyway. It is the protein that satisfies your hunger. When you reach the mushie stage is when you should not drink. Now that is my understanding. If I am wrong, please correct me so I don't screw things up after my surgery this week. Good morning to all.:car:
  9. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    goodnight lynette
  10. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini Girl, hope you are out having fun and that is why we are not hearing from you tonight. Although, you are probably asleep by now..:biggrin1:
  11. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    IndioGirl, I am like you. I give good care and I expect good care. Usually, if they know you are a nurse you get a little better care. So my thoughts are, if they are treating me shi**y and I am a nurse, how are they treating the other patients. Now days you should not let anyone you care about stay alone in the hospital if they are not fully alert and aware of what being done to them. Patients are sicker and staff are fewer, more and more technology to keep up with and hospital trying to save a dollar by not staffing appropriately. Lots of reasons...no one solution. But I still love it. Talked with the Dell support and they were very helpful. Lucky I called today. There is only 8 more days left on my warrenty. You know they send you the parts and you install yourself. The tech talked me through opening the laptop and instructed me on how to change the parts. Told me to email him when the parts arrived and he would call back and talk me through it. Good thing I have worked on my own desktops for years.
  12. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I have, I have been nursing for 30 years. I have had a little of everything. My method is to treat every patient as if they were my mom or dad...how I would want them treated. hasn't failed me yet. The funny thing is, the nastier the patient, the nicer and more patient I am. I have to go overboard on niceness so I don't tell them to F***off :car: Actually, I just remember that no one is in the hospital because they feel good. They are sick and we are just not at our best when we are sick. That patient or family member may have just found out they have something serious or maybe they just feel like crap and I am the one that catches it. I understand this. It is a part of nursing. I just try and care and pamper and hopefully make them feel a little better. I just LOVE nursing...:car:
  13. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Indiogirl, I am sorry to hear you had such problems. But, you know, everyone's pain level is different. I am a firm believer in pain meds. My patient's love me. I must apologize for the nursing profession. Most nurses are wonderful caring people. And then you meet the ones that aren't. I think they went into nursing cause its a secure job with decent money. Not for the desire to take of patients. For those nurses, me included, it is a calling and I would never make a patient wait cause I was eating. That's why I always left the floor at meal time, so I would actually get a break. Jainey, I sure hope it gets better soon as I am having the band on Thursday. :biggrin1: Kathy, :whoo:Yeah on the stove :whoo:
  14. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    princesswillow, will you please come and help with my housework. I wish I liked it. I love my house when it is all clean and sparkly but I hate getting it there. My daughter is like you. Her house is perfectly decorated and sparkly clean with everything in its place. She is probably that way after living me. She loves it too. I will have a headache when I quit the caffeine but I will be on pain meds from the surgery so thats ok. I know the soda is bad for you. it leaches calcium out of your bones to balance the phosphous in the soda. We will all have healthier bones because of this. However, like Lynette, I love water and it is my drink of choice so I will be ok after surgery. Jeanie, I am like you think your family will be. The cucumber soup is best served in the trash :biggrin1: I love cucumber though. I tried fried pickles once, Lynette, and I agree with you. They should remain fresh and cold. Are you still walking in your condo, Phyl. I am so pleased you are doing well. Can't wait to join you. Brandy, I don't know why caffeine is a no-no other than the fact that docs are always trying to get people to stop caffeine. I wonder what the rational is for no caffeine. Anyone Know?:??
  15. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    What time is everyone's surgery? Mine is at 1pm. I drive to Toronto that morning (2-1/2 hr drive) and back home that night. So I won't be online until the next day likely. My surgery is at 10:30 am. Have to be there at 8:30 am but I only live about 15 minutes away. So far I go first. Kathy, are you sure this isn't your real daughter...It is amazing how much she looks like you. But you know, 2 of my cousins are adopted, they are adults now. and they look just like their parents, Mike looks just like his mom and Susan looks just like her dad. God plans it that way..:car: You kitchen is going to be beautiful. Loved the pics and the fact that they were small...:biggrin1: NewCC, you are stronger than me. I haven't given up the diet coke yet. I imagine if they would let me I would be sipping on one as we entered the OR...:car: I haven't seen a post from JennyL, our other band buddy. Hope she posts here times for Thursday also
  16. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jeanie, 50 lashes with a wet noodle..... No, can't do that== you might eat the noodle:biggrin1: just keep making short posts until it move to the next page. That works except for Dini who has her set up as 50 messages a page. It might take a while for it to move past for her. Hi Dini Girl. Just thinking about you and wanted send a little sunshine your way
  17. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby, you and Kathybad and I are being banded on the same day :whoo: Peaches, get weight loss. I am looking forward to it. :biggrin1: Kathy, I sure hope your sister steps up and helps you out. What a great opportunity for a special time with your husband. Chimboree, good luck on your sleep study. I hated mine. I had trouble falling asleep with all the lines attached to me. good thing I did it though because now I have cpap which i love. sleep so good with it...
  18. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    That sounds like my ideal weather year also. Julybander, welcome. this is a great group. She really needs me now. She can't live alone...and she never says anything about my weight or my housekeeping. I guess she is afraid I would kick her out. :biggrin1: I wouldn't but it is nice that she doesn't complain. There is Danny and Big Wave Dave that pop in from time to time. Welcome. We will just get jealous as you lose faster than the women. :biggrin1: After I get the new floors down, I am getting a cleaning lady. My mother had one every 2 weeks when she lived by herself and she said she would pay for one here. :clap2:
  19. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Same with me. It is my new obsession. You know, I hate housework so much I went out and cut grass. I have a huge yard, several acres, and I got about half done. I will leave the other half for my son. It got too hot for out there.
  20. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    jeanie, I hate housework. I am the worst housekeeper. I am an excellent nurse, however :biggrin1: I have to do it this weekend. my cousin is coming, my surgery is Thursday. Today will an terrible day of housework. i always wished i enjoyed it more...not!!! my shift keep is not working but on occasion. Just to let you know i do know proper English and how to write. i am going to have to get this fixed. I use this laptop for everthing. Bummer.
  21. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    dmtjet, good morning to you. Where do you live with all that wonderful weather. I live near the opening to hell. 'why else would it be so incredibly HOT here. I just love cool weather. Late fall and winter are my favorite. And early spring when it is still cooler. We have 2 seasons here, Hot and cooler... I loved the bandalier comment. That's cute. So he is fun and supportive. You definitely have yourself a keeper... Ms pris, good to hear you are doing well. Getting the drain out will definitely be an improvement. i am so glad you are sticking with us. We need your support.
  22. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, that was terrible thing to do in my opinion. Even if you couldn't eat, and you can, you would want to be at the party, giving presents and enjoying the fun. This was especially mean to your son. Why didn't they invite him? I sure hope this was done intending to be nice and they didn't realize it hurt you. Do they resent you having the surgery or are they jealous?? YOU handled it in a very classy way. {{hugs}} Phyl, welcome home. You did so well. Keep on walking in cirlcles It must not have been pleasant caught in that traffic right after surgery. Luckily we are not so congested here. Pain medicine does the same to me...right to sleep. i would advise a stool softener starting now so you don't get constipated from the pain med laurend, it must really hurt for you father to say such things. I see the hypocrisy of what is saying and doing. Too bad he doesn't. just keep responding that you are doing what you doctor instructed. At least you can talk to you mother about it. Maybe she will talk with him. My mother used to also make comments about how i need to lose weight. Of course, she was only saying this because she loved me. Several years ago I had enough. I had gone to visit her and within 30 min she was telling me how much she loved and how i needed to lose weight. I got sarcastic thanking her for telling me. I didn't notice I was large when I looked in the mirror or bought size 26 jeans. Thank you for letting me know this. Then i told her i was tired of it. Everytime I was around her she started on my weight and it hurt and bothered me. If she continued i was just probably start coming to visit less and less because why would i want to deliberately put myself through. She started crying try to put the guilt trip on me. i stood firm. Needless to say, she stopped with the comment. Now, at 83, she lives with me and we get along fine. No weight comments:biggrin1: dieka, good going with the meal. I wonder how I am going to do that after surgery. my mother lives with me and I have to fix meals for her. She will be eating a lot of fast food hamburgers in the coming weeks :biggrin1: Hi Linda. Everything going well? Biggest Loser, welcome and jump right in. my surgery is on the 26th. When is yours? Good morning NewCC. Everything going well? Dini girl, I missed you last night. Maybe we can be on at the same time today. i am doing major cleaning this weekend so that everything will be in good shape by Thursday. my cousin is coming Wednesday and will be taking me to surgery and staying with me a couple of days. hugs to Annafrancesca from Aunti Sunny.
  23. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I,too, live in Georgia. Augusta, GA. How close are we to each other?
  24. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi Jeanie, just as i get on, you get off. Go spend some quality time with the hubby.
  25. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, when you are editing, click on the advance button and it will take you from all the smiley faces to a regular text paragraph to edit. Very easy to do.

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