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Everything posted by sunshine6855

  1. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini, it sounds like y'all are going to move forward your separate ways. I am always available to talk with you should you need it. Just IM me. I imagine you feel like a load has been lifted off your chest. You have a great attitude, that you at least got Annafrancesca :Banane21: She is a little princess. I am sure once you are on your own, your parents will want to help you get situated. Parents don't want their kids to struggle if they can help, especially daughters. They may not set you up in a business but they will probably be there for you. Especially if Adam was the problem between you and your parents. Love ya girl...many many hugs:girl_hug::girl_hug:
  2. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini girl, loved you birthday pics! you look beautiful!
  3. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    My doc said if I could drink it through a straw I could have it. A lot of people take soups and blend them, heat and eat. That really increases your satisfaction.
  4. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks for the info on treadmills. My son and I are shopping for one now. Smooth was one of the ones I was looking at. Glad you are feeling so great. I am too. This is such a great group:biggrin1:
  5. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi. I know the feeling. I used to dread stepping on scales. Now I am excited. Any amount down, no matter how small is reason for celebration. Phyl, that sounds wonderful. My BF and I love to go mexican. I was wondering what to order besides refried beans. Love the idea.
  6. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all. I went to the doc today and he removed the dressing. Ugly red scars. What can I put on them to make them look better? Anyway, I have lost 8 lbs and I can move to soft/mushy food. I have 1/2 cup refried beans for lunch. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I am a little sore from all my running around. Lynette, glad to see you got computer working. When you get your yahoo messager working, IM at sunshine6855@yahoo.com if you want to chat. Jeanie, so you are enjoying the bike ride. I wish I had a man to ride with. It would be fun. I love to ride. Phyl, how's it going? I see you have another trip planned. I can't wait for the pics. I am moving to mushies too. This will be fun.
  7. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I started walking on the treadmill about 10 min a day on about day 4. You should be fine. It will help the gas.
  8. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    caolin, sounds like you are doing really good. The soreness passes quickly. I get sore if I do too much physical now. I got to move to soft/mushy food today. I really excited and scared.
  9. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey y'all. Sorry to be MIA this evening. My docs support group met tonight. A dietician talked about portions and reminded us bandsters that we should be only eating 1/2 to 1 cup food total per meal 3 times day. If you can eat more than that and get hungry between meals, you need a fill. Nice to know since my doc won't do the first fill until at least 4 weeks post op. Everyone is doing so well with what they are eating and exercising. This is such a great group for support. All of the bandsters in the support group tonight had done really well with weight loss. They all said the loss slowed down with intro of mushies but they have maintained a 1-2 lb loss ongoing. That's inspiring to me. I mean, 2 lb week is 100 lb year. I am glad everyone is healing without problems. I won't go into names now cause I can't remember who wrote what on the messages I just read. Welcome to the newbies. This is a wonderful group. I have a doc appt early tomorrow so I will go to bed early.
  10. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    >I hope your day is going well! I am going to Bible Study in about an hour, so everyone will be taste testing, lol! I am taking the soup and "my version" of the Squash Casserole! My mom said it was delicious and she wouldn't change a thing, lol! So this time, I did use black beans and melted some cheese over them as well! I figured if I am doing my own thing, may as well, go all the way, lol!!!< Jeanie you are so funny. I would never have thought about putting beans on squash casserole but since you made "your version" I will have to try it. Adds protein to the dish. you are doing so well. I can't believe you are off all those meds. I sure hope I get off mine. Kathy, I am sorry your sister can't babysit. Maybe something else will work out so your husband can go. I haven't experienced the mood swings but I imagine it is not uncommon. We have to grieve the loss of the relationship we had with food. Weird psycho babble sh*t Lynette, your back! Yeah! :clap2: Missed you girl. Glad to hear your port fill went well, even if a little uncomfortable. Helps to have a HOT doc to look at while he does it. I can't get a fill until at least 4 weeks post op so I have long way to go. I feel for you going back to liquids. I still have another week of liquids unless my doc takes pity on me tomorrow and lets me move to mushie. I don't want to go too though. I have been putting my foods on fit day. I understand the dieticians rationale but I like seeing my exercise, weight, food etc on there. I guess it does promote a diet mentality though. Indiogirl, Thats a good idea with the beans. I love bean soups, especially black bean soup. My daughter is off Friday and she wants to take me to the Atlanta Bread company. She is going to check and see what the soups are that day. They have good potato soup. I really need to get into cooking. Especially if this band is going to work for me. Hi Linda and peaches. good to see y'all are doing so well. I am getting new flooring in my living room, dining room, and hall. I am getting Pergo put down. They delivered it today. I should have new flooring by next week. I am so excited. I have been living on sub flooring for months since the guy that was putting down wood flooring for me took off with the 1/2 down payment I made after he took up the carpet. I had to save up money and now it is almost done. Did I say I was excited. Doing well surgery wise. Very little discomfort. Bored at home since I can't lift anything it limits what I can do. Still doing liquids and lots of water. I have my first post op visit tomorrow.
  11. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Welcome Brumbie. I look forward to hearing how you do after your fill. I just had surgery on the 26th and I am learning from everyone. Chim, I don't know how you sat up for 8 hrs. 2 1/2 about did me in. Good to know you are doing so well. I have been trying to move more too, nothing strenuous, just moving.
  12. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Caolin, you are doing amazing for having surgery today. The rest is so important. I felt good and overdid and paid with a lot of discomfort. Hope you keep doing so well.
  13. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    This was really weird for me. I'm used to being in control, having a lot of strength and endurance. I felt feeble. I'm not sure if it was the surgery or if it is the lack of calories. I'm day 5 post op, and have probably had about 400 - 600 cals each day. Kathy, I know the feeling. I did too much Monday and had to take some pain med and rest last night and today. We have to remember we are just 5 days post op. Surgery and anesthesia take it out of you no matter how you feel. I will definitely have to try the Soup Jeanie is going about. It sounds wonderful Jeanie, I won't tell about the Beans but I did wonder. I figured you put them on top. I really made me smile. I love black beans so it would have been good on top for me too. You obviously cook more than me. I have never been much of a cook and I am going to try doing more. My son is trying to eat healthier and lose weight since I had this surgery. He didn't really approve but he has been very supportive. I think my doing this has inspired him. If so, it is worth it no matter what the weight loss. I worry about him Marcy, you are the busiest person I know.. Must be that living in Alaska. I love fresh blueberries. I heard they were easy to grow. Maybe next year I will plant some and try. They cost an arm and a leg at the grocery store. I agree with Jeanie. This time before the first fill is healing time. My doc even lists mashed potatoes as a food when I get to soft/mushie stage. Hang in there. Did you take your measurements? You may be losing inches. I need to do my measurements but I have to go buy a tape measure first. I was in Walmart the other day and one of the things I wanted to buy was the tape measure. I just forgot. My focus has been off since surgery. But it is getting better every day.
  14. sunshine6855

    Lucky 7's RECIPES Thread

    I think the black beans went with the 2nd recipe, the black bean burgers and not the squash casserole. BTW, what did you do with the northern beans in the squash casserole recipe?
  15. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi Y'all. Sorry it's been so long. A big storm came through last night and knocked out my internet access. Just got it working. Miami sounds great. I will have to wait until closer to Nov to say for sure. I have enought skymiles to fly there. Keep me in the loop so I know when and where. Who knows...maybe I will end up with a tatoo:) The pool sounds great. Maybe in a couple of weeks I can be floating in one. It is hot as hell here and the humidity is unbelievable because of the rain last night. I am doing well. Taking it easy today since I over did it yesterday. But, to be honest, I have very little soreness today. Much less than yesterday. OK, I want food. I am tired of this liquid sh*t. I need flavor, texure, seasonings. Someone, tell me what I can fix liquid that at least is flavorful (not sweet), seasoned, tasty. I am desparate. I am feeling the first feeling of hunger today. This is unrelated to the need for flavor I will try and walk on the treadmill later today. I have been using fitday to track food and weight. I weight 284.5 when I came home from the hospital. Weighed 273 today. I know part of that was fluid loss from hospital but is sure is inspiring.:clap2::whoo::clap2::whoo::clap2:
  16. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Onmyway, congrats on getting under 300. What a big milestone. Good luck on your surgery tomorrow, Chris. I think its great your whole family wants to go with you. Support is important. I went to the movies today with friends to see Harry Potter. Big mistake. Movie was good but sitting up that long was very tiring and it hurt. I have been relaxing since I got home and took some pain meds. Because I feel pretty good I think I overdid it. I'll take it easy for the next few days. The pain meds make me sleepy so I imagine I will go to bed early tonight. Kartrina, I got me a Smoothie King Protein smoothie for the movie and they had those tubes things. I bought the fruit punch one just to get an idea of the taste. Dini that is exciting about the Miami Ink guys answering and saying they can do the tatoo. Who knows what I am doing in Nov. Maybe Miami would be possible. I sure won't rule it out. Hi, Chim, Lynette, Kathy, Ruby and anyone else I may have missed.
  17. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi Kartrina. I was banded on the 26th so we are right there together. Glad to hear everything is going well. Welcome. Dini girl, your day is just not starting out right. Hope it gets better. hugs to Annafrancesca. and you too. Lynette, I am here. I am going to take a shower and get dressed. I slept late, even without the pain meds. Have you found you needed more sleep while healing. JUst sore. doing well. be back in a little bit.
  18. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    IT WAS ABOUT THE WIDTH OF MY INDEX FINGER SO IT WAS NOT A BIG SLICE AT ALL, THE BEST PART WAS THAT, I TOTALLY ENJOYED IT BUT I WAS ALSO HAPPY TO EAT THAT LITTLE AMOUNT. IT WASN'T THAT I HAD TO STOP MYSELF FROM EATING MORE I JUST WAS HAPPY TO EAT IT AND THAT BE THAT. Dini, that is great. The whole purpose is to be able to eat normal foods just less. We all know sweets are to be avoided most of the time, but there are special occasions to make exceptions. I am so proud of you. You are my role model. Hopefully I will be able to do the same thing.
  19. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini girl, I will have to find that song on the internet. You seem to be in much better spirits. I am glad to see that. Don't let that slave driver of a brother work you too hard. I miss talking with you :eek: Indiogirl, glad to see you here and doing well. cazulay, I haven't tried soups yet. This is just day 3. when did you start adding soup. I haven't been hungry yet. Hope that lasts. Jeanie, hi.
  20. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Eileen, I am glad you are feeling a little better today. You picture is very pretty, by the way. We all have a dyfunctional relationship with food or we would be so overweight that we have WLS. So you are not alone. And you are not. There is always someone here to help when you have questions or just need to talk. Maria, I did not have the neck and shoulder pain but many here did. That is the gas they put in your abdomen to distend it to do the surgery. Not all of it is released and it just has to work it way out of you system. Some people used heating pad. Maybe that will help. I hope it gets better for you. It will pass and you will be glad you had this surgery... Ribearty, I hope you do well at the ball game. I just don't like to sit in 90 degree weather for much of anything...:biggrin1: Sheelagh, glad you are doing better. That bloating is a b**ch. Hope is gets better. Jackie, our experiences seems to be similar. I hope I continue to do well. Jeanie, how's it going. Have you been swimming? I am just not used to not doing anything. Once I feel a little better and can out shopping, movies, etc. I will enjoy being off. I will try driving today to take my mother to pick up her meds. Be nice to get out and walk around Walmart. Didn't do that yesterday.
  21. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, doing well day 3 post op. Weather is still not good. Walked for 10 minutes on treadmill at a slow (2mph) pace. It felt good. I am able to swallow my meds whole so no crushing. Taking in wather and carnation instant Breakfast, with occasional Jello, pudding or popcicle. My biggest problem is my back aches, sore and achy. Abdomen is just sore. I took pain meds 1st 2 nights home cause I didn't want to wake in pain. I will try tylenol tonight. I can sleep ok on my left side but not my right as it makes my port incision hurt. I want to read but I am having trouble concentrating and there is crap on TV so I am bored. HELP!!!!
  22. sunshine6855

    Lapband operation on the 31th of July

    Welcome fofo. I had my band put in on the 26th and I am doing fine so far. There are many have surgery on the 31st. We have a very busy, informative, supportive thread for those having surgery in July. Please come join us over there. Just don't try to read all the messages and catch up. It will take you forever. We are a very chatty group. I was nervous, too, before surgery. I believe this is pretty normal. I did not have to travel after surgery but many did. I am sure you can get your questions answered. Come on over: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f94/lucky-sevens-july-07-bandsters-35160/
  23. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Eileen, many experience the same feelings as you do. We are here for you day and night as there are members of this group all around the world. I agree with Jeanie that you may be trying to do too much too soon. Now is the time to rest and heal. I empathize with you being alone. Several here are alone as they have told no one about the surgery. This group is my support. I must admit when I did tell my friend and children they became very supportive after the fact. Not so much before surgery except my daughter and my cousin. I will be off for 2 weeks so I will be here frequently if you need support.. Maria, welcome. Syria is a long way away and a much different time zone. What is the time difference from the east coast of US to Syria. I think this was a great decision for me and I look forward to getting to know you. Jeanie, how are you this am. You are so supportive to everyone. You seem to know just what to say. We are lucky to have you here on the board. Hope you day is going well. I slept well and have had a carnation instant breakfast and now I am sipping on water. I haven't been hungry yet. Just drink the CIB because I am suppose to have 3 a day. Maybe that is taking care of the hunger. I have wanted food...don't get me wrong. Head hunger present and accounted for...but not real hunger.
  24. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi. Sorry I was MIA. I think I overdid it yesterday and this am and needed and little pain med and a nap. Then I watched Nascar Nextel Qualifying with my son. We have been researching treadmills on the internet. Mine old is dying. Does anyone have a treadmill you would recommend? HAPPY BIRTHDAY DINI!!!! Jeanie, sorry you couldn't get your sunshine in the pool. Have to get it here today.. all this talk about recipes and such makes me want food. I am not hungry...just head hunger.

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