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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunshine6855

  1. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, I am glad to know Carnation Instant Breakfast is good. That is what my MD has his patients drink 3 x day after surgery in addition to yogurt, jello, other full liquids. You can add a serving of Carnation Powdered Milk and up the richness and the protein is about 21 gms. I read somewhere on this board that if you take in more than 25 gms protein at a time it just turns to fat. I don't know how true that is. I bought some of the SF CIB today to try and see what I can do with it. Chimboree, I sure would hate to be allergic to Percocet. It is a wonderful drug... BreadLady, the my docs support group is similar. Everyone meets together for announcements, general ed, and sampling of different products each month and then separates out to LB and GB. I am so glad. Issues and needs are different and also you don't feel bad that you are not losing as fast as the GB. I just keep remembering the tortoise and the hare...:biggrin1: I am so excited you time is getting so close. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Dini, what an exceptional calendar. I see you mentioned you are in Ireland. I am Irish and hope to one day visit. Friends went there a couple of years ago and their pictures were outstanding. Made it to England but did not have enough time to go to Ireland since I was there for business. Next time it will be pleasure. That is one thing I look forward to with my weight loss. My kids are grown and I look forward to traveling and enjoying myself in ways I can't do now....Just one of the many things I will enjoy more...
  2. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini, Great Job!!! it's nice to see everyone at a glance. Don't forget to move BreadLady to June 19. BreadLady, I sure hope you stay. I can't believe it. Next week! You lucky thing. I can't go before July because of vacation and travel for work. Hopefully I will be early in July. Welcome Wrangler. Checked with the dr. office today. They hope to have the papers filed with the insurance company by the end of the week. I should have a date in the next couple of weeks, assuming I will get approved..:clap2: Has anyone started taste testing protein powders/liquids/bars? Any positive results? I see a lot of people use the PP from Walmart thais is like $17 for a huge container. I just cannot stand that PP aftertaste from some powders...:cry I have not started buying anything for fear of jinxing my approval. Isn't that ridiculous. What can I say.... I see y'all are discussing pain meds. I don't know what they will do for me. They usually use Morphine pump but I am allergic to morphine. When I had sinus surgery they gave me Percocet which I let dissolve in a tsp of H2O and then took. It worked well. Percocet dissolves really fast. I will have to talk with the MD about that. I sure and glad I am here and getting reminded of things I need to do, buy, ask the md, followup on. Y'all are so great!
  3. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Boy, this group is growing. Welcome to Malaura, Neefam, Dini, Bobbertsmom, & Snaggletooth! Breadlady, thanks for the review. I am a reader, too, and had look at those books on Amazon. After reading the reviews, I figured I had already learned everything in the books for her and WLS for Dummies. I look forward to hearing your review of the 2 cookbooks. I really would like to get one. Cherry, I am getting a massage every 10 lbs. It was going to be every 25lb but, as a friend pointed out, I would be saving so much money from food and I deserve it. I love the idea of a bling-bling when I reach goal. I will have to give some thought to that. If I have PS, I really want by BB pierced, yes even at my age. Mike, I chose the band for the very same reasons you did. I could have written your message. I hope you continue to hang out with all us women. I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else on the board. I went to the pulmonologist today and the appt had to be rescheduled to next week. Thats ok though. Met with my MD this weekend (he does a small group with 3-4 pts for teaching and info) and he said all he needed to submit to insurance was the dietician and psychologist's reports and his letter of medical necessity. That should happen sometime in the next week or so. sunny:)
  4. sunshine6855

    Interested in a Gathering?

    I will be glad to help. I am a great team member :biggrin1:
  5. You need to quit smoking for your health. If you quit 6-8 weeks prior to surgery you lungs have time to begin functioning in an effective manner. The villa in the lungs start moving again and you can clear secretions and junk out of your lungs. You won't cough as much. You will breathe deeper and anesthesia will be safer. Stopping before this surgery is a great time to do it. I quit several years ago and gained 25 lbs. Since you will be on liquids and have the band, the tendency to stuff yourself with food vs cigarettes will be under better control. I quit cold turkey. I did get Patches and set a day to quit. But when the day came, I used one patch that day. I didn't need them after that. My mind was made up. I make it sound easy but it wasn't. I had quit and restarted many times before. You just keep trying and then, lo and behold, one time it works. I could still smoke a cigarette a foot long and enjoy it but I don't crave it and won't pick it up again. I will never be a person that can have one every now and then. If I have one it will become a pack. I know. I have done it before. Good luck, keep trying and if you need support I will be glad to be there.
  6. The road to Onederland is long but the friends you make there will be for a lifetime. Congratulations on your journey and all the friends you met and left behind. I can't wait to join you. sunny It's going to GREAT in 2008*!!!!!!!
  7. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, I had my endoscopy and gall bladder scan today. I won't know the results of the gall bladder test til I see the doctor but he said everything was fine with then endo. I do not have a hiatal hernia like I thought I did. Everything went great. I don't remember a thing. They said are you ready and next thing I know I am waking up and my daughter is sitting there with me in recovery. All that worry for nothing. I have not told my family because I was concerned about negativity. I told my daughter today. She asked some questions and said "Go for it!". That was so nice. I just brought it up since sometimes we project onto others what we think they might think or say. I underestimated my lovely, supportive daughter. My son is next. Wish me luck. I meet Saturday with the dr for extensive discussion and education for me and my daughter who is going with me. Monday is my pulmonology visit and then its just waiting for insurance approval. I am getting there...:clap2: cathy
  8. sunshine6855

    Interested in a Gathering?

    I voted Orlando area because I love it, the hotels are cheap, and planes are always going there. I am not the biggest fan of Vegas but I could do it or anywhere else just to get together and meet everyone. If I can do anything to help let me know. sunny
  9. I investigated the gastric bypass several years ago, going as far as consulting with the MD. I decided is was not for me. When I met with my present surgeon he recommended the bypass and I just informed him that was not an option. the band is less invasive and does not re-route on cut on my digestive system. He was fine with that. In fact, he was impressed I had researched the other procedure and ruled it out. He like informed patients. This is a personal decision that should not be strongly influenced by the doctor. I agree with others. I would get 2nd or 3rd opinions and, if your really want the band and this doctor to do it, tell him. It is your body and your decision. If he doesn't agree, go to a different doctor. I am a nurse and see all the time patients just doing what the doctor wants. Medicine has changed and you, the patient, are the most important member of the healthcare team. The final decision in any healthcare situation is yours. Good luck as you research and try to decide. We are always here to support you, whatever you decision. sunny
  10. Hi all. I am fairly new to the board and just saw this thread. I would have loved to go but just did a cruise in April. But, you can definitely count me in for next year. I had a wonderful time. I am sure y'all will too. I am so envious...:myscared: cathy
  11. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, I love your new motto.."It's going to GREAT in 2008*!!!!!!! Do you mind if I adopt it also? It would be a great motto for all of the Lucky 7s. Hi everyone. We are growing. I haven't started any special diet but I did notice that I am eating less at meals, leaving more on the plate. I am listening to my body and stopping when satisfied. Hopefully this will prepare me for after surgery. Have great day!!! cathy
  12. sunshine6855

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Love the name. another is Lucky 7s - 7/07. There is a July 2007 thread that has been ongoing for short while. Join us there and invite everyone over so we call hall have a cool name like the other months. I don't have a date yet but anticipate July. I welcome all and look forward to getting to know you all. sunny
  13. sunshine6855

    July 2007 Bandsters

    Lynette, you subconscious is definitely working overtime. I have some of the same fears, which isn' t really rational. Although I have never had laproscopic surgery, I have had other surgery and worked in an OR for 15 years. I can honestly say in all that time I never saw anyone have problems with anesthesia or lap surgery. I had sinus surgery 2 years ago without a 2nd thought. I really needed that surgery. I think I just have that old record still playing somewhere saying "you can do it if you just try". But, you know, I have tried and this IS needed surgery. My weight is a greater health risk than my sinuses ever were. So I just keep telling myself this hoping that record will run out of power. This group has been great in helping me realize all of that and helping to turn down the volume on the old record. Welcome to the group! This is going to be a fantastic July. cathy
  14. sunshine6855

    July 2007 Bandsters

    edie, thanks for joining in. I have read your posts on other forums and was very interested in your progress. I am only a few years older and have the same starting weight and goal. Since you had surg. last July you became my "poster child", my inspiration. I had many of the questions others have already asked you. Thanks for all of your support. I have a visit with the pulmonologist (asthma and sleep apnea) and endoscopy scheduled the first of next week. I am always worried they will find something that will keep me from having the surgery...I know I am just being a nervous freak here. Being in nursing gives more knowledge to worry about and I read anything and everything which just adds to the knowledge..and worry. I will be glad when they are over with. I haven't started exercising yet but after reading edie's post, I am going to try some easy walking to begin with everyday. I will let you know my progress. cathy
  15. sunshine6855

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    Hello all. New here and awaiting lapband. I just can't wait until the weight is gone and I can have the LBL or TT and bl. You all look so great. I started reading this thread and had to read the whole thing...all 400+ posts. I feel like I know all of you already. Puddin, I can so relate to all you write about. I am 51 now and needing lap band surg but in my 20's I was hot and wild. Lot of emotional and self esteem issues and I guess trying to prove to myself I was attractive and lovable. In my brain sex=love. Time, maturity and mostly the love of a wonderful man made me realize my value. Unfortunately he died after being together 10 years and 2 kids 17 yrs ago. Just beginning now to be interested in meeting men. Unfortunately, men don't want to meet me. Weight never kept me from meeting men. It was an internal thing. I mean, if I don't like myself why would anyone else like (love) me. When I start losing weight, exercising and taking care of myself if must show or something because all of sudden I attract men. Not there yet this time. The point is, love yourself and others will love you. Hard to get to that place though. I would love to have access to your blog and get to know you better. You, Brenda and Telly are truly my inspiration... cathy
  16. sunshine6855

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I am in the process of getting all the pre-op consults done. Hopefully I can have the surgery in July. I am 51 (52 next Friday) and worry about weight loss.It is great to have a group like this that understands the trials and tribulations of a seasoned body. I need this surgery for my health. I was doing great and then all of a sudden...BAM!!! All the numbers started going up or down and next thing you know you are on all kinds of meds. I don't like to take meds....:omg: My PCP told me my blood sugar and asthma will improve and probably my apnea. Those are all reason enough for me. The vain side wants to buy clothes in the regular department. Janet, hopefully they will do a sleep study on you. You may have sleep apnea. Falling asleep all the time is one of the symptoms. I look forward to getting to know all of you. cathy
  17. sunshine6855

    July 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Marcy and Mike. You too, Lynette. Seems like we are getting a group going. I am counting insurance paying for my surgery. If not, I will not be able to have it. I don't anticipate problems, though, because bcbs fed covers the surgery. Lynette, I had an opportunity to have my surgery by a much more experienced surgeon out of town, but like you, prefer a local doc. He has a great pre-op program and a on-going support group that has been active for several years, first for bypass patients and now lap band also. I don't have a date yet. I expect to get one in the next couple of weeks unless test show some reason for me not to have the surgery. Have y'all told friends and family. I did some feeler comments with friends like "I am looking at this surgery" and got lots of negative feedback. One friend has been extremely supportive. So I think she will be it, except for my kids of course. What has you experience been? sunny
  18. sunshine6855


    Hi and welcome. I am fairly new here and in the pre-op process, getting consults and such so that I can get insurance approval. I can honestly say this is the nicest, most helpful lap band group out there and I have learned a ton of information just reading all the post. I have just recently started posting myself. I understand the problems you are facing and those very problems are why many here have decided on the lap band. Being able to be active with your child is so important as well as all the other health issues. Good luck in your journey. Hope to hear from you often. sunny:)
  19. sunshine6855

    New From GA

    Hi, I am from GA (Augusta) also. I can relate to your feelings. I have experienced them too. I started the whole process, knowing it takes time, figuring I will make a decision when I have to. However, reading the board, researching the procedure, talking with the dr, psychologist, nutritionalist (who has a band), etc has convinced me this is what I need to be successful with weight loss. It is not a miracle cure but a tool. You still have to work at it, you just CAN be successful. Welcome. sunny:)
  20. sunshine6855


    test of avatar
  21. sunshine6855

    July 2007 Bandsters

    I do not have a date yet but hopefully it will be in July. I will be finished with all my pre-op test, consults, etc by June 9. I am keeping my fingers crossed. July seems so far away. I am in Georgia. sunny
  22. sunshine6855

    Welcome to all Newbies!!

    Hi Katie! Thanks for the welcome. I can't wait to become an official "bandster". Good luck with your progress. sunny
  23. sunshine6855

    soon to be banded

    I don't have a date for surgery, but by June 9 will have finished all the pre-op consults, etc. I will just need insurance approval which should not be a problem as I have BC BC federal and the surgery is covered. I am going on vacation mid-june and out of town for work the last week in June. I hope I can have the surgery after that in July. I will find out probably by mid-june. I am ready. My only problem seems to be that now that I have decided on surgery my appetite is through the roof...did that happen to anyone else? Good luck with your surgery. sunny
  24. Hi! I have been reading the boards for a week or two and decided to introduce myself. I am 51, 280 lbs, BMI 43, with diabetes, asthma, and sleep apnea. I am a nurse and have 2 kids, 4 dogs and 3 cats...quite a wild household. I am just amazed at the success and support in this group. I look forward to getting to know all of you. I had my 1st MD appt last week. I am in the process of scheduling the nutritionist and psychologist. I have to see a pulmonologist and have an endoscopy. And, of course, insurance has to approve. I don't think that will be a problem. I have vacation mid June so I don't want it before then. I am nervous and wondering if I am doing the right thing. I think that's mind games. I mean, I have probably joined ww and tried more diets than most. I can tell you the nutritional data of practically everything. You would think I could lose weight without surgery. But, if I could, I would have. So I think I am just having normal questions and thoughts...maybe not. What do you think? Is anyone from GA? Has anyone has surgery with Dr. Blaney? I would love to hear from you. sunny
  25. The doc that does the surgery in my town has done laproscopic surgery for 10 years, gastric bypass 10 years, rny with laproscopic surgery 3 year (about 150) and started lap band in December and has done 25. He has an excellent reputation as a surgeon here locally and would go to him for gall bladder surg via lap when it comes time. I would have to travel 150 miles for a more experience lap band surgeon and followup. Do you think all the experience with lap surg and lap bypass qualifies for experience with lap band. This is a very serious question. He has had no surgical complications, slippages, erosions, or infections and has been trained and certified by the band makers. Please give me honest feedback. I really want the surgery but want to be safe and in good hands.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
