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Posts posted by twoolley

  1. The more I think about this, the more it upsets me that I got called out and embarassed. I am the ONLY person that posted on this person's question that tried to help her and I am being scolded.

    It may seem like I'm taking this pretty hard but I have refrained from posting after the "people are mean" posts started. I actually posted more today than I have in a long time & trying to contribute to the community. Perhaps it's just poor timing, but I'm retiring from the forums this time.

  2. My name is Tom. I live in Magnolia, Texas and I grew up in Conroe, Texas my whole life. I'm 29 yrs old... turning 30 March 1st. I am married and we have a 5 yr old boy. He's in my signature picture.

    I love to play internet games like League of Legends. I enjoy TV shows like Elementary, Lost Girl, Stargate series (off air now), I tend to hate reality shows but Wipeout is just to funny to not watch. I have recently picked up downloading music to my phone because it really helps me to get pumped for workouts.

    Does anyone else think a VST convention would be really cool? I have a coworker who has become a close friend of mine. Him and his wife both had the same surgery I did. It's been invaluable comparing our experiences and it's great to hang out with other people whose life doesn't revolve around dinner out.

  3. Logging is the best way to determine if you really should be loosing weight because you will see calories in and calories burned.

    Again though... we know very little about the last 16 months. Was there an initial loss, did you gain some back? What are your eating habits like now.

    Unless you're willing to post a LOT more information, there's very little advice we can give you.

  4. @Lexsan These people fit into 2 categories. Either they're your skinny friend who doesn't want you to succeed or they are your fat friend who doesn't want you to become the skinny friend.

    I have found in my journey that there are a lot of people hoping for you to fail. They may not say it to your face, but if you fail it validates their concern. I love my family... but I swear sometimes those negative people would have LOVED me to have complications just so they could say "I told you so".

    Instead I am now below the weight I weighed when I graduated. I went clothes shopping this weekend at a normal department store and it was AWESOME!

    I donated almost all my old clothes including the suit I wore on my honeymoon and I tried on my letter jacket from 11th & 12th grade last weekend and it's to big.

    Oh yeah... and my wife and I are having the best sex of our lives.

    To hell with your friend and all those negative people - change your voicemail message to say "If this is soandso, I have heard your argument and I don't care... leave a message - bye!"

    Congrats on choosing to have the surgery & good luck tomorrow! The first few weeks are the "holy crap what have I done" weeks, but after you're healed and back on normal food it's the best feeling ever! I'm totally worked up over this now, LOL :lol:

  5. I've never been told this by someone so I honestly can't comment on how I reacted. I have a family reunion coming up in a couple months and I expect to hear it at least once there.

    However.... I've done a lot of hard things in my life. I'm a successful 29 yr old man with a family and a career. If someone wants to call what I have done the "easy way out" then by all means I took the easy road for once!

    9 times out of 10 the people that have said anything negative about my weight loss surgery have been fat. They are speakout out of either jealousy or fear.

    The second instance is when people say "You're not eating enough" or "You're losing weight to fast" to which I simply respond "Did you really just say that?" and look at them like they're totally stupid.

  6. Even if they didn't take enough, they still took some. You shouldn't be gaining.

    Not entirely accurate. It's possible to gain weight even with a correctly performed sleeve surgery. Eating habits still play a very important role in weight loss. It's possible to consume malts, milk shakes, fatty or buttery foods high in calories that slide through the sleeve more easily. It's also possible to keep eating as space becomes available. I had to watch for this during Christmas and Thanksgiving because the easily accessible food made it tempting to eat a little something every 30 minutes or so. Given the time during a day I could have easily consumed an entire pie as well as my dinner, especially if I avoided denser Proteins and stuck with just the high cal foods.

    I have a bad habit of skipping logging when I know I've been bad. :)

  7. Oh I have done that. I also totaled up the calories of my typical fast food orders. My largest order is Sonic.

    Large popcorn chicken

    Sonic size chilie cheese tots

    Fried cheese sticks

    Corndog with mayo

    Large blended rootbeer float

    Total was ~$12. JUST FOR ME!

    I would feel horrible and yet so satisfied after eating it. Like my body wanted all that nasty food so bad that it made me feel great because I felt bad. Does that make any sense? Because it doesn't make sense to me now.

    I can't imagine eating a chili cheese tot now, the concept makes me sick.

  8. I've been overweight since I was a child. In fact... it was pretty sad. I won't go into huge detail but my mom doesn't believe in "depriving" a child of food. Unfortunately I loved all the fatty homecooked meals she made for me and eating 2-3 plates at dinner was the norm.

    I can almost see a flipbook of my childhood as the plates got bigger, fuller, and more numerous.

    I honestly don't remember what my weight was all through school - I think my mom has it in growth charts or books or something. Luckily I was tall/big enough that I didn't get harassed or made fun of to often but there are plenty of times it did. Many from my own younger brother. :(

  9. Welcome to the forums! JennyBeth gave you a great place to start. When you find a surgeon they will advise you on the 6-month or 3-month process that you should go through. Weight loss surgeon offices are very familiar with the hoops that the insurance requires you to jump through and they will know the best way to get you approved.

    PLEASE use the search function at the top of the site and search "Finding a surgeon" , "Questions to ask" , "Diet after surgery" , "Recovery" , "Complications" , "Food tolerance"

    That is some of the biggest topics here that will start you off on how you feel about the surgery. Good luck!

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