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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by alisha29

  1. alisha29


    Thank you for the recipe! Sounds delish!
  2. alisha29

    I Want Real Food!

    Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I discovered diet lemonade at chick fil a, and it has helped take the edge off some. I want to have the willpower to hold out, but I really am sick of soup and even more sick of protein powder. I just ordered unflavored unjury so when I am on the next phase, I can lace my food in protein and never drink a shake again! Thinking I will order the cheese sauce protein too!
  3. alisha29

    4 Days Post-Op

    My post OP all liquid diet allows for fat free/sugar free pudding. I add a scoop of my protein powder in it. It is pretty good, and helps me eat all my protein. I can also have the low fat cream soups, strained. I mix with milk, and then add 1/3 cup of dry milk for 8 more gr. Protein. I want to buy some unjury unflavored to add to the soups, but have not yet. Definitely check, but if you are not on all clears, then this should be okay. Im 6 days post op, and following my dr. Instructions to the letter! Good luck
  4. Okay, I'm getting nervous! Seriously, nose bleeding nervous. Surgery in 16 hours. Prayers please!
  5. I had surgery this past Monday. I was so nervous my nose was bleeding, and I was shaking. As soon as you check in, let the know you are nervous and would like something to help you calm down. I was given something almost immediately after I asked, and felt much better. As I am sure you have heard, walk as soon as you can and keep walking. I have not had the has pain, but I sure burp all the time. The first 3 days suck, but everyday improved tremendously after that. I am going to work tomorrow...one week after my surgery! You will be fine! Thinking of you tomorrow! Best wishes
  6. Good for you for making the decision to better your life and be a fun mommy for your babes. It is unsettling how just a small comment can change us and set us spiraling with obsessions regarding weight and food! A similar experience happened to me as well, leading me to abuse laxatives for years as a way to lose weight and maintain weight. My life revolved around my need to pop laxatives...at the worst, I was taking 9 at one time. Eventually, I broke myself from this cycle, but began ballooning up in weight. I chose the sleeve as a tool to help me gain control of my eating and my ballooning weight. I refuse to lose the battle! We all need to be careful of what we say to children when their bodies are developing. You never know how one comment can forever change their life! Best wishes to you on your new journey!
  7. alisha29

    One Week Post-Op :d

    Holly, I can relate to all of that and more! I teach at a small private school. We have literally 0 substitutes! This means when I am out, my Co worker is in a class of 18 kindergartners (and their high maintenance parents) by herself. I fear if I miss much more time, she will quite and leave me alone! On a positive note, I feel a lot better! I do have a very supportive Co worker who will pull more than her share if I can't do it all. Thank you for your advice and concern!
  8. alisha29

    Glad To Get Past The Surgery

    I was sleeved on the 22nd. I feel all the same things as you. I have found to take a sip, let is sit a minute or two and then another. It takes forever to get anything down, but I don't want to risk a leak. I also was very nauseous in the hospital, even threw up blood. It was very painful and scary! Everyday gets better than the day before. We need to get our rest though and our water. I don't always feel my bladder, but I think it is because I am not guzzling fluids like I used to so my bladder is never as full as it used to be. Speedy recovery to you (and to me)
  9. Hey! I was sleeved Monday as well. I still have a lot of pain in my tummy, but it is getting better every day. I am enjoying a lunch of low fat cream of chicken soup, strained of course. I added a bit of dry milk powder for added protein. Pretty good! I keep burping with every drink I take of anything. What gives??? No gas pain or pressure and I take my gas x strips regularly. Is this normal? Anybody know how to stop it?
  10. You have a greater risk of dying in a car accident during your morning commute to work, but I doubt you will stay home and stop working...why? Because you need to support your family. The same is true of the surgery. Doing it will help support your family. It is hard to get a good life insurance policy when you are morbidly obese. Think about how much your life means to them, and realize that fear is keeping you from giving them your best! Prayers for you as you consider changing your life!
  11. Wow! Amazing progress! Congrats to you on your success thus far and the success you have yet to see.
  12. alisha29

    One Week Post-Op :d

    Oh, thank you so much for explAining that. It makes sense now! It does seen to be getting better every day! Today is MUCH better than yesterday. I have to work Monday, so I pray that the weekend continues to get better and better
  13. alisha29

    One Week Post-Op :d

    I was sleeved Monday the 22nd. I am 5 days out now and beginning to feel functioning again. Still a long way from normal! Pain wise, I have one area in the center of my tummy that pulls and burns. It is not an incision which is what confused me. Is this normal? It is center, towards my right side. I could understand if it was an incision, but it is not. The incisions don't hurt at all. This nagging spot keeps me from sleeping comfortably. I am struggling getting in fluids, but I am making it my goal to do better today since I woke up with a headache. I do not want to dehydrate! On a great note, I am down a total of 25 pounds! 20 pre, and 5 post. So excited to see the scale moving down rather than up for a change. I want to feel good shopping for a holiday outfit by mid December!
  14. Thanks for sharing. That is encouraging news!
  15. Hey guys! I had surgery on Monday, so I am 4 days out now I think. I feel a lot better than I did, but still have a long way to go. My incisions hurt, my tummy is constantly bubbling, and sipping protein shakes feels like a full time job. I am normally a side sleeper, but I can't sleep on my side without it pulling my incisions, so I have not slept well. I have to go back to work Monday, but right now, I can't imagine how I would make it! When will I feel somewhat normal?
  16. Thank you for that suggestion. I will try the pillow thing tonight. Perhaps buy a body pillow as well!
  17. I am a kindergarten teacher. Not physically strenuous, but definitely mentally. I have a great Co-teacher that will be a tremendous help, but I honestly don't see how I could make a whole day. I am going to venture out of my house today to take my daughter to her dentist and perhaps go to the mall to buy a belly band. When I had my hysterectomy, the binding band they gave me helped a whole lot. Hoping the pregnancy band will help
  18. I'm finished too. Hope within 12 hour of the surgery. I am in a lot of pain, but it feels better to be home. When can I expect to stop feeling nausea? I swear I have dry heaved myself til death sound good.
  19. Right there with you! Surgery in 4 hours! So nervous...my nose actually poured blood last night from my nerves. Gonna ask for something as soon as I get to the hospital to help me calm down. prayers and hugs for everyone going under with me today!
  20. alisha29

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Thank you everyone for your encouragement! I'm scared, but I know this is the best thing for me.
  21. alisha29

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Thank you for your encouragement
  22. You got this! I'm getting sleeved Monday as well. I nervous, but excited to start my new life and a new me.
  23. alisha29

    October Sleevers?

    Surgery, Monday...October 22nd. Starting to get the butterflies

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
