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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by delta_girl

  1. Mine started about an hour and a half before surgery, and it was a doozie. The disposable underwear is great. I had thought it might be possible, so brought some overnight protection level maxi pads. I didn't bring tampons because I was not sure how well I would be able to handle them after surgery. It isn't a big deal at all. When I was being admitted and the nurse was doing my paperwork she asked when my last period took place, I said "now."

  2. Check your number of carbs per day, Quianna. Also look to see if you are getting any fat at all.

    Yesterday I pulled myself together and was successful. I kept my carbs under 30 and added in some healthy fat, which seemed to help a lot. I also did a 2.5 mile hike to get out of the house. Be good to yourself and don't listen to that negative voice that wants you to accept failure. You CAN do it. From what I understand after reading a lot of posts, few people are perfect with their nutrition.

    sugar free gum has carbs, btw. Too many carbs make you want more carbs.

  3. Like most I miss my diet Sundrop and SWEET TEA!! I'm trying different artificial sweeteners but they seem to have a strange after taste. Is this just something you get used to? I'm getting tired of Water and crystal light. I haven't tried the Mio yet but I'm going to. I've never been a green tea person but I haven't tried it since surgery.

    I use Truvia, which is not too bad. I also really like the lemon tea for Kurig, though it is not extremely sweet, it has a nice flavor.

  4. I was a weekend warrior smoker but I quit 3 weeks prior to surgery. One week after I quit I fell off of the wagon and smoked an e cigarette one Saturday night. After that I didn't smoke again for the two weeks prior to surgery. They took blood samples the morning of my surgery and my surgeon never mentioned it so I guess my level of nicotine was acceptable. That was three weeks ago and I haven't smoked since and feel fantastic.

  5. I don't think it is everyone coming down on someone necessarily. It is shock and surprise. Is being overweight, even slightly a medical problem or is it a beauty issue? We spend a lot of time in this forum discussing health-related issues, feeling better, overcoming challenges, etc. I don't think we have seen anyone who (based on their nickname and lower weight) "appears" to be all about physical appearance. I may be wrong. We are just very surprised based on our frames of understanding.

  6. I don't mean to sound rude but something doesn't smell right with this... A doctor that would do the surgery on someone not considered obese? Her profile is misleading.. it says both presurgery and that she had surgery on Aug 25... Even at 5'2".. 150 is not considered obese.. that is only a 28.2 BMI...

    I was wondering that too. But perhaps in California, doctors are considering it cosmetic?

  7. How do you check Keytones?

    I picked up keytone strips from Walgreen's. Here they are behind the pharmacy counter so you have to request them. They are only good for about 3 months after you open them and they do expire. I think I paid $14 for the container of 50 test strips. You check your keytones by placing the active end of the strip in your urine and comparing the results to the scale on the container.

  8. Week three is a bit early for a slippery slope, but that is where I have found myself. Yesterday (after several similar feeling days) I had decided that I was a failure and my old habits were back and I was helpless. All of the research, the questions, the medical tests, the planning, the operation, the recovery, the shopping for good things, all of it was not going to work for me because I was going to be one of those who didn't make it. It started with wanting something salty, so I licked some cheetoes which are in the house because my skinny boyfriend eats them. Then it was a few crackers way too early, then it was a few nibbles of something else. Very quickly I found myself feeling like I was starving all day long and nothing could satisfy me. Though I was still staying around 600-700 calories a day, it was getting harder and harder. My Protein was 40-55g a day. I have checked my keytones daily and I was and am in heavy ketosis. Still, I felt like a complete failure. Being a slow looser didn't help that feeling at all.

    This morning I decided to yank a knot in my chain. Thank goodness I have been tracking every tiny thing that goes into my mouth, illegal or not. Yesterday and the day before my carbs were insane and I hadn't even payed attention. No wonder. It hasn't just been head hunger, there has been an actual reason for the ravenous cravings and sense of failure. 132 carbs one day and 56 the next. Good grief that is nuts. (Carb police, thanks but I don't need to know either your nor your Nuts carb recommendation. I am already aware. This isn't for you.)

    I do need nor am I asking for any sage advice from anyone. What I do want to share is that if you find yourself in a similar situation where you feel like you are starving to death or you feel like a failure, it is ok. What isn't ok is to do nothing about it and let it get the best of you. If you aren't tracking what you eat and drink, use one of the many web or app resources available, or write down what you eat each day. Talk to someone about it. Put some tape over the inner voice that is not lifting you up, and take charge. I may be super early in the game to be using my sleeve as a tool while I should be working through early stages, but we aren't all the same. Today I have a grip on myself and have stopped the internal dialogue of defeat. You can too, no matter where you are in your process. I am excited about my day, about my walk this afternoon, about cleaning out my car so that I am better organized, doing my graduate school homework, even doing laundry, because I feel better than I have in months and I have a renewed opportunity for a healthy, productive life.

    Failure isn't failure until you stop trying.

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