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Posts posted by delta_girl

  1. I lost almost a shoe size after dropping 22 lbs and all of my dress shoes are much more comfortable. I have noticed that my feet don't look like sausages anymore. Not one of the largest benefits I anticipated from weight loss, but certainly noticed and appreciated. The exercise may have helped as much as the weight loss.

  2. I usually eat 500-700 calories a day, 20-30 carbs a day and always at least 80 grams of Protein. I am 5 months post op and have lost 60 pounds but have hit a lot of stalls and slowed with the weight loss in the past 6 weeks. I have replaced 2 meals each day with Protein shakes and exercise 4 times a week for on hour on the elliptical. Just not sure what I am doing wrong?!?

    I'm 5'3 too and after my doctor's appointment yesterday I was scolded for eating 80g of Protein One day. He said more is not better and that at my height it should be 45-50g. It has to do with stress on your liver. That isn't to say you should do the same. You should do whatever your doctor and, or Nut told you to do. Carbs were never mentioned, just specific foods.

  3. Nobody has noticed I've lost weight yet, but I have been asked why I'm not eating celebration cakes at work or what I'm drinking for lunch. I just say high, high Protein, low carb nutrition plan.

    If you don't want to share, don't. It is not fear of disclosure or embarrassment or being secretive. It is the same right to privacy that everyone has. Do they want to know what brand of underwear you are wearing or your bra size? "Wow, you sure do have large breasts. What size is that bra?" Or the opposite for small breasts. I know they mean to give you a compliment, but your weight and plan are not public domain.

    Tell them whatever you want to tell them. They aren't entitled to any answers about your private, personal life.

  4. You need to have your head right when you go into this because once its done, its done. There is nothing wrong with waiting until you are committed. Cheating and then beating yourself up for it is part of the cycle that results in negative internal dialogue. Think of it as loving yourself, taking care of yourself, taking responsibility for your health, not as fear or regret for the loss of unhealthy foods.

    Now having said that, it does get easier, but there are some really tough days for me, too.

  5. What was the complication that caused it?

    I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. It may just be I am reading it differently or looking at it from another direction. When you go under anesthesia, regardless of if you are having a knee replacement, a boob job, a gall bladder removal, or a lap band, you risk death from a reaction to the anesthesia or pulmonary embolism or infection or any number of other possible complications.

  6. Neither have I heard of anybody losing their life from complications in cosmetic surgery.

    This made me wonder about some actual statistics or other information. Taking a stroll through the interwebs. I could have added tons more, but I really wasn't enjoying searching about it very much.

    Mortality < 0.1 %

    Olivia Goldsmith, author of 'The First Wives' Club,' died having cosmetic surgery.

    Donda West mother of Kanye West, 58, died following a series of plastic surgeries, including a breast reduction, liposuction, and a Tummy Tuck.< /span>


    Julie Rubenzer


    Solange Magnano, 37

    Face Lift

    Calthleen Kreghan, 42

    Donna Ames, 49

    Sandy Leach, 55

  7. I had the same issue. Protonix wasn't working well. Just started prilosec on Sunday. Taking 20mg twice a day. It's a very small pill. But I have had to take tums a couple of times in the middle of the night. It does say that it takes a little bit for the prilosec to work so hopefully it will get better!!

    You had your surgery one day after mine, so it is interesting that we've both switched. Please let me know how the Prilosec works for you. I started Prevacid yesterday and take Tums in the evening for acid but also for the Calcium.

  8. My surgeon prescribed Protonix and I took it for 3 weeks, but I don't feel like it was very effective after 2 weeks. I'm not sure if that particular PPI is milder or more easily tolerated for coming straight out of a surgical procedure on the stomach. Yesterday I told my doctor that I kept feeling extreme hunger all day long that I thought was related to stomach acid or gas and could I switch to Prilosec or Prevacid because the Protonix didn't seem to work very well. He said sure, just make sure it is either a very small pill or an elixer.

    Which PPIs have you tried and what are your experiences with them? Do you also supplement with Tum's or some other form of antacid?

  9. Mine is the same as OTR with the exception of healing time. I had no staples or stitches. My surgeon used some type of surgical glue. Externally, all of those incisions have healed at three weeks. Now internally ... I have noooo idea, but I'm not lifting anything for 6 weeks either. I was back to work 5 days after surgery and walking for exercise regularly starting on day 7 after surgery.

  10. I don't think that vssupermodel's story is anybody's business unless she wants to share. There is no protocol here that requires she prove herself to us nor anyone else. She does not owe us anything and we shouldn't feel entitled to details about her history. She is unique in her history and her rationaile compared to vast majority here. That is OK. I wouldn't compare this to the promo spammer employees from that doctor's office that convened here recently with their highly questionable motives.

    When my husband died in March 2011 from an accident I dropped 40 lbs in three months. I wanted a lapband at that point so badly I could have cried.It took the death of my loved one to finally get me to drop weight. I wanted it to last but was so afraid the weight would come back. Then, three months after my husband's death my brother was killed. I gained 60 lbs back over the next several months. Totally opposite ways to handle grief and stress.

    If I could have had a bariatric procedure preformed when I was at 178, you better believe I would have done it!

    There has been an over 400% increase in the number of bariatric procedures performed just in the last few years. If it is an area of medicine that is growing that quickly, then it just might be that the definitions for qualification may be changing and becoming more broad. In another ten years it is possible that this is a routine surgery for cosmetic purposes. Face lifts, tummy tucks, etc. aren't just for burn victims and they are major surgery as well.

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