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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HeyMo35

  1. I probably have no place chiming in lol but what has been your plan?

    I would try lowering the carbs significantly, getting rid of junk, protn @ every meal, low to moderate fats, and exercise 3-5 x per week to see what happens. Sugar and these simple carbs are a problem - surgery or not.

    And this surgery is a tool to assist..so if you find you need the assitance than...do what you gotta do. lol

    Keep researching and reading!

    Best of luck to you!

  2. Early on, spoutin' off 20 or 30 pounds was awesome....

    I DOn't wangt to tell work associates or acquaintances I have lost the equivalent of a German Sheppard off my ass!!

    I Celebrate that with my girl friends, but co-workers are a different breed (pun intended).

    The bitchiness is not appreciated, nor do I want to see raised eyebrows as they look at how much further I still have to go and strain to do the mental math to see I was a 300 pounder at one time....

    Gosh NO!

    Going strong....going to try and get some intentional work outs in.....

    Glad to be a success story.....

    Oh - here's a pic of my Halloween outfit....I chose not to wear it out of the house....9-10-c.bmp

    LOL @ german shepard!

    You look great!!!

  3. I read of a gal in England who got a wasting disease from WLS (it's incredibly rare but can happen) who lost all of her weight, then couldn't stop and died eventually. Her husband blogged about it. It was very sad.

    What have I read here...well heart stopping on the OR table. Complications from anesthesia as well (ie you never wake up after surgery). I had internal bleeding and ended up with an abdomen full of blood (which causes uncontrollable spasms...a hell I don't want anyone to share) a leak that caused my plural cavity to fill with Fluid which crushes the lung. Leaks can cause sepsis which damages your internal organs. Strictures which can cause the loss of your stomach. I'm sure there are other things that can happen, but those are bad enough for now!

    OMG!! :blink:

  4. I'm sorry you are having such a tough time.

    I would relax but not give up! I've heard of people appealing ins. multiple times. Also, I would check with you doc office coordinator to see if they have a legal person who can go after the ins co? I know my doc office does...

    Dont give up but dont get too stressed out! Where theres a will theres a way!! :ph34r: :D

  5. I tend to think ppl are 'focused' on numbers simply b/c they help us gage our progress. They are not the most important thing nor are we just numbers..but they do help us see another part of the picture so to speak. Those NSV really do matter ... you can't put how you feel into a number or all of your success. At the same time dont be so hard on the number crunchers lol

  6. Not sleeved myself but from my research (lol) I've heard it really depends on what you can handle. Some ppl/doctors say no, never. Some say later on and wait 6months, year, whatever..Then i've heard some people lose their desire for it...so....I would get your docs advice and maybe a after some time give one a try..to see if you still like it. thats what i was gonna do lol I love muh soda! lol :D

  7. Ok..well i tried it. Its not bad but i dont like it that much but I only tried it untoasted and plain..right out of the bag. I think it may be ok toasted on a sandwhich. And for the tiny tummy ppl one slice is pretty big.

    Its very stretchy lol...like i had to literally tear off a piece. I was like is it gonna break off or not lol

    Overall its okay but not something I will buy again.

  8. Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone has any issues meeting their nutritional goals long term? I know in the beginning you can't eat much..i see ppl saying they are eating (well drinking lol) like only 800 calories or less a day..

    I'm a little concerned that at 12, 18, 24 months later and beyond i will at least be able to eat at least 1200-1500 calories per day without a struggle. I'm pretty sure i will be fine but a little reasurance wouldnt hurt right now.. :unsure:


  9. It is due to the swelling of the stomach. The sleeve when completely healed is 8+-oz. After surgery the 8oz is for the most part filled with swollen stomach tissue. It could swell to the point that in the first couple days there may no capacity.

    The good news is that the excessive swelling goes down pretty quickly, however full capacity won't be reache for 6-12months.


    oooh! ok! Thanks

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