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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Boofster

  1. I am about your height and was 10 lbs heavier pre-op. The co-morbs did it for me. Yes, i needed to lose weight badly. Ive been 126 and I've been 226... Actually highest was 263. Its one thing to be obese; its another to have related diseases for which you are forever tied to medication and in all liklihood will shorten your life. Did I want to be that Mom who needs a scooter at 60 because she can't stand for more than 10 minutes? No way. When I heard that the surgery would effectively decrease or eliminate my diabetes and HBP, that was the clincher. I signed on and never looked back. Sleeved on the 19th. Blood sugars have been the lowest in years (sans meds) and BP is close to normal...

    So, I say, do it. Bye bye co-morbs!! Hello health and feeling good.

  2. One week out., Today I've had Chobani plain yogurt, creamy Tomato Soup, creamy chicken Soup, Water, Crystal Light Decaf Iced Tea and Protein Shake - Syntrax Nectar vanilla Bean Torte. I go for my follow up on Wednesday and am hoping that the doc will move me to mushies - I feel like I need something more substantial... I am missing Italian food the most but have a substitute planned when the time comes - ricotta cheese, a bit of Tomato sauce and mozz cheese.

  3. Im one week out. Really pushed myself physically yesterday with shopping, putting up Christmas tree, housework, etc. Well, I really paid for it last night, waking up with soreness and pain in the belly area. So I guess when they say rest, they mean it! Don't push yourselves too hard - give your body time to heal. :)

  4. I hear ya. I was sleeved on Monday 11/19.. My parents, who are wonderful, stayed with me and brought some dishes to eat while here. I was doling out sausage n peppers and Pasta n meatballs to everyone else. I was drooling inside but tried to be strong. I also cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner for my immediate family on Thurs. It was torture not being able to have any. I kept on course with my program, and just kept thinking of the many scale and non-scale victories that are to come. Also that there will be many thanksgivings to come.

    I understand that our hormones are doing flips after surgery and this may account for some of the emotions that we're feeling. It's hard to be strong at times but we will do it - there's so much proof on this site!

  5. For those recently post op or watching their portions....I've been using 4 oz. ramekins to eat out of. This has been helpful, as we have to closely watch portion sizes now (sooo easy to go overboard if you don't know sizes...been there...oofa). You can get them anywhere, Walmart, Target, maybe even food stores...but here's what they look like.


    Also, have been using plastic spoons which are smaller than regular teaspoons.

    Anything that helps, right?

    Any other suggestions out there?

  6. Well, those folks that said day 4 or 5 is the turnaround were right. Sleeved on Monday 11/19. Slept through the night last night without pain killers or even Tylenol. Hardly no gas. Incision pain is at a minimum today but is really itchy. Feeling more normal. May even venture out today! Wish I had a binder.

    Hope my November sleevesters are doing well!!

  7. It will get better. It hurts when I drink my Protein Shakes, but they stay down so I am going with it. My stomach still looks like I am 6 months pregnant. The Water recently started coming off, but until then I had big old Godfather sausage fingers with indents for knuckles and Miss Piggy feet. Today I just started feeling a bit more normal and made my husband and kids a Thanksgiving dinner. It was too much and now I am exhausted. I couldn't eat so I did the next best thing and shopped online for myself! At least that felt good. We will make it ladies!!!

  8. Gas-X helped me somewhat. I also found that laying on my side with belly supported by pillow underneath almost always released some gas. LOL Hey, whatever works. Today I actually am starting to feel a little normal again. Incisions still sore but Tylenol actually helps more than Dilaudid. Go figure. We will persevere, ladies!! Happy Turkey Day (as I sip my chicken soup...)

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