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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DayByDay

  1. DayByDay

    Weight loss presurgery

    I lost about 48lbs before surgery.
  2. I gained 10lbs after my surgery. It was all fluids they pumped into me. Most of it is gone, however I still have some swelling which is probably retaining some water as well. My pants are a bit tight. Don't worry. It will come off.
  3. Things went really well. The worst part for me was the IV. I almost passed out. Once they got the right vein I was fine. It's been 4 days and I'm doing good. I had to have a hiatal hernia repaired and that seems to be a source of most of my pain. But overall I'm doing really well. Happier when I get to see the scale move.
  4. DayByDay

    February 25

    I weighed, just out of curiosity. I've gained 10lbs. Not a huge surprise as they have pumped me full of fluids. I'm on full liquids and have no problem getting my Protein down. Just takes a long time.
  5. DayByDay

    February 25

    Well I made it though the surgery. I only had one scary moment. The nurse was having problems putting in my IV and I just about passed out. I guess my heart rate dropped into the 30s. Made everyone nervous. Anyway, they tried a different vein and I was fine. Surgery went on as planned. My vitals were good enough to send me home. Went back today to get some fluids. Feeling okay as long as I keep taking my pain meds. Getting Water down is challenge. I came within 5lbs of my surgery goal weight. I lost 48lbs since the start of this process. I hope everyone has a speedy recovery.
  6. DayByDay


    There are no dumb questions. I didn't know what it was until I started the process. A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through your diaphragm into your chest cavity.http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/medical/IM01191
  7. One thing I found is that when I started taking my thyroid medication on a regular basis it made losing weight easier.
  8. DayByDay

    123 lbs loss

    Awesome job!
  9. Gaining all the weight back or not losing any is probably my biggest fears. My surgery is about a week away. All I can say is start making changes now to prepare yourself for what is coming. The bottom line is that if you don't make the changes, the sleeve will be a temporary victory but the outcome will be the same. Weight Loss Surgery is not a DO-OVER (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.) Weight Loss Surgery is a DO-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.) Also visit the website: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ The person who runs this site did not do the sleeve but she has some great advise for making the changes stick and some awesome recipes. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  10. DayByDay

    February Sleevers

    My surgery is also on Feb 25th. I've lost about 5lbs on the Preop diet. I started a week early. About 9lbs to go for my pre-surgery goal. Not going to make it but feel good about losing 44lbs on my own. Good luck everyone!
  11. DayByDay

    February 25

    I'm February 25th. I'm supposed to start my low carb diet today, but i started last week. I figured it couldn't hurt. I have a goal of loosing 53lbs before surgery, not sure I'm going to make it. So far I'm down about 44. I'm just ready for it to be over so I can move onto the next phase.
  12. DayByDay

    Marriage - I Don't Know If...

    Above all you have to take care of yourself. You have to put yourself first. Its not being selfish to be your best healthy self. My husband isn't all that thrilled either. I'm doing it anyway. I refuse to not get healthy because of his insecurities. All you can do is keep the lines of communication open. It could be that he doesn't want you to have a bad outcome. Surgery is a risk and he doesn't want to lose you. Or is it because he thinks you'll become more attractive to others and leave him. Either way try to involve him in the process and assure him it is a health focused choice. When he is willing to be involved, talk to him about the risks of not doing the surgery, what your comorbidities will do to your body over time. That's all you can do. The rest is up to him. My husbad doesn't really want to talk about it, so I don't forse the issue. But when he does want to talk, I do what i can to inform him. Take care.
  13. DayByDay

    Post Sleeve Bucket List :)

    My Bucket List: 1. Back to running 25 miles per week 2. Be able to cross my legs 3. Feel comfortable wearing skirts again 4. Back to 1000 crunches a day 5. Getting my groove back (do people still say that?) 6. Shopping in any store I want
  14. Interesting. I guess each doctor does things differently. My Nut did tell me they used to start vitamins sooner but they just changed it up just recently. If you doctor says its okay then I would follow their instructions. I am going to ask if I can take liquid B vitamins after the clear liquid stage. B's help with energy and it is liquid soluble.
  15. My doctor and nut have me wait about 10 days because taking vitamins is hard on the tummy after surgery.
  16. DayByDay


    That can happen after surgery. I think the chemicals in our brain get a little out of balance when we have surgery. Known as post-op depression. Walking sometimes helps. Boosts the happy cells in the brain. If it goes on too long talk to your doctor.
  17. DayByDay

    February Sleevers

    I had my Nut appointment on Friday as well. Also met with the surgeon for my final appointment to be cleared before surgery. Got a nice kudos for dropping about 30lbs since our last visit. Still hoping to get 10lbs more down before surgery. Pre-op diet is fairly simple, went ahead and started today, giving myself a week to adjust and get a plan together.
  18. I will be at Puget Sound Bariatric on Feb 25th. I am self pay also. I meet with the surgeon and nut tomorrow to get everything finalized. Good luck.
  19. DayByDay

    I booked a date

    I meet with the surgeon and Nut on Feb 1st to get my pre-op diet.
  20. DayByDay

    Denied for the 2nd time! :(

    Is self pay an option for you? Seems like they will always come up with a reason why not to pay.
  21. DayByDay

    So pissed...

    I'm not an expert at this but have had my share of experience with insurance companies. The more information you know the better off you are. EOB is an explanation of benefits. It explains what the doctor is paid, what the plan pays, and what the patient pays. I would get one from the insurance company, if not ask. I would also ask the doctor for an itemized bill. Also, if you stay at a hospital you can ask for an itemized bill. Depending on how it is all lumped together you may want one from the anesthesiologist as well. What you would want to try and do is match all your doctor bills against the EOB to make sure you are not being billed for some random charge. If you do, you can call your insurance company and question it, see if they pay it, why they wont. Many facilities are becoming like banks by charging you random fees. Like a facility fee. Meaning just for seeing a doctor in facility you pay a fee. It can be as much as $100. Some insurance companies do not pay that fee, some do. Anyway, depending on your insurance and how cooperative or helpful they are, you can always see if you can have an idea of what your costs are before your surgery, so you can be prepared. Anyway, just some ideas. I hope this is helpful. Take care and good luck.
  22. DayByDay

    So pissed...

    Did you get an EOB from your insurance company? If not get one. Also get an itemized bill from the Doctor. If you feel like they are scamming you, let your insurance company know. It is against their contract to balance bill or any other shenanigans Good luck.
  23. DayByDay

    I booked a date

    Me too! (Coke bottle body) Interesting.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
