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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Savedbyamazinggrace

  1. I had my surgery on November of 2013.....I can eat a cup of greek yogurt. I asked for a larger bougie though. I would think that you should be able to eat more than that now. Your new tummy will stretch some. hows the weight loss coming? Are you healthy and able to get enough Water in ? These things are a must.....you have to be able to get enough Protein, nutrition and water in to live a healthy life. I would call your Dr. and see what he as to say. You shouldnt have to spend the whole day working on getting food in a t this point ; /

  2. Hi, I had my surgery in early November of 2012. Seven months out and my hair is falling out like crazy...very scary. I consume 63 grams of Unjury Protein, 46 grams of lowfat greek yogurt protein a day plus eat chicken breast or ham and low fat cheese sticks ..every day. I also snack on almonds and that has an additional 5 grams of protein. So I eat about 120 or more grams of protein a day. I also take my Vitamins, Calcium and Biotin every day. It feels like i have lost about half of my hair on the crown of my head. I have tried the hair shampoos for falling hair and nothing works.....According to my bloodwork, I am healthy. I sleep well and have good energy. Everything is awesome except I'm still losing my hair. I have searched on here for other experience on Hair loss but have not found anyone going to any great length on the subject, especially long term. i would like to pop in a give my own account in order to help others. It may not be important to you now but when its YOUR hair falling out, it will be different. Having hair all over your clothes and on the floor is not fun. Its embarrassing .My advice on that matter is do not wear clothes that are in great contrast to your hair color. Wear clothes that are the same color as your own hair. Also, you might just want to take more bathroom breaks at work and take your shirt off and pick off the hair a few times a day. Having told my story as it is and has been, i still choose the weight lose over the hair. I do have two inch long hairs sticking up all over the crown of my head now...YeaH!!! Besides, I THINK that we notice much more than others.. Most people walk through life completely self immersed , we only fear that they are noticing those things that we stand in front of the mirror hating : ) I hope this helps those looking for information. I hope that it does not deter you from committing to the surgery. it was the best thing that i have ever done for myself ! I am completely happy with my results. I went from a size 14 down to a sizes 6 and even 4 . Life is good and this too shall pass . I remember the early surgery days when it was hard to get my protein in and the sleepless nights and feeling tired. Its all gone now and a distant memory. Im sure this hair loss will be the same one day, a distant memory !post-40114-13813666293703_thumb.jpg post-40114-13813666295104_thumb.jpg

    The pictures are pictures that I took after brushing my hair this morning. My hair will continue to fall during the day and when I brush my hair later, my brush will again have tons of hair in it. For awhile i was too frighten to brush my hair more than once a day...better to brush it than to have it fall over your clothing. : )

  3. I use Unjury chocolate splendor ...it tastes awesome ! My favorite way to drink it is to brew a cup of Decaf coffee, let it cool to 140 degrees and then add the Protein and mix...heavenly ! Be sure to not mix your protein with anything over 140 degrees as it kills the protein. I also bought the unflavored and chicken unjury.... I make sure i have two servings a day at least and that gives me 42 grams of protein....sometimes i have a extra coffee unjury at night for a treat. I also use the blue Isopure when im running short...4o grams in a bottle...i love the blue...will not try the others.

  4. sperm can travel through clothing ( this is why condoms are not made of fabric but "Rubber " )...they are microscopic and the moistness on his part is pre ejaculation.....just as good as ejaculation... Chances are slim but possible. Call your doctor and get doctors opinion and or take a pregnancy test...two days late.. ought to pick it up by now if you are

    wish you well...

  5. Did they ever figure out what the problem is? Something is wrong.... I had my surgery last Friday morning and except for a little tenderness,I am fine. This is how you should feel. What did they tell you? Did they ever do a upper Gi and use the dye ? I had one the day after surgery . I'm so very sorry , I can't imagine the stress you must be under . I am glad you wrote and have wondered about you. Please keep me updated . I care and will be praying for you .

  6. I'm doing great , I have my check up appointment tomorrow . I never had problems getting Protein or Fluid down. I never had to use the pain medicine or gas strips . I'm still taking some Keflex until Friday and then I'll be done. I think after tomorrow I get to add milk to my Protein Drink . I have been on all clear liquids this week. My guess is maybe some Soup will also be allowed. I think the third week I can have soft pureed foods. So maybe I can puree some Turkey and veggies !

  7. My sleeping habits are off but its okay with me. I was up all hours in the hospital walking and so it is the same here at home. We have to walk often for a month out to keep from getting blood clots. If you wake, use the time to walk and get the circulation going again. I also keep my bottle of propel with me and drink every few minutes. My tummy is pretty sore, when i stand up. if Im sitting I feel nothing. Im thankful as many have not had it so good as this so soon out.....thankful for no nausea and no leaks. I do have a bit of headache at times but last night went ahead and took my pain meds as i had no regular tylenol. Im going to get my husband to pick me up some today. I am not taking the script pain meds. Enjoying my first full day at home ! I normally work and am excited about watching the Today show ! I always enjoy it around holiday time !

  8. Hello all. I was sleeved at 7am on November 9th. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 AM and was checked in and rushed into pre-op area where I undressed and gowned up and had the usual talks with my doctor and such. I was given a quick acting injection that would make me comfortable before going into the operating room. WOW, was it ever quick. Immediately I could feel my head swimming and then i was wheeled out the door to surgery room. I barely remember getting on the table and then nothing. The next thing i remember was being aware that someone was there with me and I told them I was in pain. The lady said, "you are hurting? " I shook my head yes and then there was no more pain. She told me she was taking me back to my room to see my family. The next thing i remember was my family talking and getting out of the way so they could push me into my room. I don't remember much until about 2 PM and at this point they changed my pain medicine to Tylenol with codeine . I was much more awake. I do remember that at first when i woke up my tummy area felt like an 18 wheeler ran into it ...very heavy feeling. By afternoon time i was just very sore but up and walking by 2 pm. I asked for a binder and got one. it made walking much easier. I had to walk every two hours. My mouth was very very dry and i was allowed to have ice chips to suck on and they helped. The next day I felt worse. Slightly nauseated and just overall sick feeling. They over hydrated me with IV bags and my body was swelling up horribly. I explained to them that they needed to stop because my blood pressure would get very high. It did, it got up to 175 over ? cant remember. I went down at 9 am for my leak test......upper Gi . i had to drink a small amount of clear liquid....horrible tasting. I took a sip and then they asked for another so i drank the rest of what was left and they got good pictures. My doctor was there watching and spoke to the doctor who did the test...he then reported to me that it showed NO leaks ! I was wheeled back to my room and started sipping Water every 6 minutes with a time...its gets old quick....

    My doctor normally used a size 32 bougie and i asked for a 40 , the largest size as I did not want issues with dehydration. I have no problems drinking at all. I can down a 20 oz bottle of water in two hours if I just sip every few minutes. I got all of my 64 oz of water in yesterday and even 8 oz of Unjury chicken Soup Protein Powder with water. I can eat Jello and the sugar free popsicles if i want but the taste of sugar was disgusting. A nurse tried to give me a popsicle in the hospital after my upper Gi so i could get the taste out of my mouth....It was so bad that i had to take my robe and wipe my tongue off.....super yuk. At this point i wanted nothing but water. I was afraid the chicken soup might not sit with me but its ok. Im now drinking cold chicken soup injury as I type this for you all.

    On Sunday morning my doctor came to see me again and asked me how I was, and i was released. I did run a 99 degree fever the day before that had everyone worried but I know think it might have been a hot flash as Im not on my hormones LOL! It went away so quickly. I showered and all the garb was taken off...iv and such...Yeah !

    I wa suprised to see staples all over after the bandages were taken off. I had 6 incisions one being much larger than the rest....maybe inch and a half or smaller....it got steri strips put on as soon as the staples were removed.

    I freaked when i saw the staplesthinking i was going to be in a lot of pain when they took those off. It wasnt bad...only one or two actually hurt. We had a nice drive home.....I was dreading the long 2 1/2 drive but it was so relaxing . I was lucky enough to have heated seats in my car so i cranked that up and it fixed my sore back. the hospital beds are hard on your back. I only had one nurse from hell and let her know right away that i expected to be treated in a better way. I never saw her again...

    My advice is this.........dont leave your valuables alone at any time ! I took my ipad and then sent it off with my husband immediately. I kept my iphone but let me tell you the stares i got scared me. I have an ipohne 5 but you'd have thought I had a million dollars the way they looked at it. I made sure i kept it in my robe pocket all the time. they did steal my charger cord on the first night I was there. I had it plugged in so that I could reach it without moving.....It was gone by morning, most probably got it when i had to go walk or when i was sleeping. Iphone charge cord are of great value because they are so hard to come by right now. You cant just walk into the store and buy one because they sell out so quick...short supply. So I am without a phone now.....oh well, God was good, all our prayers were answered and i had an easy time. Only slight nausea and never had to throw up and I can get my liquid down....I am happy that I was brave enough to do this when so many were angry with me for wanting it. I'm not sad about missing the turkey or special holiday foods.......They will be there next year when I might just have a taste of them...meanwhile i will be healthier and happier . i once was addicted to cigarettes and left those to be come addicted to food and now i leave food and will happily turn to clothes addiction !

    I pray that my story calms your fears and makes your own journey a bit lighter . God be with you as He was with me !

  9. I've been looking at Unjury too...have either one of you tried the unflavored in anything?? I haven't tried any unjury yet, thinking about getting the starter pack. I did find a Protein drink I REALLY liked that will be suitable for my clear stage...it's called Protein Ice and I tried the blue raspberry flavor. LOVED IT! In fact, now I've been craving the damn thing and It's not even time to start my pre-op diet yet! LOL It comes in grape, apple, watermelon, and fruit punch as well...48 g protein, 170 calories, 20 oz. bottle, and ZERO carbs!

    I wanted to try it...i thought i would wait until after surgery

  10. I'm about to start packing my bag : / We leave tomorrow evening after work. I have a two and a half hour drive to the hospital so am going up the night before. i have to be at the hospital at 5 Am on Friday morning. I am the first surgery.....yeah ! ( I thinkLOL) Tomorrow I drink Clear Liquids and nothing after midnight. A friend of mine gave me a book about angel stories : ) I was going to save it for the hospital as i have to stay till Sunday but decided that I should read a bit of it tonight to help rid myself of the jitters. breath deep....exhale....repeat

  11. Had my surgery the 6th. Home now just a little discomfort. Hospital staff was great worst dry mouth ever the first day. The only way to sum up the discomfort is a punch in the stomach by a big brother. Well going to get comfy in my own bed so good nite all and god bless.

    Wow you are home soon ! I'm dreading the dry mouth : ( the punch in the stomach too LOL! Glad you felt well enough to post and thank you!

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