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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by amw157

  1. I'm confused by some of the items here.

    Before you read on ... understand that I'm asking this because I want to believe so badly that you're RIGHT. I'm not being argumentative. I just am hesitant. Set me straight if I'm wrong here.

    Hummus? Isn't that really high in fat? The label I see (online) says 24g of fat. Do they even make low-fat hummus?

    Beef Jerky? Isn't that crazy high in sodium? That equates to retaining liquid, meaning weight gain. And sodium means high blood pressure too.

    The sugar free pudding I have here says zero grams Protein. I'm sure the Jello is no better. What brand are you using?

    I found only one or two varieties of Boar's Head products that are low sodium. Traditionally, lunchmeat is loaded with sodium.

    Peanut butter (the normal kind) is pretty high in fat too (16g for Jif, one serving is 25% of your daily intake!)

    Ok hold your fire for a moment. Maybe I should explain myself better. My nutritionist said to worry about Protein, sodium, and fat content, before worrying about calories. If you can find something high protein, low sodium, and low fat (and low sugars), then the calories are less of a concern.

    Yes, I'm focused on sodium a lot. What good is losing weight if I still have high blood pressure? Yes, I'm focused on fat somewhat too. Sure, some fat is necessary, but if one serving of something has 30% of my daily recommended intake of fat (for a normal stomach person!), then it can't be good for me.

    Ok, flame on. Be gentle.

    Staisea ... I love your term "with a blip of cheese". That's fantastic. Like "bagel with schmear".

  2. I say stop the insanity of weighing yourself. My goal is to be HEALTHIER, not to be below a specific number on the scale. Weight loss is a given after the sleeve, your health will improve. People lose their diabetes, their sleep apnea, their high-blood pressure. People see reduced stress on their joints.

    For me, "healthier" doesn't have a number value. I'll never say "just two more pounds and THEN I'll be happy". That's silly, to me.

    Am I healthier now than before surgery? Absolutely. I'm five weeks post-surgery. Will I get even healthier? Absolutely. Have I lost weight? Yep. How much? Who cares right now. I say my mission is well on its way to being accomplished, screw whatever the scale says. Healthier, here I come. Population: Me!

    This is a long term thing, you MUST see it like that. Weigh yourself every day, or every other day, you're going to see a pound here or there. Whoopee. Wouldn't you be happier to weigh yourself three weeks from now and see a double-digit loss, and then be thrilled about that?

    Stop torturing yourself. You made a very important step in taking better care of yourself, and the results will come in their own time. Keep doing the right things, and remember change is gradual, and you'll be just swell.

  3. There's a downside to the lack of hunger. I'm four weeks out, and there's no hunger ... but I don't feel like eating! It's getting bad because I know I'm not getting enough Protein. But when I stare at that Protein shake, or that dish of food, I just don't want to eat/drink it. I'm not sickened by it, just don't feel like eating it. Many days I don't eat until afternoon.

    I know this isn't good, but what can you do to STIMULATE the desire to eat??

  4. Wow. I was just about to start a new thread with almost the same topic! It feels good to know I'm not alone. I wouldn't call it a "vicious cycle" in my case, just that it takes me hours to get my motor running.

    I'm up at 7am most days but I can't even think of eating or drinking anything until around 10am, at the earliest. I just don't feel up to it, and the thought of drinking even Water just makes me sick. It's like it takes my stomach three hours longer to wake up than my head.

    I was going to start a thread asking if anyone else had trouble getting their body into gear in the mornings ... seems I've found what I was looking for.

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