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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ReduceReuseRecycle-Me!

  1. i am only 3 1/2 weeks out and just starting on the soft foods. when you say your tummy doesn't tolerate things, what happens? some of the same things i have been trying have been "coming back up". not throwing up but just like baby burp type, minus the burp! sorry that sounds gross but i'm sure you understand! lol

    I think I know exactly what you mean. It doesn't happen with everything, but certain foods go down and then reverse! Reflux, I guess.

  2. You look fabulous. The hell with your family, you chose your husband and friends, keep them! My sisters were always jeolous of me and now they do not talk to me anymore and my mom died two years ago, so no more worries there. I also take paxil for panic disorder, you might want to look into that kind of help for the ptsd. Congrats on your success and good luck in the rest of your journey.

  3. My incisions were glued shut and steri strips were applied over them. I had no "glue" issues, such as the glue having to fall off or anything. I was cleared to shower right away, no scrubbing and the steri strips would gradually fall off. Now, as for itching, OMG. I have six incisions and five of them have red blisters around them that itch like the dickens. I use Cortisone topically and take Benedryl capsules when I go to bed. I don't itch them because I don't want them to get worse.

  4. I had my endoscopy on the 31st. They found bleeding, infected ulcers, excess acid and a large mass on the wall of my stomach. The ulcers and acid I am not that concerned with. The mass is a whole other story. I am wondering if anyone out there has had any surprises at their appointments? How did it effect your surgery?

    I included a photo of my yuck for your viewing pleasure lol.

    Wow, thanks for posting that photo. Good or bad, it is amazing and frightening what our bodies can do. Did they say how large the "mass" is? I so hope it turns out to be benign. Thinking good thoughts for you.

  5. Ok, so I know from all my previous diets that if you feel hungry, drink Water. But now, I don't feel hunger UNTIL I drink Water. I'll be fine, drink a sip of water and suddenly get that hunger feeling, just for a minute or two then it passes...until I take another sip of water. I know it's not hunger but thats the only way to describe the feeling. What's up with that?

    I get what I am calling a hungry feeling, but I think it is gas. It certainly isn't a hungry from before surgery.

  6. I am having pain on my left side of my chest, like a bruised feeling. I really don't feel it until I press on my chest, I see my surgeon tomorrow but thinking about going to the hospital tonight, any thoughts?

    Not a doctor, of course, but it sounds like costrochondritis (probably spelled wrong), especially when you say you press on it and it hurts, that usually indicates muscular.

  7. I posted this same question when i was starting out and did not hear from anyone far out from surgery. I hope this helps and/or motivates you.

    I'm 5'5" with a large frame and am down to 146lbs. My original goal was 135, but feel its way too small so I moved it to 140. I wear a size 6 and have 6 more lbs to go.

    SW: 243.6

    Surgery 3/13/12

    I hope to make goal by my anniversary.

    What I have learned over these last 10 months is that everyone's body is so different that you can't base your goal on anyone else your same height. You can definitely ball park it and use it as a guide, but your goal will change several times as you near the end and see your body change. This is going to come off as bragging and this is not my intention, but its important to share so you can understand what I mean. People tell me I'm too skinny and are shocked to learn I weigh 146 lbs. The perception of size other people have is that I'm in my 120's. I just happen to hold my weight evenly across my body so 146 on me, may not look like 146 on someone who carries it all in their gut. This is why your goal may change as you get closer to the end of your weight loss. You may need to lose a little more or less depending on your body type, not just height.

    One more thing, I run a lot, but have not incorporated weight training yet into my regimine. I anticipate my weight to go up a bit from 140 with some added muscle mass or maybe I'll lose a little more and gain muscle. Who knows? This is all so new to me still.

    I hope this was helpful and good luck in your journey.

    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    In my adult life, at my best, my weight was 170 and people could never believe that was my weight, so I know what you mean. My lowest ever adult weight was 163. I always felt I could never go lower than that and look normal. I was just sleeved 12/27, I'm 5'5" and my current weight is 241. I am shooting for 170.

  8. Hi, Wantanewlife, it sounds like you are doing great. I am newly sleeved 12/27 and have only lost 5 pounds since surgery day, but I am not concerned. I know it will fall off eventually. Trying to get Protein in (I hate all the shakes) but, economically speaking, Premier Protein shakes from costco are the best bet and it tastes like chocolate milk, so I am going to try those again.

    Glad to chat anytime. Good luck to you.

  9. So today is one week post op! I feel fantastic! I can't wait to watch this weigh melt off. I got my drain tube removed yesterday in the surgeons office as out patient, and it was a breeze. So if anyone goes home with one and needs to go a wk later to have it removed.. its a breeze. 2 days in a row I have consumed at least 90 plus grams of Protein a day amd have reached the minimum of 48 oz of fluids.. striving for the 64. I am headed upstairs in a few minutes to walk on the treadmill for no set amount of time, just going to walk for a bit til I feel I should stop and then have my 1 of 2 Protein shakes today. I had 2 oz of cottage cheese for breakfast this morning. And I'm thinking about a couple oz of mashed potatoes for dinner.. havnt quite been able to do 3 meals a day yet.. I'm sure that will come in time. Getting all the Vitamins in has been a little difficult also, but that too should get better with time. I'm not stressing.. I'm excited that I'm on the other side, and that I feel so awesome just one week out !

    Sounds like you are doing great. I was sleeved 12/27 and am not allowed to have cottage cheese and mashies yet. Having a light lemon yogurt right now. Yum ;)!

    Hope you enjoy a great recovery.

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