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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by liz32

  1. Here's my story: I had my first appointment with my dr in August and a few weeks later my wife (a bander that recently lost about 80lbs) decided to end our marriage to be with a co-worker. We had a great marriage and it took me by surprise. It was hard because we have two kids and we were married for 9 years. It's a bummer that your best friend could leave you and replace you so quickly, but I'm optimistic about the situation though. I have my surgery next month and I'm glad that I have so many new beginnings happening in my life. Anyone else have any experience with ex's, friends, or family losing a signifcant amount of weight and having a drastic personality change like that?

    I know a handful of people that have had wls and about 50% divorced or left their boyfriend. It's sad that happens. Sorry you went through that but there will be better days ahead.

  2. So over the weekend my tongue became gray & I had a funny taste in my mouth. I'm a nurse so thrush had crossed my mind but I figured it has been 2 weeks since surgery so you would think if thats what it was it would have happened way before now. Today the PA told me she thinks I have thrush. Not really a huge deal other that the gray tongue is driving me crazy. Did this happen to anyone else from all the IV antibiotics? On a brighter note today was my first day back to work I'm sleepy but I survived :)

  3. I'm only 4 days out so my confessions my sound silly

    1. It gets under my skin that one of my family members eats/drinks all my stuff when they can have whatever they want. Really is sf Jello, popsicles, and flavored water became your fav foods now?

    2. I don't like the fact that people are already asking me how much weight I have lost when it's only been 4 days. I lie and say that I have not weighed.

    3. I'm addicted to this site and spark people (trying to find recipes that will satisfy cravings for fried food, carbs, and sweets when the time comes)

    4. I find it interesting how much people talk and think about food. It seems like everything evolves around food! I had never really noticed until I started my pre op diet.

    5. I feel like this is the best decision that I've ever made for myself and I hope that never changes and I do not have huge regrets later on.

    p.s. I am afraid that I will have major issues with extra attention from guys. I will basically be the same person then that I am now. If I'm not lovable now why would I all of a sudden become more lovable because I've lost weight. I secretly hope I can find someone to be with who has had WLS themselves so they will understand the struggle.

  4. Came home today too... I feel soar..drinking Water hurts a little are you guys feeling the same thing ... My doc says as soon as the swelling goes down a little I should be able to drink better. Best wishes to ya'll alicka

    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    Im a little sore where they removed the stomach and Im getting about 42-48 oz of Water a day the last 2 days. I have slept in so I plan to get up at my regular time starting tomorrow so I have more time to sip. Sipping doesn't hurt but i get full and tired of sipping all day. I've been home 2 1/2 days and all i've done is sip. I have all these popsicles and Jello and all I have had since I came home is water and 1 popsicle.

  5. Im 2 days post op and feeling good. The first day was the worse with the gas pain in my left shoulder but once that went away I have been great just a lil sore. Today is my first full day home so Im really trying to make sure I get my fluids in and walk. I was nervous to take my morning meds today but they did not seem to upset the princess like the swallow study or the 2 hour ride home did yesterday. I hope that this continues no real pain, nausea, etc. I had read a lot of horror stories pre op so I was aware of the good and bad. I feel very blessed that God has brought me through to this point with little discomfort and I have faith that he will continue to help me out. How are all the other October 29th sleevers doing?

  6. I have on average 5 Protein Drinks per day (I have to have 100 g a day). I also eat sf Popsicles & fudge pops (my surgon said the fudge pops would be fine, I would check with your surgon) I can also have chicken/beff/veggie broth but it's a lil to salt for me so I don't eat that often. I'm on a 2 week liquid diet & I have lost 15 lbs sine 10/15 for a total pre op weight loss of 50 lbs my surgery is 10/29 & I'm so ready to be on the other side. My best advise is don't try a premix protien & expect the power version to taste the same. I did this with Isopure I could tolerate the premix it wasn't to bad so I bought the powder & it's one of the most disgusting things I've put in my mouth, so $100 later & a cabinet full of isopure I had to go to Wal Mart in search of something I could tolerate. EAS & the bullets have been a huge blessing. I mix the bullets in my Water because I have to get at least 64 oz a day so I'm getting water & protien at the same time. I hope this helps give you an idea.

  7. I lost 30lbs during my 3 mo insurance process, and I started liquids last Monday. So far on liquids I am down 11lbs! My surgery is next Monday, 10/22. The liquids for me were tough the first three days, but now it is just routien. The biggest thing for me to get through it is staying busy and going to bed early (my energy levels are shot).

    Good luck on the next 2 weeks!

    Thanks! Good luck to you with your pre op and surgery. My plan is to try to stay busy also. I know it will probably be hard at first but so worth it in the end. I'm wanting to exercise to increase the weight loss but I'm worried about my energy level.

  8. Wow you both are doing great! I haven't lost so much on the supervised diet and not sure how long I will need to be on the liquid diet. Not looking forward to it and hoping I can still function!!!

    I'm sure you will do great. I'm a little nervous about it myself but I have work, a couple of projects, & exercise to keep my mind off it (hopefully). I also have support people who will kick my butt if I cheat.

  9. I think it's really normal to feel this way, I know I do. Up until this point surgery was always something I was working toward & "a long time away" but now that my surgery date is fast approaching I'm on an emotional roller coaster. I pray a lot & I focus on getting everything I will need from pre-op to post-op. I even went and got some of that dry Shampoo so my hair will be clean while I'm in the hospital lol. I also keep in my mind that I'm not health or happy with myself now but this surgery gives me hope that I will be some day soon.

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