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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Earwood

  1. Surgery 8/27 down17lbs. Glad I read this post as I haven't lost in a week and worried this isnt working. Hard to understand how weight can stall when taking in 700 - 900 calories day. I agree about the scale- have been weighing myself daily and it gets me down.

    Are you getting enough Protein? I read this and thought it might be helpful:

    The amount of quality Protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favorably influencing weight loss. Quality protein also helps you sustain muscle during weight loss, improve muscle fitness, immunity, and antioxidant function, build HDL Cholesterol, and enhance insulin and leptin function – all of which contribute toward optimal weight management efforts over time.


    As for me, I've also always retained a lot of Water for about 2 weeks before my cycle so I'm not stepping back on the scale under after I know I'm in my 2 weeks during the month when I shed my Water weight.

    Anyway, down 17 in 3 weeks is great! Good luck going forward on your journey

  2. I'm in the puree stage and what am I eating? Protein Shakes still (totally sick of them so trying to switch it up with different recipes) refried Beans w cheese, mashed potatoes, cream of brocolli Soup, Tomato Soup, french onion soup, pudding, greek yogurt, applesauce, Jello, avacado. Thought of blending up some chili and also maybe some chicken noodle soup but haven't yet. Soft cooked veggies like carrots or peas sound pretty good too. I'm having a hard time getting too much down and getting that stuck in the throat feeling so still not eating too much.

  3. I'm 2 and a half weeks post op and overall I'm feeling pretty good. 1st day I was tired and had terrible gas pain from the gas they inflate your tummy with during surgery. It caused me nausea and at times felt I couldn't breathe (first night only) and it hurts when it moves around your back and shoulder. To get rid of you need to WALK WALK WALK and take gas X dissoluble strips. The more you burp the faster that goes away. By day 2 I was up and out shopping :) but not everyone in my group was doing the same but I was one of the younger ones. They mostly seemed tired. I took pain meds for my incisions for the first 4 days maybe and then I was ok. Went back to work within 5 days of surgery.

    Mentally is the biggest change. You can't even imagine pre-op how small your stomach will be! If you have emotional eating issues it may be hard to cope as your feel good food buddy is no longer available to you. Watching other people eat what you use to love in front of you is hard also and when feeling good you might try to take a bite of something you shouldn't...DON'T cuz it will hurt and you will get sick. At first just to drink an 8 oz bottle of Water seemed like an impossible feat. A normal plate of food becomes a mountain. Very different from before. One meal I used to eat before would probably feed me for a week now. I had a small mourning period for my little feel good buddy (yummy un-healthy food) but just focusing on the long term now. I've already lost 23 lbs!

    Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions. Hope this helped.

  4. I am planning my sleeve for 3/11/13 in TJ. Getting some negative vibes from my biggest support systems. Spouse. Parents. BFF. They're treating me like I'm taking a shortcut! Like major surgery in Mexico is a shortcut?!?! I can imagine to feedback post op... It does get to me.

    My mother definately didn't want me to have the surgery either (mostly think she was just afraid of her daughter having surgery in Mexico) but I also kinda sensed she felt the same also about 'taking the shortcut' because she said well if you have to diet after why don't you just diet before? Duh if it were only that easy for someone like me...up and down battling this problem for 14 years. She is thin and has amazing self control and very into diet and nutrition. My apple fell FAR from that tree lol. Maybe I rebelled as I got older watching her eat rice cakes growing up haha who knows. Hang in there Amanda Rae...YOU DESERVE THIS! Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your decision. A whole new AMAZING life awaits you dear...keep moving forward and don't let the naysayers win by getting you down.

  5. Started at 233 DOS 8/30 & down to 210 for total loss of 23 lbs...of course 10 of that at least is Water weight but I feel great anyway! Those who I've talked to say they hit there goals anywhere between 8 to 12 months do dropping 23 in 2 1/2 weeks is well on my way to total goal of losing 83 lbs...now I only have 60 to go. Woo hoo! Still on purée but not getting down much been busy & forgetting to eat or drink (which I NEVER would have forgotten to eat before lol) I don't notice till I start feeling weak or get dry mouth...sick of Protein Shakes yuck. Yesterday I had a yogurt & glass of water & a flintstone Vitamin. Thinking of getting a juicer & getting a good portion of my nutrition that way. Gonna try scrambled eggs this next week...sounds really good to me :) Don't want my hair to fall out

  6. As anyone been bothered with food getting stuck in the lower esophagus? Mine does and sometimes i end up getting sick because of it. Most of the time i just wait it out. But it makes eating so undesirable that i could just go without. I hate that part.

    Yes I've had the same problem and it sucks. I'm on pureed foods and it happens even when eating mashed potatoes or I tried some refried Beans today to get some Protein. Burping helps get it down but realized I need to eat very slow and then the food seems to get down better. I'm only 2 weeks and 3 days post-op and heard this issue gets better with time. When did you have your surgery?

  7. I have been honest since day 1 with my entire family(mom, brothers & sisters,aunts and uncles). I wanted their input & to ensure i had their support. Once i knew this is what i was doing for sure i shared with friends and co-workers. Everyone has been supportive and i found out more ppl who have had it. My husband is very insecure and tells me daily that he gives us a year until we are divorced. We have major issues that were here well before surgery. That is my only concern is losing him & my family falling apart! Has anyone had a marriage fail post op?

    Same here...my husband and I have been pretty rocky for the past year and now that I'm post op he just made the comment the other day that once I lose the weight he knows I'm planning on leaving him. I was just like what that's crazy. All I could think about before the surgery was getting back to a weight I was happy with and looking good for him. He always told me I was beautiful before and didn't need the surgery and felt he even tried to sabotage my financial ability to get the surgery as I was self-paid. Guess time will tell and I will try what I can to make him feel secure in my journey but it would be nice to have his full support.

    As for friends, family, & co-workers, I only told a select few who I really couldn't hide it from. Not because of the procedure itself but because I was going to Mexico to do it and didn't want to deal with all the typical 'omg you're going to have surgery in Mexico are you insane?' comments. Didn't want to deal with all the negativty leading up to my procedure. Now that it's done and everything went well, I'm not going to run around like hey guess what I did but figure the questions of 'oh what are you doing to lose weight' then I'll be open and honest. Hoping I don't have any insecure friendships that will be lost over it but if so then I'll be ok and keep moving forward regardless. I have some pretty amazing and supportive friends in my life so don't think I'll have any issues with that. Just pray for me and my hubby.

  8. Geez now I want a chili cheese burrito knowing my poor little tummy could never handle it (2 weeks post op here) LOL...I had my surgery on a Thursday and came back to work the following Tuesday but I have a sit down desk job so no problems there. SItting on my butt at home or at work is all the same to me :) Haven't had any problems at home though keeping up with my household and mommy duties. Just make sure to keep up on your Protein to heal and get plenty of REST when not at work...take care of yourself to heal quickly :) I always push myself and 'over-do' it and then pay for it later...I've done good with this surgery not to repeat that pattern and I'm feeling really good.

  9. Thank you to everyone who has responded. I may pick up that book NCsleever63 suggested and/or seek out some therapy. When you undergo a WLS in the city I live they require pre-op counseling, however, since I went to Mexico none of this part of the journey was ever discussed. Takes time to form new habits which I'm ok with. Think I was so focused on researching and getting the surgery itself, I failed to think about what happens once the procedure is done. Thanks again for all your feedback! Glad I joined this site.

  10. Aug 30th. Down 21 lbs! I'm not excersing yet...I have some back and hip problems I'm hoping will ease as the weight comes off and then I'll start walking and maybe some fun zumba classes at the gym. Mostly Water, Protein smoothies, juicing and yogurt. I did try some refried Beans today and was able to eat a little bit ok.

    Sorry to hear of your troubles Iggy...you'll be in my prayers

  11. Had my surgery 2 weeks ago with Dr Almanza and feeling pretty good. I've already lost almost 21 lbs! However a lot of that was Water weight for sure. Stil feeling great when I step on the scale though :) I know this is only the beginning and I'm excited for the future. Having some minor problems with acid reflux but nothing major. It's the psychological battle as it pertains to my previous relationship with food and my 'food habits' that I'm dealing with now. I don't feel hungry at all but it's the simple things like coming home from work cooking a big unhealthy (but yummy) meal and sitting down eating all my comfort food that made me feel good and was the relaxing part of my day that I miss. Learning new healthy habits will be a work in progress for awhile but feel it will not only benefit me but my whole family as well. Interested in hearing from anyone further out post op than me to share 'what comes next' or what I can expect going forward. Thx

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