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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Earwood

  1. No, I don't recall receiving blood thinners while there although the bad thing about Almanza and his staff is the language barrier. Great friendly ppl but only a small handful speak very good english. I took my spanish speaking friend but she wasn't with me during most of the pre-op and surgery part, just got to wait in the lobby for me. Our legs were wrapped for surgery which I was happy with considering I've been thru 5 major surgeries in the US and couldn't get my legs wrapped even when I asked.

  2. I've heard some surgeons are 'more aggresive' in the size of sleeves they create although all you hear is the bougie size they use so I'm not sure what all this means. I know I've 50 lbs in 3 months and was on the lower BMI side of the group I was in so I feel these results are amazing and I've lost MUCH MORE than I expected at this point. I went to Dr. Almanza in TJ who uses a size 32 bougie but who I've heard is one of the 'more aggresive' VSG surgeons. Who are you researching?

  3. Well the good news is...I've lost 50 lbs in 3 months. The bad news is...my hair is starting to fall out. I'll admit I haven't done very well eating well and taking my Vitamins. I bought some pre-natal vitamins (bcuz I remember how great my hair and nails were when prego) with Biotin and a juicer to get maximum nutrition. I guess my question now is, once the shedding has begun, is there a way to stop it and how long until it grows back????

    I knew this was a possibilty but I'm not liking it!

  4. O yes, I remember all the Fluid from the IV's. It was very hard getting down fluids in the beginning but it is temporary. Just remember to sip not gulp because that does hurt. I'm finally now able to drink good amounts of fluids but the first 6-8 weeks I was so dehydrated from lack of fluids so be careful and don't forget to drink your Water. Thanks for the compliment about my arms...my stomach on the other hand is a whole other story and the only part of my body that will probably need some extra work after all the weight is gone.

  5. I'm a very busy mommy who works 50-60 hours a week. Of course I know I've lost weight but honestly I had no idea how heavy I was before or how much I lost until I just decided to do this side by side. I don't own a scale so not sure how much I weigh right now but I was down around 50 lbs last time I checked a couple weeks ago. WOWZERS I just thank God Almighty for finding a way for me to have this surgery. So THANKFUL! Made me cry looking at myself before...that picture was taken at my sisters graduation in May 2012, had my surgery August 2012, and the after photo was taken a couple days ago November 2012.


  6. Of course, check with your doctor, but I don't remember being told to avoid any medications in my post-op instructions. I would avoid aspirin or anything that thins the blood since your tummy is healing but don't think there should be a problem with anything else. I had a caffiene headache for a few days after surgery but the medication they gave me for pain took care of that with no problem.

  7. I was diagnosed as BRCA (+) exactly one year ago. Before I could schedule my double mastectomies they recommended bariatric surgery to reduce estrogen stored in my fat and to reduce complications.

    2 months later my husband of 18 years left. He said that if I went through with the bariatric surgery he'd lose all respect for me. Needless to say I've come to realize he was dealing with insecurities of his own and was threatened by this surgery. We have talked extensively about it since our divorce and he has said that everything about me will be different.

    While I'll look different on the outside I'm still me. Men can be so stupid sometimes. Unfortunately in this situation by the time he figures it out it'll be too late. I can't imagine ever going back to someone who bailed the moment I was faced with this challenge.

    Although it has made realize that I am stronger than I ever knew. I can do this!

    So can you. This too shall pass. It's just a bump in the road of life. He'll come around.

    Fitjen - just wanted to tell you how much I admire your strength and courage to deal with all of that, all at once. You are an amazing woman! Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. I've always been a coffee/espresso drinker and had to give it up obviously for a short time after surgery. I started a 3rd shift job the week after surgery and have been gradually falling back to the caffeine boost. The difference now is I only drink 1 small latte or coffee vs. the Large and or multiple cups I drank previously, however, the effects seem to be amplified now which is weird to me. Trouble sleeping, feeling jittery, etc... I've heard that the absorption with alcohol is different after surgery (feeling tipsy faster) so I'm wondering if it's the same as caffeine. Anyone heard or experienced something similar?

  9. Thurs 8/30: Sugery in Mexico (horrible night felt like I was going to die, threw up blood for hours after surgery)

    Fri 8/31: Rested all day @ the Hotel Ticuan; walked around to get out the gas

    Sat 9/1: Woke up feeling 100% better, up and out shopping, walking and getting my nails done in the streets of TJ

    Sun 9/2: Taken back to San Diego, went to church, beach, & rented a car to drive to LA to visit family

    Mon 9/3 (Labor Day): Flew back home to KS (car broke down in the HOT HOT heat had to walk to a gas station) Cleaned up the house and did all my laundry from the trip.

    Tues 9/4: Went back to work, drove myself, no problems

    Still tired and weak from lack of food/water...I'm trying to do better but I work 60 hrs a week and have 5 kids so forgetting to eat and drink some days.

  10. I'm 9 weeks out and no hair loss yet but I'm sure it's coming. I have been slacking on my Vitamins so thinking about going to get a pre-natal at GNC that has Biotin in it. Just remember how awesome my hair and nails were when pregnant taking those prenatals. I'm not eating very well either so I need my Vitamins for sure.

    Anyway, good luck. My experience is Mexico was good so I don't have too much pre-op advice other than get your stitches taken out when they tell you too.

  11. Sorry to hear of the problems you are having and hope you are feeling better soon. FYI...you had to send your birth certificate in with your passport card application and then the state department sends it back in a separate mailing from that of your card. I got my birth certificate back a couple days after I got my card.

    Keep us posted on your recovery and good luck on the rest of your journey...

  12. I have heard of cross over addictions also and feel it is a legitimate concern. I'm 9 weeks out and have gone thru many emotions over the loss of my comfort buddy food but I've been determined from the beginning to kick this addiction in the butt. I've kicked so many other addictions from my past, it's freeing to have this as one of the last on my list (only next to caffiene). For whatever reason, I feel very protective over my new stomach and couldn't imagine drinking or smoking now (I used to enjoy both very much) and possibly hurting it.

    If you are concerned my best advice is to be proactive. I find the rough spots in the road much easier to deal with preparation. Get a good therapist and continue through until you get to a good place comfortable with the adjustment (bcuz it is a BIG adjustment)

    I went to Mexico so there was no kind of psych eval or any mental preparation for what I've gone thru and I was a little surprised at some of the emotions I experienced. How can I feel depressed when I finally got what I've been dreaming of for 14 years???? I'm pushing past it and am excited to live a life not controlled by food!

    My faith has also been a huge rock to help along this journey so I'm thankful for that. Guess I could say I have a Jesus addiction but hey it's nothing but positive energy and no negative side effects so I'll probably keep this one. Caffiene, however, I'm putting you on notice, cuz your butt is getting kicked next! haha

    Good luck and congrats on your upcoming surgery!

  13. When you need the help, the staff will be there. The first night and day after was pretty icky but by day 2 after surgery, I was up and out on the streets of TJ shopping and getting my nails done. Bumpy rides in the car, etc may be a lil painful too. The only point I would say if you are going alone is loading/unloading luggage at the airport. Call ahead of time and request a wheelchair. An airline employee will come get you load up your luggage whiz you thru airport security and take you all the way to the boarding gate. The airport is too big to walk that far with your luggage after surgery and no point in trying to over-do it. I have 5 kids and other than making sure my 3 yr old doesn't try to run and jump on my tummy I had no problems when I got home. Had my surgery on a Thursday and was back to work the following Tuesday. All the basic chores around the house I was ok with but very careful and mindful of what my body tells me and I made sure not to over do anything.

    I went to Dr Almanza in TJ Mexico...the surgery was $4500.00 (paid mostly with my Med Flex 125 card through my employer) Total hotel cost was about $200.00 and my round trip airline ticket was $260.00. We rented a car and did some sight seeing as well so that added a little to our expenses but for a trip to have surgery we actually had a great time :)

  14. I was totally prepared to go alone to Mexico. I was lucky that I have a wonderful friend who wouldn't let me go alone and insisted on going with me at her own expense. I was very thankful to have her with me, however, now that's it's over I think I would have had no problem going alone if I'd had too. There was 7 in our surgery group that day and we all immediately bonded starting from the airport pickup location in SD. The staff was great also and there was complete access to call home etc so I never felt disconnected. If you have to go alone, it might suck while you're there if you're not used to being alone since everyone's experience but even if it does, I promise you it's still worth it to go!

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