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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rosehips

  1. I am 52, sleeved 18 days ago. I asked my general doc for a bone density test & she said no I am too young (she knows I was just sleeved. Sounds like I should go back and insist OR should I ask for one thru the surgeons office? Thanks for any advice.

  2. Try to eat a little every 2-3 hours right now as well as take an acid reducer to clear the head hunger. You won't necessarily feel like you have acid reflux or anything. He had me on one twice a day for the first 2 months ( prescription).There is nothing wrong with eating something (preferably protein) every 2-3 hours. Even if it is a rtd Protein drink' date=' it will help fill you up. I found that I drank a cup of Wyler's low sodium chicken broth ( from cubes) every couple of hours and that made me at least feel like I was eating since it smelled so good. Don'tworry you won't be able to eat too much, just a little and you will get full feeling.[/quote']

    How r u doing. Has your first year been successful at weight loss? Happy? I am almost at 3 weeks.

  3. After 3 weeks of being sleeved' date=' especially if you have a lot to lose, start going to the gym IMMEDIATELY. You DON'T have to start cardio but you DHOULD start a weight training regimen. This will greatly assist in the saggy and loose skin problem. TRUST ME. As a trainer, one of my clients is 44 years old and weighed 402 lbs. He had the sleeve almost a year and change now and I realized after losing all that weight he has little to no loose or saggy skin... He weighs 202 right now and looks like a trainer himself.

    I understand some drs may tell u to wait a little longer but three weeks is the best time to start! Even if it's light training every bit helps because your body will notice it before you do.[/quote']

    Man u rock, thanks for the website, I am 10 days post op. I had a trainer 7 years ago for 1 or 2 years. At that time he made my 260 lb body fit into clothes that now at 260 don't fit.....cause of the muscle, right?

    Now this trainer has opened 2 crossfit gyms, I joined it last year cause I love his motivational attitude. 60 days into crossfit, I had to stop, knee pain too severe, had 2 arthroscopic meniscus clean outs ON the SAME KNEE this last year. I loved the crossfit gym but they just can't adjust/ alter the exercises enough for me, Anyhow, I guess I will venture out and hope to find a trainer as wonderful as my last . ANY ADVICE ON PICKING A TRAINER? I was surprised I enjoyed a male trainer so much, not sure if I should pick a guy or gal?

    Thanks a lot for everything you have already posted.

  4. Hi all

    Looking for advice on exercise. I see so many people saying they exercise 4' date=' 5 or 6 days a week for 60 minutes.

    I find it hard to fathom that after being overweight and sitting on our asses for years or decades - boop!!,... you have sleeve surgery and now want to exercise like Jack Lalane.... well, it's hard to believe.

    Here is my reality. I smoked 2 to 2 1/2 packs of cigarettes for 42 years. I quit 14 weeks ago with the assistance of Chantix. I quit so I would be eligible for WLS. I have been obese for most of my adult life. I have never, let me repeat that, NEVER, been into exercising per say. I loved playing sports, softball, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, swimming, etc but sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, jumping rope, etc. was not for me.

    As I got older and fatter, and it was harder to breathe and move (weight gain, smoking and now arthritis in my knees, hips and back) even the sports I loved to play became too much for me to be physically able to do. I mean, my weight and arthritis can make it difficult to walk thru a flea market or on the beach without putting me in excruciating pain for a day or two. On top of that Aleve is the what the orthopedic doctor has told me to take for the arthritis (and it is the only thing that helps).

    I would love to hear from the "older folks" that have arthritis or perhaps made the bad choice to smoke for 40 some-odd years or their others whose weight makes them short of breath... please how does the sleeve work for you and just what do you do for exercise and how often.

    I mean I would love to be able to able to play volleyball or softball or basketball but, seriously, is that a reality for me? And the fact that I can't do much (at least 'til I lose the first 40 or 50 lbs) physically - will that be discouraging mentally/emotionally for me because of lack of weight loss?

    I am pre-surgery and still struggling with the question of bypass or sleeve. I would prefer the sleeve but want to be REAL about the results I should expect -- will I be able to lose the 120 lbs I need to lose with the sleeve?[/quote']

    Right on for your post, I was thinking the same thing. My decision to do the sleeve was very difficult as it sounds yours is. I was 291 on 8-1-12 . Lost 15 lb's pre op per the assigned diet and walking a little, got a bad knee, it hurts, I do what I can. Had surgery 8-28, now 10 days post op and total weight lost is 33 lb's. I have good days and not so good days right now, my doc says this will go on for a month. I am now happy I did it, I eat 2-4 oz of liquid thru out the day, any more would make me nausea AND I am not hungry and I am not aching for my old favorite foods, I know it's early. For me I am a food addict, slow and steady and learn new tools so as time goes by, I will not do stress eating, good luck to you!!!!!

  5. I hated exercise before getting sleeved.i was 305 pounds and you expect me to enjoy working out as hard as i was just to lose a pound and a half a week?!?!

    Then i was sleeved.i was losing weight and feeling more energetic and had so much inspiration.your loosing weight' date='your eating differently you start to think differently and you may even want to add aome excersize in!

    I started out walked down the block,then around the block, around 2 blocks.i added 5 minutes onthe elipticle,10 minutes a week after that.

    ...i now excersize 25 minutes on the ellipticle,lift sone light weights and walk a mile a night!(then again im a student so i have the time!)

    Rome wasnt built in a day!you dont wake up from the surgery and turn into a lean mean fitness machine!if you want it badly enough youll make it happen even if its 30 minutes a dAy!at 305 pounds i never freakin would have thought...

    Youll see with your weight loss your going to do more for both your body and mental state:)goodluck to you![/quote']

    Great post, could you give me some stats on when u got the sleeve, how u r now & your weight loss. I am 10 days post op & have been walking almost daily and the walks ARE GETTING longer! Pre diet plus these 10 post op days, 33lb's, I started at 291 & am now 259. And this is just doing what I was told to do, I am happy.

  6. Congrats on quitting! I smoked ciggs for 30 years and quit 6/11/11 smoked a couple acres of the funny stuff too ! I used heroin IV for 10 years quit that 8/1/05 and drank lots of alcohol also 8/1/05 I have been over 300 since I was 15 even when drugs thinned me out I would always clean up some and "get my weight up"my surgery was 12/7/11 I have lost 140 almost 90 in first 90 days. I hAve osteoarthritis in lower back and neck I am schedule to replace r/ hip 9-17 l/hip10 29 before surgery I was taking a minimum of 10 alieve liqua gels a day I had to stop 20 days before surgery and have not taken one since. I work out min 4 days per week and find I am more sore if I miss than if I workout. This has not been all a walk in the park but there can be no testimony with out a test. Keep asking questions and read lots' date=' hopefully the procedure that is right for you will become evident![/quote']

    I LOVE YOUR POST, THANKS for the honesty about drugs and regain weight and all, I was the only fat speed freak in the 80's. I hope your hip replacement is going OK. 90 pounds in 90 days, sounds like the meeting schedule for newcomers. I am 10 days postoperative w/ 15 lbs off post op, 15 lb's before. I am walkin and feel successful at this point. Thanks Again

  7. Im about a year out & ever since I was allowed to go back post op Ive went at least 5 days wk (some weeks Ill go all 7 days but I wouldn't recommend it' date=' Im just addicted). I started out with 1 hr visits but now go for about 1.5 hrs per visit splitting the time between cardio (elliptical) & weights. One week Ill do low weight hi reps (burn fat) the next Ill to higher weight fewer reps (build muscle).[/quote']

    You sound like you had a very motivational year. Will you share your weight at start & to now, also did you avoid flabby skin or not....thanks

  8. Anybody using a heart rate monitor that they're really impressed with? I had a Polar 15 years ago (the last tine I seriously exercized) that was pretty good but I'm guessing things may have changed since then.

    Did you get one you liked, heart monitors are so motivational for me, I also used one about 3-5 years ago, I need to find a new one. Let me know if you found an easy one to use.

  9. I think there's an obsession with losing too fast. It's easy enough to lose quickly with the sleeve.

    Not trying to discourage you' date=' though. No harm in trying and see what you think. I'm a guy, so I'm trying to bulk up while trimming down. That's tough, but I don't mind losing slower in order to keep my Protein up and my calories a little higher to try and gain some muscle.

    Good luck.


    I like your post. I am just 10 days post op, the weight of course is coming off cause I eat 2-4 oz at a time, so far I am just walking & my knee is feeling better w/ 30 lbs off, 100 to go. I have lots of changes to make, head eating, learning proper portions as the weeks go by, I sort of don't want the pounds coming off too quick cause I am gonna feel naked, I am going slow and steady for a lifetime. Thanks again for your post

  10. So' date=' I think I change my routine as often as I change clothes, but I spent two hours tonight with a degreed personal trainer. First she did a fitness assessment and she was surprised at how fit and strong I am because I don't look nearly as healthy as I am. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    My new routine will be six days a week with alternating 30 and 60 minute cardio sessions. On the days I do 30 minutes of cardio, I'm going to work specific muscle groups daily, plus do abs 5 days a week. On the non-weight days, I'll be doing 60 minutes of cardio, probably 30 on the recumbent bike and 30 on the elliptical. I'm also teaching myself to swim, so I'll do that at least three days a week, working my way up to laps once I have more confidence in my ability to swim.

    Tonight I added squats and exercise ball to my routine and she pulled me off the weight machines to go to weight cables because the cables apparently give a better workout. I'm also adding free weights and barbells to my weight lifting...and I found out that I can do leg lifts on the "chair". I'm not sure what else to call it, but it's a frame where you stand up, holding your weight on your arms, and lift your legs free from the floor.

    In six weeks, we will reevaluate. My goal right now is to jump start my weight loss once again, plus tone and tighten everything I can regarding my skin. The trainer is skeptical that I'll be able to take another 70 pounds off my body, but she's willing to help me work to reshape everything possible.

    There's nothing to change diet/water wise, so it's got to be my workouts that increase. I'm hoping to see major results by the end of six weeks, or at least see that things are shaping up towards major results in that time. So, it's early to bed for me. I have a 5 am appointment with an elliptical and weight cables tomorrow! <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Today I am at 241. In six weeks, I'd like to be at 221 or lower. It's time to get deadly serious about this routine!!![/quote']

    Hey, just wanted to check in and hear how your body is doing with all that exercise......I have had a trainer in the past & loved it, long time ago

  11. I just had my 1 week ck. I was very concerned about getting in as much protien as possible. My doc told me to concemtrate on liquids, don't be worrying about the protien right now. My nutrition w/ protien is a lifetime, not these first few weeks. I hope this was the correct advice, like all of us, i want as little hanging skin as possible. My doc says resistance training will keep my muscle mass. DID HE LEAD ME ASTRAY In regards to relaxing on protien these first 3 weeks?

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