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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rosehips

  1. rosehips

    Day 277 (9 Month 3 Days Ago) - I Think I Am Stable Now

    You have done an awesome job, I am 3 months out and I have not exercised in about 2 weeks, hence not a pound lost over the last 14 days. Typically I weight every 2-3 weeks but since I am down I figure I better stay on top of it. I have 120 pounds to lose, well now 70, 50 are gone. Two questions... 1. What was your exercise routine over the last year, did you fall off the exercise wagon at all? 2. In your experience did you ding the first 6-8 months the easier time to get your weight off? Thanks for any input
  2. rosehips

    Font And Color

    I have the same problem, I want to read it too and sometimes I just have to pass and read the next one showing in a standard font. Thanks for bringing it up.
  3. Overall, this is one of the most fun times of my life. I am only 3 months post op, lost 50 lb's. and I am 53 years old. It is pretty much impossible to NOT lose weight cause it is impossible to eat more than1/2 c. And that is OK cause the clothes are falling off and new cuter clothes are in my future, yours too.

  4. rosehips

    Things Have Changed

    Hi there.....the only time I am nauseous is when I eat too fast. I am accustomed to bite, chew (sort of) bite, chew, bite, chew til done. I am almost at 3 months & it is getting worse as I forget or eat 8-10 tortilla chips. Right now I am completely stuffed from those chips I wolfed down and a HALF PIECE of string cheese. Last week, I had finally got it together & was eating my 1/2c of food over like 15-20 minutes and I felt ABSOLUTLY FINE and because of how long it took me I would not be able to finish the last few bites cause that full thing in 20 minutes was going on. Imagine that, they were right. I left town for a few started eating fast.....now it is time to get back to slow meals, vitamins. Also, I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago and when I told them I was regularly nauseated they were very interested & concerned to hear all details, they considered an ulcer til I told them my eating habits. Water, I have played w/ tricks to get my water down. I do water, Savemart lemon squeezed in a bottle and some Stevia. I mix it to my liking and yum. If you work at a desk, I use to make 8 lines I I I I I I I I. And then cross them off as I drank each glass, the colder the water the better. The final thing that makes me go get more water is......" it is one of the easier things for me to do to get this fat to dissolve.
  5. How exciting, your wonderful shrinking journey is ahead of you. I wonder why your sister has to have the bypass? I am thanful the sleeve lets me absorb my vitamins and nutrients better. Your husband sounds like a very sweet man, & the fact that he is gonna be there for you regardless of him preferring that you would not is admirable?
  6. Wow, 77 pound before surgery!!! I lost 15 and was not happy until this surgery, keep up the good work
  7. rosehips


    What's your weight loss like? R u doing 3 meals day and then the PROTIEN bars r your 2 snacks? I have been using watermelon as one of my snacks and a popcycle or an egg for snacks. I dont know how many calories I have a day. I am following 3 guidelines/rules.... 1. 55 to 85 protein a day 2. No more than 2 snacks, 3 meals 3. If the food items fat calories comes out to more than 50% of total calories per serving, I DON'T BUY IT. 4 water, water, water 5. Exercise 6 days a week, oopsie more than 3
  8. I am sorry your journey has hurt you over the years, yes people can be mean, I have been very fortunate as your email reminds me. I hope you take any opportunities to talk to professionals on your feelings above. My surgery is working very well thank God, but the first week after the surgery when I was in pain I was crying the blues and saying"why couldn't I have loved myself as is". Now the pain is gone, I am an overall positive person and I am having so much fun getting smaller, but I was worried there that I would loose the weight and not like myself and be just as miserable as when I was larger. I personally judge myself as hard or harder than society does. I sure care for your well being, you will have a wonderful December & 2013 will be better than ever. "Be kind to others and generally they will be kind to you."
  9. Your share has touched me deeply, I know that would have been my story. It must have been awhile before surgery that u drove/ went every where. I know for me not doing something makes it feet bigger and bigger, scarier.....some things I have walked thru, others I have not. I hope you can drive yourself to a park or something. The world is missing GETTING TO KNOW YOU. I like to smile at people for no good reason, everyone has their own issues and when I remember that then I can help others & voila, I feel happier and like myself more. Your journey is courageous, people say that to me, I ask them why do u say that, whey say cause I am doing something about what was bothering me
  10. Did you have the surgery yet? I am sure u r reading how life changing this surgery has been for, gosh, everyone I can think of. I was so scared I would lose the weight and gain it back.. I am only at 10 weeks posy op but with my stomach smaller my intense desire has left me, my happiness has increased, I am learning from people who have done it how I will need to keep the weight off, I am learning how small a portion can be and still be enough, I NEVER want 2 portions regardless of how good it tastes. Sorry if you have had the surgery and already are experiencing it, just care
  11. Oh yea, I had it too, overall gone now, I was still getting nauseas til I started doing tiny bites and like aid...if there's food in my mouth there is nothing in my hands... That cute little saying is turning things around for me.
  12. When I read gax-x it reminded me of something. U might want to google laparoscopic and gas, apparently, the way I understood it is, the surgeon pumps us up with some kind of gas to give more room for him/her to do their job. Well I had HORRIBLE pain in my shoulders, arm area. none of the hospital staff told me what it was, I had never heard of this. Their may bea forum on this but I did not join here til after surgery, good luck, u will love shrinking once u get comfortable Found online Shoulder and Upper Chest Pain A common side effect of laparoscopic surgery, according to Surgery.com, is upper chest or shoulder pain. Patient UK notes that this may be concentrated in the shoulder blades. The pain is related to increased abdominal cavity pressure caused by the gas surgeons use to inflate the abdominal area prior to the first incision to give them a clearer view and better access to surgical sites. Surgery.com notes that the pain typically lasts for one to two days after the surgery. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/215453-side-effects-of-laparoscopic-surgery/#ixzz2Br8JZOKF ALSO..... Step 1 Position yourself on your side if you have shoulder pain caused by the carbon dioxide irritating the diaphragm. Bring your knees to your chest and hold this position for 5 to 15 minutes, recommends the University of Wisconsin Hospital. Another helpful position for shoulder pain is lying on your back with your hips elevated on several pillows. Step 2 Walk as soon as you are allowed to do so. Early walking after surgery, according to the University of Wisconsin Hospital, helps your body to recover more quickly. Since surgery slows the gastrointestinal system, gas builds up and the patient may become constipated. Walking helps to dissipate the gas and promote digestion. Begin slowly and work up to your usual activity level in about a week. Step 3 Take pain medications for surgical pain as ordered by your surgeon, but do not overdo it. Narcotics can slow the digestive system, causing constipation and gas. Step 4 Eat a high-fiber diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains to prevent constipation and gas. Drink plenty of Water and take a stool softener if needed for constipation, advises the University of Wisconsin Hospital. Avoid fatty foods that may cause gas, although you may add them to your diet later. Step 5 Take an over-the-counter medication such as simethicone for gas pains, notes Drugs.com, unless your surgeon has advised against it. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/182083-how-to-treat-gas-pain-after-laparoscopic-gallbladder-surgery/#ixzz2Br8g2bmL
  13. rosehips

    August Sleevers..what Is The Progress

    Our diet is very similar, I REALLY have to be diligent to get my water in, it is a challenge. I just told my nut that I really have no veggies cause of the protein thing, she said OK, I just had labs done and all looked good + Vitamins. Our weight is the same too, I am going to try to be "a friend here.". Keep having fun, THIS IS AWESOME,!!!
  14. rosehips


    I only weigh myself every 3 weeks. Then when I have those stalls I don't know about it. My clothes continue to get bigger, even though I shrank some in hot Water. I hold so much emotion on what the scale says, I can be in a bad mood outwardly for hours, inwardly for 2ish days. I yell, how can I be eating like a bird and not dropping pounds? I did kick up my exercise after 1 month, I decided the weight loss was not as dramatic as I wanted. Now I wald 3 miles every day, plus use a pedometer, that really helps, have been going to water aerobics FAITHFULLY, 2 days a week, and a week ago I started using the bowflex. I hear PROTIEN helps burn off pounds cause it takes our body more energy to digest, drink the 64 oz of water most days if you can. I have experienced that phenoman where a person kicks up their calories for 2 days and then reduce to what we should be doing on WLS. For me I would have to be careful what foods I used to increase calories. I do believe some foods intentionally have stuff in them that make anyone crave more, and then there is me who starts to think about potatoe chips as I type this & all of a sudden feel hungry when I' m not really. Imagine a sick puppy like me weighing in with advice!!!
  15. rosehips

    Who Are You?

    Hi Danielle, I have a difference of opinion regarding wanting to know the things you posted on this forum. Because I feel strongly about what this site has done for me, I am sharing this with you. When I get on VST I look for forums on things that I am experiences now, I learn from others how to keep going if I don't have any experience in an area, like when do I start the gym, why am I still nauseous after 10 weeks, ect. I did not get any help from your post, liking kitty kitty and being scared of spiders does not give me any info or tools to help with weight loss surgery. When I went to your profile and read you have lost 116 lb.,s and you have lost your inhibitions......that is useful information and why I come to this spot. I know I only have to read the forums I want. Like I said earlier, this site has become very important to me and wanted to share a different point of view. With that being said, you have inspired me with your 116 lb weight loss and sticking too it for a year. I too have that journey ahead of me and am 10 wks post op. Thanks
  16. rosehips

    Need A Friend

    I am 10 weeks out and full of enthusiasm due to the success I am having. Would u like to email each other every day or every other day? I have read that a successful tool is to know each day what we r planning on eating for this day.."then we don't have such an opportunity to just grab something You can go to my profile and email me on this or we could do something else.
  17. rosehips


    You are an inspiration to me..you say u"still have a couple of months" til u r a yr. But then u say you were sleeved in 1-25-11, am I confused all on my own or is one of the statements a mix up? Regardless, RIGHT ON, I will not give up!!
  18. rosehips


    I am at week 10 & very happy, my first month I lost 16 pounds and thought I was going to lose more than that. I was upset w/ myself right after the surgery, regretting that I should have loved myself enough to accept me as I was. Well, thank God I had the courage to do this, I AM THRILLED, I no longer dread walking into a room with many people in it. I had to kick up my exercise to get the weight to come off faster, I am averaging 4 pounds a week, double what I could have done without the sleeve. Good luck to you, I will be thinking of you and food job for your honesty
  19. rosehips

    Liquid Vitamins?

    Wellese is delicious, not too expensive. At Costco-online, Walmart and direct from company. I am taking their Multi vitamin, Calcium, Iron, Protein supp. And just had to start the Alevera liquid cause I am low on Vit D. Good luck
  20. rosehips

    Am I the only Nevada Sleever??

    I see your posts are from 2011 but I wanted to respond anyhow, I too had my surgery done by Dr. Kozak. I am 10 weeks out, have lost 40 lb & 15 from PRE surg diet, total 55 big ones, I cant believe it. I live in Truckee, CA. Let me know how both of u r doing please. Thank you
  21. How are you? Ya know, a person can't be perfect on the PRE op, if we could we wouldn't need the surgery. Once you have the surgery you hopefully will not turn to food during those emotional times. I use to turn to food at the drop of any stress/conflict in my life. The reason I don't turn to food post surgery is because something has happened in me that makes me feel like I am "divorced" from food. There are so many rules, ie: can't drink for 30 min after eating, chew, chew, chew. I still get a little nausea at 10 weeks post op but I am glad cause it makes me not want to eat. I think I get nausea because I eat too fast, I am struggling, how can a person make 4oz of food last 20-30 minutes??? Once you get this surgery everything will change, and since you know you eat emotionally support groups are important for us to reduce this component for our long term success. Hang in there
  22. I am believing and sending positive energy to you.
  23. rosehips

    Needing Advice Asap!

    Who is telling u to have 2 shakes a day and one meal for 6 months? Insurance or doctor? I had to do a one month PRE op diet. I was told this would help my liver to shrink. This would make the operation easier for the doc cause my liver would not be in the way as much. After the surgery I was thankful for the PRE op diet, it helped me get use to eating less. I would have had a horrible time doing your diet for 6 moths, one of the reasons we r having this operation is because we get too hungry on diets and we then fall off the wagon. My doctor said of course I can't lose this weight on my own, it is too slow and we get too hungry. So being on your diet for 6 months, it is good to change your habits but you will not be able to be perfect. If it is the doctors office requiring this maybe u should have a 2nd consultation. Good luck.
  24. I was so fearful I almost cancelled surgery one week prior, I was scared of the unknown and I was comfortable with my current large body. (290). I am 10 weeks post op, I am happy and having so much fin shrinking into all the clothes I grew out of. I now weight 245 so by society standards I am still big, I feel so fabulous, I no longer walk in a room intimidated, scared and feeling judged. Thank God I had the courage to walk forward, in fact I heard clearly from my higher power to walk forward and do this. Keep posting, anything you feel, someone else has felt it or had that experience too.

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