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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LizTex2587

  1. LizTex2587

    Faith Matters! Or Faith Matters?

    thanks everyone for your input!
  2. LizTex2587

    Faith Matters! Or Faith Matters?

    Thanks for the comment FallenAngel! I appreciate your input!
  3. LizTex2587

    Faith Matters! Or Faith Matters?

    No please, tangent away! AMEN! you are completely right!
  4. LizTex2587

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    It's a unfortunate that there is a limitation on the friendship with your BFF, but it's a fact of life. i have friendships that are the same way, some subjects are just simply off-limits but I still love them entirely. But i believe that God puts people in your path that will help lift you up and edify you! That's what we all really need!
  5. LizTex2587

    Faith Matters! Or Faith Matters?

    thanks for your comment Kimmilee! I am praying that God will continue to guide me through and help me with the food issue as well! it is helpful to know that others feel the same way about it!
  6. LizTex2587

    Now For The Wait.....

    Wow!! Best of luck to all of you, and congrats to those who have been approved! I have my psych consult on tuesday and then they submit me for approval. I'm super nevrous and dont want to get really excited until I find if I'm approved or not...I really hope BCBS comes through for me!
  7. LizTex2587

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    I'm sorry you mistook me as dogging on what you have to say. I in no way meant to imply that you are not entitled to your own opinion! Maybe I should have made that a little clearer. I was just offering the other side to the coin. I meant absolutely zero disrespect (which I believe I prefaced my comment with). I apologize if you took it that way.I suppose we will have to agree to disagree.
  8. LizTex2587

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    Susan 2.0, The best and most thought-provoking thing will be for her to hang in there and make the journey with you as a supportive friend. Seeing as she is your BFF, I can't imagine that she wouldn't come through when you needed her most. People often have a lot pf pre-concieved notions about things they have no personal experience with and form opinions based off of that. As she goes through this journey with you, maybe she will become a little better informed and her thoughts and opinions on the subject will change! You just never know! The important thing is that you have a good support system, and if you need the BFF to be a part of it then you will just have to come to an understanding on the subject.
  9. LizTex2587

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    No disrespect to you intended at all, but I don't quite agree that this isn't a God issue. However, I suppose that opinion varies on an individual basis. I know that personally i have prayed about this issue because to me it is a drastic measure, but one that I feel at this point might be necessary. If I repeatedly fail to get approved by my insurance, then i am going to take that as a sign not to go ahead with the surgery. But then again, that's just me! As I said this kind of opinion is all on an individual basis but it is also unfair to make a blanket statment like that. Please understand, i am not offended by what you said or spoiling for a debate. I'm just putting what I believe out there just as you have.
  10. LizTex2587

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    i'm not putting this forth as a quote but I am just astonished that your friend said this. You are not doing this for purely asthetic purposes which, last time I checked, are the main purpose of FAKE boobs! (not hating on breast implants at all) It's not like you are getting a fake stomach...you are trying to get healthy! Who give a rats rear if you can take breast implants out! it's still changing what God gave you...that's why it's called a breast "augementation"...I'm hoping that this friend of yours is just concerned for you and looking out for you even if she isn't doing it in a way that you like. I have told most of my friends, co-workers, and family that I will be having the surgery and most have been supportive. As far as the ones that are vocal about not approving, I've already told them that I appreciate their concern and opinions but if they are not going to be supportive about this choice, then the topic is off the table for discussion. gah...sorry I got so long winded. This whole subject just kinda grinds my gears! lol. Best of luck to you! Don't worry so much about what other people are saying!
  11. LizTex2587

    I Have f**king Had It!

    I can tell it's tough for you. I'm sorry you are going through this difficult stage, but I believe that if you just hold on it will get better. I will say a prayer for you! Best of luck!
  12. LizTex2587

    Attitude Change!

    Sometimes it's all just a matter of perspective!If you try to look at a situation differently, chances are you will handle it in a way that is totally new to you!
  13. LizTex2587

    Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick

    It's ok to vent when you need to!! It will all get better. This is a big lifestyle change and I'm sure it will take some getting used to. There are plenty of people here that can and will help and support you through this and they have all been through it, are going through it, or will go through it. I know there will probably be days when I want to rant and rave once I have my surgery...so let it all out!!!
  14. LizTex2587

    One Step Closer

    That's great to hear!! Congratulations!!!
  15. Thankfully there aren't too many hoops to jump through in order to submit to my insurance for approval. I have already been to the dietician class, and I have my psych. evaluation next week which I'm totally excited about (notice the dripping sarcasm)...After that we submit my case to BCBS and wait. My excitement at this point is a little muted since I havn't been approved yet. I don't think there will be much of a problem with my BMI as high as it is, but you still never really know! I'm not going to get my hopes up too high. But after I get approved, I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops! LOL!! At this point I'm just glad to be one step closer!
  16. aaaah!!! Your sleeve date is getting closer! I'm just excited for you! Best of luck! Keep us posted on how it goes.
  17. LizTex2587


    this summer I went to the community pool with my friends and went down one of the longer water slides...these slides are not built for big girls and there is not enough water flow to help build up speed. I came to a halt at the very end of the slide and had to wiggle of the end into the pool...I was caught between the hilarity of the moment and my embarassment! I totally laughed it off but i was still embarassed. The skinny little life guard in her skimpy bathing suit just gave me this look that said "get off the slide fatty"...I wanted to crown her with my sunscreen bottle!
  18. LizTex2587

    Telling Wveryone Or No One

    It is completely up to you! Whatever you feel comfortable with. I'm still in the approval process, but most of my family, friends, and Co-workers know that I intend to have this surgery. I've had mixed responses, but most have been supportive. The bottom line is that nobody has to live inside your body except you so it doesn't really matter what anyone says. You want to be healthy and you want to look good! Do what you feel is right for you. as for those that won't support your decision, just thank then for their input and let them know the topic is off the table for discussion of they are going to be a constant voice of doubt. They should respect your choices for your life, even if they don't agree with or understand them.
  19. LizTex2587

    What To Expect When You're In Your 20's

    I've been to Tyler before. I have friends that live there. I'm sure you are super excited that your surgery date is coming up soon! Best of luck!! Keep me posted!
  20. LizTex2587

    What To Expect When You're In Your 20's

    I'm glad to see so many people in their 20's are taking this step now instead of waiting! I'm 25 and in the process of getting approved, can't wait!!
  21. LizTex2587

    What To Expect When You're In Your 20's

    I share your pet peeve! To the MAX!!
  22. LizTex2587

    Bcbs Of Texas

    In the preliminary process of being submitted for approval...totally nervous! Anyone have previous experience with BCBS of Texas??
  23. LizTex2587


    That response is not surprising! Well, I hope it all works out!! I will say a prayer..Lord knows I'm saying enough for myself on the same subject!

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