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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by zbeeze

  1. zbeeze


    Me too -- always cold! It's going to be a very long winter for me in Northeast Ohio!
  2. zbeeze

    So, Do You Have Stairs?

    I have stairs at home, went up very slowly when I returned from hospital and didn't go back down for several days. My hubby brought everything I needed to me during those first few days. Be careful if you are on pain meds and trying to manuver the stairs alone. The last thing you want to do is trip or fall. I'm 3 weeks out and go up and down our stairs about 10 times a day now! Good luck to you, it's quite an adventure.
  3. zbeeze


    I can only take liquid tylenol and I am 3 weeks out.
  4. zbeeze

    3Rd Week Stall!

    My surgery was 11/8 and I too have "stalled" in my third week. Thank goodness for this site and my doctor, at least I was forwarned that this it typical. Will be happy when the scale starts "moving" downward again! Good luck to you.
  5. It sounds like you are doing great! I agree, the support person is KEY. My husband is my support person and is amazing. My surgery was 11/8 and yesterday I got to sit down with my husband and brother-in-law for Thanksgiving dinner. My hubby made a beautiful plate of pureed turkey, mashed potatoes and light gravy, pureed peas and small helping of mashed sweet potatoes. I focused first on the Turkey (to get my protein), it was surprisingly wonderful. I ate all the turkey (1.5 ozs) and a small bite of everything else. The saltiness of the food was HEAVEN! I am not a "sweets" person, so I was growing very tired of just Protein Shakes. I also am having greek yogurt (vanilla flav), then we add a little honey and some cinnamon & nutmeg to it this morning. Such a nice change of pace. Keep your support person close to you and I also suggest writing in a journal. I started mine about 5 days before surgery. It is a good way to record your thoughts and feelings. I look forward to writing in mine each day. On days I don't feel so great, I've read back through the old posts and realize how much progress I have made. Good luck to you!
  6. zbeeze

    Hey Ohio

    Dr. Leena Khaitan did my surgery at Geauga Hospital.
  7. zbeeze

    Hey Ohio

    I am from Concord Twp (approx 30 miles east of Cleveland). Had my sleeve done on 11/8. Losing weight, but also dealing with some pain on my left side, which I pray goes away soon! That's really my only issue so far. I will pray for your good health!
  8. zbeeze

    One Week And Two Days Out And I've Lost....

    Thank goodness my doctor and nurse warned me about the hospital weight gain. I came home 17 pounds more than the day I left for surgery. I have lost all of that and 17 more. My surgery was 11/8. Tomorrow I can begin on pureed foods, going very slow with that. My issue is I don't like sweet stuff, so the protein drinks are challenging at best. Good luck - it will get better!
  9. zbeeze

    Any November 8Th Sleevers?

    My surgery was Nov 8th. Doing well, except still having some pain on my left side. I'm down 17 pounds from the morning I left for surgery. Are you still having pain? I'm in my 50's so I know it takes longer for me to heal.
  10. I am 12 days out from sugery and have lost 17 pounds so far. I have NOT strayed from the plan (mostly fearful of leaks) and I have NOT been physically hungry at all. However, this post is about my support person (a.k.a. my husband). I had an epiphany about him yesterday. My husband is an awesome chef and has always cooked for me (20 years). So we always eat fresh (never canned), well prepared meals. Since coming home from the hospital, he has tried to eat dinner before arriving home in the evenings. But over one weekend, he worked outside all day putting away patio furniture and preparing for winter. I heard him talking on the phone after he came inside but didn' think much of it. He came upstairs to bring me my famous "protein drink" and announced that he had ordered a small pizza (from my favorite place). He then followed up that statement with since I can't eat any of it right now, he ordered the entire thing with anchovies! BLAH was my response (temptation ended)! Then he cooked a turkey burger for himself a couple of nights ago. It smelled so good till I walked into the kitchen to take a look. He was smiling and announced that he had "spiced it up real good", and was cooking onions and hot peppers along with it. The burger suddenly took on a spicy smell (which I don't like) and that was the end of that temptation. So -- he is a sly fox isn't he? I'm not letting him know that I am wise to his ways, I'll just let him going on knowing that he is doing his very BEST to be an awesome support person! I am truly blessed.
  11. Had my sleeve done on 11/8, my blood pressure also dropped during the night. My hospital and nursing staff were "johnny on the spot" for me the entire time. Hang in there, it does get better. I was pumped so full of fluids when I got home I had gained 17 pounds in the hospital. I am now 10 days out from the surgery and doing amazing well. Only 1 bought of nausea (post ride home from hospital). Each day I feel better and stronger. Still sore, but find that the pain meds aren't needed anymore (unless I over do it). I have lost the 17 pounds plus 14 more since 11/8. It just feels so good. Be sure to get up and move about, but also REST when your body tells you to. That's the key to success, learning to listen to your body and it's needs. Most of us have never done that. I will pray for you, it will get better!
  12. I am nervous, excited, and cautiously optimistic all at once! Seeing the doctor today (last time before surgery), praying that there are no issues with my endoscopy, blood work, etc. to postpone the surgery past it's scheduled 11/8 date. I'm in the "let's get it done" place. My husband (who is the cook in our house) attended the class with me to discuss post surgery nutrition. He asked a LOT of questions about what he could cook for me (in the future) and how it should be prepared. He also asked about Thanksgiving and Christmas and what I could have since I'll be in different stages for each. I think the other people in the class were stunned that he was thinking so far ahead. But, I was so proud of him! Walked out thinking how lucky I am to have someone as supportive as he is. While my head was in the NOW, he was planning for our future! That my friends set my priorities straight. The little bit of discomfort we will go through in the immediate future is nothing compared to the joy and happiness that our future days will have (and the fact that we will be here to enjoy them)! So -- on with LIFE. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers for Thursday!
  13. zbeeze

    Surgery Today!

    Good luck to you! Happy Thoughts

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