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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shewolf143

  1. shewolf143


    Mgoos1...apparently not many people read this site...I only got 1 response and I know there are many out there that have done revision surgery.
  2. Hi, I had a gastric sleeve done in 2013. I lost 110 lbs and was at goal. Then my mom passed unexpectedly in 2014. I gained 75 lbs back. I have struggled trying to lose it. I have tried Noom and Keto and low carb...failed all. I'm contemplating a revision or a lap band. Any insights out there?
  3. shewolf143

    Need Info

    Thank you for your response. I live in FL and they still do the lap band here. Anyone ever have a sleeve revision?
  4. shewolf143


    I had the gastric sleeve in 2013 and lost 110 lbs. I didn't fix what was wrong in my head that made me overeat. I've gained 75 lbs back. I'm so disappointed in myself. I have since worked on my issues. I am having trouble losing any weight on my own though. I am thinking of a revision to the sleeve or a lap band. Has anyone been in my position and had either the revision or lap band and lost again? Will insurance cover it? I have Anthem. Any advice would be welcome.
  5. shewolf143

    I need help

    I had my gastric sleeve in March 2013. I initially lost 110 lbs. Then my mom passed away in 2014 & I have been struggling since. I gained 30 lbs & I have been fighting to not go over 200 lbs. I can't seem to stick to my eating plan for more than a couple of weeks. I have done the 5 Day Pouch Test several times & you would think that would motivate me...but it hasn't. I can't afford to go to therapy & I literally have no one to talk to about it. I was wondering if someone who has their weight under control & is doing well would be willing to email with me off this site to give me some support, encouragement, advice & guidance? I binge eat & then feel bad which causes me to eat even more....I can't do this alone....
  6. shewolf143

    I need help

    MoLiver....you can still stretch out your pouch, which I am sure I have done. Also, eating nothing but carbs frequently throughout the day seems thto be what I do the most. I knew going into this that it wasn't a fix all but I didn't realize deeply rooted my eating issues are.
  7. shewolf143

    I need help

    Thank you for the suggestions of OA.....I tried that years ago & didn't like the religious overtones of it. I may try it again. Carolyn, how can I send my email address to you? I am so appreciative of you offering to email with me. I so desperately need someone to talk to.
  8. shewolf143


    I had the gastric sleeve surgery in March of 2013. I lost 110 lbs! Then, my mom passed away on Mothers Day 2014 & I have been struggling since then. I gained 35 pounds & can't seem to stay on track long enough to lose it. I have vowed that Jan 2 2017, I will set my mind to losing it & keeping it off for good. I do NOT want to get over 200 lbs again. Has anyone else experienced this but has gotten back on track & lost what they gained? If so, any pointers? I have rheumatoid arthritis & just had a total ankle replacement Sept 29th. I am still healing from that so I can't do a lot of walking right now. In fact, I just got released by PT to start walking but only 5 min a day, 6 days a week for week 1, then I can only add 5 min per week until I am back to where I was before the surgery. I am not big into exercise but I do have access to a gym for free. It doesn't have a lot, a couple of bikes, a rowing machine, some weight machines & free weights. These last few weeks I have been eating nothing but sweets. I am so disgusted with myself. I do NOT want to be one of these people that gains all the weight back. Any advice would be appreciated.
  9. shewolf143


    Ok...thank you!
  10. shewolf143


    lodad-how much does that program run?
  11. shewolf143


    Thank you everyone for your suggestions & support! I don't have access to a pool unfortunately. I can do resistance bands & chair exercises. I know the key is to move, even if 10 min a day. I will probably do the 5 Day Pouch Test the 1st week to wean myself off of the carbs. I know I need to go back to my weight loss support group at my bariatric Dr's office. I just hate having to struggle like this ALL the time but I now realize, this is for life....
  12. shewolf143

    Losing control

    Thank you Jenn-I am going to do the 5 day Pouch test. I didn't even know this existed!!! Due to bad feet & ankles, yoga is difficult for me. The baths are a good idea also....thank you!!!! Anymore suggestions or support?
  13. shewolf143

    Losing control

    I am struggling big time & need some suggestions & help! I had my surgery in 2013 & lost 110 lbs. Then, my mom passed away a year after my surgery (2014) & it has been down hill since. I have had some major stress in the last 2 years. I gained 35 lbs & no matter what I do, I can't seem to take it off. I have gone back to the basics but it isn't working anymore. I was writing every single thing down & was walking & still not losing. I know I have stretched my stomach pouch out as I can eat a lot more than I used to. I have even resorted to trying over the counter diet pills that I KNOW don't work. I am working a lot of hours right now so exercise is difficult plus the fact that I HATE exercise. I hate even walking. I have no energy at all. I even went to my Dr & had bloodwork done to see if something was wrong but everything came back normal. I am so frustrated & I am struggling not to gain more than I have but I am so tired of struggling. Is there anyone out there that has gone through this & if so, were you able to get past it? I don't want to be one of these people that had the surgery & then gained it all back :-( I was 165 & now I am hovering between 195-200. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    I am 1 yr and 7 months post-op. I was within 15 lbs of goal weight when life threw me a curve ball. I lost my job in January 2014, found another one within 6 wks. Then, my mother passed away unexpectedly in May, on Mothers Day. I didn't care for my job so I started another new one in June. I have been struggling since. I work from home & can't seem to find my prior motivation. I have gained 15 lbs & I am scared to death! I keep eating all the wrongs things & I am resorting to my previous binge eating. HELP!!! Any suggestions?
  15. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    Miss Mac...I don't like to clean house either, lol! No, I have actually done that before....
  16. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    Thank you to everyone for your support & suggestions. I have been back on track for 5 days now & I think the sugar cravings are about gone. I swear it felt like withdrawal...not that I know what that feels like, lol. I plan on seeing Fat Sick & Nearly Dead if I can find it at the library. I made an appointment with my old therapist for the 25th of this month. I fessed up to my partner about going to the store almost every day & getting junk to eat & then hiding the wrappers in the trunk of my car. It went well. We had a long talk. I went to my bariatric support group meeting Thursday night & that helped a lot too. One woman there is having the surgery next month & she weighs over 400 lbs. I looked at her & thought to myself, "If you keep going the way you are, you will end up back to where you were & you do NOT want that" I think once I get a few things off my chest in therapy, I will feel better. I did go for 1 20 min walk, used my punching bag one day & have used my pedal cycle twice for 30 min each time. I am trying to work up to either going to the gym or going back to Zumba. I HATE exercise so it is hard. I know all of you can relate in some way or another. Once again, thank you!
  17. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    Thank you for sharing your stories, lending support & giving advice. I so appreciate it as I feel so alone. I stuck to it for 3 days & then went off of it again so finally I told myself to wait until Nov. 3. The project I was working on for my old employer would be done & I would have a lot more free time. Starting Monday, I will be back on it 100%, no excuses. We have a cruise coming up in Dec. & I want to at least lose what I have gained. I will now have time to exercise & focus on eating right. I don't like the way I feel right now: sluggish, yucky & depressed. I can do this & I will do this! auntiemel-you are right-my mom would want me to excel at this & she is in a better place-a place where she is no longer in pain from her arthritis. mbrinmn-I saw food Inc & Fork Over Knives & it really is an eye opener. Will look for the other one you suggested. Eclectick-thank you for sharing your story-I am so sorry for your losses. Inner Surf Girl-I have considered grief counseling as I am angry that my mom gave up so easily...still considering it. thesuse2000-I think that is what I am going to do...as I mentioned...trying to do it while I had so much going on was just too much. Thanks again everyone.
  18. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    Thank you for your suggestions & I think going back to the way I ate at the very beginning is a very good idea. I am going to try that. I know I can eat a lot more now than I could then so I must have stretched my stomach out some. I just have to care again-right now I feel like I don't care but I know I do. Thanks again!
  19. shewolf143

    Losing focus

    I thought about that but I don't have the time right now as I am working a small project for my old employer on top of my regular job & it has to be done by the end of the month but may run over by a few days. I am very angry about my mom's death as she just gave up. She had fallen & broken her leg & they fixed it & she was to go to rehab but she didn't want to deal with the pain (she was 83). They sent her to rehab on May 9 & she was fine....she died on May 11.
  20. shewolf143

    Staying on track during stress

    I got offered a job today! I start March 18th so that stress is off of me now. Now I can focus on getting back on track. Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom!!!
  21. I am 12 lbs from goal weight. I lost my job January 24th & have been reverting back to my old bad behaviors of eating to compensate for the boredom, fear & stress. So far, I am maintaining my weight. I tell myself every day that I am getting back on track & I don't. I am scared to death of gaining weight back. Any suggestions?
  22. shewolf143

    Staying on track during stress

    Every morning when I get up, I tell myself I am going to do well & keep busy but then I get depressed & lose all motivation. Especially, when those around me are getting jobs and interviews. My ex-employer outsourced our jobs to India so 38 of us were laid off. I have the same amount of experience as many of them & they are finding jobs in our field. I can barely get an interview. It is disheartening. We got severance depending on our length of service so I got one month & my last check for that will be 3/10. I can get unemployment but can't live on it. I ate 3 magnum double chocolate ice cream bars & 3/4 of bag of kettle corn tonight :-( I am sabotaging myself & feel so out of control right now.
  23. When I did my pre-op & I started craving something-I did some psychological stuff on myself. I told myself if I ate any of it, it was poison. I also told myself that if I ate any of it, I would NOT be able to have the surgery & I wanted it badly. I never strayed at all during my pre-op. I was 100% compliant! You can do it-it is all mind over manner! Good luck!
  24. shewolf143

    Protein bars

    Be careful of the hidden sugars in the protein bars.
  25. shewolf143

    I'm a newbie

    Every day it will get better & better!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
