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Mariposa Bella

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mariposa Bella

  1. Mariposa Bella

    Hurricane and fill!

    Is this why my band is going crazy?? I haven't had good restriction for about 1 1/2 months, and yesterday all of a sudden, I can hardly eat. My band is so tight, I can't stand it, I had gotten used to eating a tad more, actually a whole lot more. I have to go get some supplies this afternoon, I haven't been grocery shopping all week, and the refrigerator is bare, gotta go get the tuna and the water, just in case. You know what's bad, our generator got stolen out of the back of my step-dad's truck last Sat (he borrowed it) and my husband has been so upset all week, it was brand new, worth about $4000. It is so heavy, who ever took it had plenty of help, cause two people suer can't lift it alone. Hopefully we can stay safe and not need it. Well good luck to us all. Stay in touch.
  2. Mariposa Bella

    OMG-I can finally get in

    Well, I am a bit offended, that nobody noticed I was MIA, he, heee... I was unable to log on, I didn't remember the darn password and then when I entered my username it said my email address wasn't recognized and oh well, luckily I had Miss Penni's email address and she asked Alex to help me. Thank you both to Penni and Alex, my heroes. Well what's going on with all of you, actually I know, I've been reading, but haven't been able to post. You all don't know how hard its been to not be able to put my two cents worth. Well I'm here and I'm soooooooooooooo happy. I still don't have gross pics for you all of my scar, so you'll just have to wait until I can get a hold of someone with a digital camera. Sorry. I am holding my weight steady at 147, so I'm 10 lbs from goal. Yippi... I can't wait until I can get a fill in a couple of months. Well gotta run, I've been super busy I'm trying to get my dream home built and you don't know how much work it is, surveys, loan papers, land cleareres, permits, oh gosh, I hope I can survive this. But like my band and ps, it will be worth it in the end. Well sending lot of love to everyone. (((((HUGS and KISSES))))))
  3. Mariposa Bella

    OMG-I can finally get in

    Well, I'm glad to hear that everyone missed me. And no I'm not mad that you guys want pics, but I honestly haven't been able to get anyone to take any of me. I too would like to see it in a picture so that i can get a true image. You know how you really don't know what you look like until you see it on print?? Well, so glad to be back. Love you guys.
  4. My restriction is gone, where did it go, has anyone seen it??? I am in so desperate need of another fill, I have lost my restriction and my will power as well. My ps said I can't have another fill for another two months, so I hope I can stop this binging. I am totally amazed at the amount I can eat. Today for lunch I had a 6 in ham/cheese from subway, bread and all, I hadn't been able to eat bread in a long time. Then an hour ago, I ate a glazed donut, the whole thing. What is wrong with me. I just came back from spending a gazillion dollars on ps and enduring so much pain and have lost my focus. I think part of it is that I'm not totally feeling well and letting myself indulge. I am so exhausted all the time, its taking my body alot to get back to normal. The ps said it would take longer since my food intake is less than someone w/out a band, but hell he doesn't need to worry about that anymore cause I AM EATING LIKE A PIG--PLEASE HELP ME, HELP ME..Maybe I'm just stressed out this week, the girls started school and I've been running crazy w/ them to school and to cheerleading and tumbling and picking up from daycare and grocery and oh I'm going to die from exhaustion. I'm so tired..Then again maybe its cause I just had my period this week, who knows, maybe I'm just not right in the head... Well, had to vent.
  5. Mariposa Bella

    PS Recovery is slow

    I'm so sorry you are in so much pain, but hey if you don't need your pain meds can you please send them my way... lol. Just think though maybe if they every bring back that beach show with David Hasselfoll and Pamela Anderson maybe we can get a job as lifeguards, too. Were going to be so gorgeous, thats what I keep telling myself, repeat, I'm going to look gorgeous, if I can just get through this damn pain............ Well hope you feel better, lot of love from my tummy to yours.
  6. Mariposa Bella

    Please--need Kick In The #@*!!!

    I just love you, you are so great, you sure know how to put a smile on my face. Well since I was down in Mx getting all that ps, I brought back some tequila. Hadn't had any until last night and boy it was good. And I won't be eating any more donuts, don't have another board meeting until next month, but I'm not bringing the left overs back to the office, they are going straight to the trash. Thanks and I can't wait to go home and fix me another margarita. Today, has been kind of stressful too, my little boy had to go see the ear, nose and throat specialist cause his voice is very hoarse for a three year old and next week on Thursday he'll have to go into the hospital and get put to sleep so they can do a laryngoscopy and a bronchoscopy of his throat to see if he has polyps or nodules. I hope everything goes well, I hate for him to be put under for anything. Please keep him in your prayers. He's so little, my little baby boy.
  7. Mariposa Bella

    PS Recovery is slow

    Babs I totally understand how you feel. I too questioned why I would voluntarily do that to my body. I am five weeks out of my ps and still can't get to feeling normal. You know what was worse for me, the back pain from walking all scrunged up like a 90 year old. I still can't get rid of it. Hurts like hell, especially at night. I too had a tt and all over lipo, so the tt didn't hurt, but my stomach muscles were very painful and the rest of my body was in shock from having all the fat sucked out of it. I was very fortunate to have my mom and step-dad full time to help me with the kids and to take care of me. They were so awesome, I didn't have to lift a finger. I was very blessed to have them, Sorry that you are alone and don't have extra help, that makes me sad, cause I know what you are going through. but it will get better. I too had my drain in way too long, mine was in for 11 days and I hated the damn thing, it was disgusting to have it. I don't miss it one bit. And since I'm all about comfort the wearing the all body compression garments was so uncomfortable and painful. Even had to wear them on my arms. YUKKKY!!! I still wear it at night cause I get better back support and sleep better (sometimes it comes off in the middle of the night, but oh well). How long did your dr tell you that you had to wear yours? I had mine on 24/7 for a whole month. But my moms says he told me four months not four weeks and everytime I check in w/ him I conveniently forget to ask, cause I sure don;t want to wear that for another three months. About your little boy, I am so sorry, I have a three year old and he too was very concerned about mommies boo, boo's, he still asks if my boo boo's hurt. and my girls were wonderful they were my little nurses, still are. Well, I hope you get to feeling better and everyday will get easier believe me it will. Cause I have just been there and I'm surviving. Take care and please rest up and don't hurt yourself by trying to do too much. Sending lots of love your way. Let me know how you are doing.
  8. Mariposa Bella

    Please--need Kick In The #@*!!!

    Breating in paper bag................ Thank you so much, I really needed this. You are totally right, my husband told me last night that he thinks I should be taking in a little more calories to help my body recover from all the trauma I caused it (well, minus the donut) and that he hasn't noticed that I am overeating like I think I am. So I guess you guys are right, I ate a sensible dinner last night, Protein, protein and veggies, so I did good last night. Then I rewarded myself and fixed myself a margarita and that made my day all better. he, heee.. Thanks all of you for all the encouragement, and I promise I'll get those pic taken this weekend. So that you can see how fabulouso I look....
  9. Mariposa Bella

    I just weighed and I had to share!

    Wow, that is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
  10. Mariposa Bella

    I'm back, had my plastic surgeries...

    I will try to get someone to take some pictures of me this weekend. Believe it or not, I'm one of those old fashion persons that are technically, electronically challenged so I don't own a digital camera or 35 mm camera at all. I always buy the disposable kind they are so much easier. Don't ever have to worry about dropping it or losing it (have three kids, you know). But I promise that I will ask my friend to take some pics this weekend. Okay. Love ya too.
  11. Mariposa Bella

    Fat kids?

    I too struggle with this issue everyday. I have three children and sure don't want to teach them all my bad habits and have them grow up with weight issues like myself. My girls just had their physicals and they are at a perfect weight and on the taller side, but my oldest sure loves to eat (takes after me). I have to monitor her if not she would eat half a pizza if I let her. What greatly concerns me is that I've seen ehr sneak in the kitchen to put food in her mouth and not let me see. Very scary..that she tries to hide her eating from me. My second daughter (4) asks me if what ever she's eating will make her fat or will make her healthy, and this concerns me. How do you teach your children to be aware of eating healthy without turning a four year old into being so obsessed with what makes you fat and what doesn't????? My little boy is a skinny, scronny butt, he can wolf down anything and not gain an ounce, high metabolism, the pediatrician says. Sure doesn't get it from me. What can I do??? I am so concerned with my girls suffering like I did through my teen and youth years that I keep them super active. My oldest dances (she's 9) two hours a week, has tumbling once a week for 1 1/2 hours and does cheerleading the other two days for 1 1/2 hours also. So she has a full week of activities. My second daughter at four also keeps the same schedule, except she only dances one hour a week. Is this overkill on my part??? They are aware that I have the band, well my oldest is, and that I had all this plastic surgery, am I just setting them up for a life of food issues? Wow, there is so much. I need to speak to their pediatrician at their next visit or do some online research. I sure don't want to make them anorexic, bulemic or overconcerned with dieting all the time. Help me...
  12. Mariposa Bella

    On the road...

    OOOOOOOOOOhhhhh, I'm so jelouse, in a good way... have a wonderful time and don't stress out about the kids, your hubby will do fine. Just think, how much more he'll appreciate you when you come back home. Lots of fun wishes coming your way.
  13. Mariposa Bella

    Surgery 8/30/05

    Congratulations on getting your date. Good luck to you.
  14. Mariposa Bella

    Mental Hunger -- How to deal with it?

    Pam, I too had a hard time dealing with this. Just the fact that I knew how little I was eating made me think I was hungry and that I needed to eat some more. For me personally, I can tell you that chewing gum just makes me hungrier and I think You are doing the right thing by drinking lots of water that will help you out. One thing that helped me was to kept healthy snacks around to nibble on and keep the mind monster satisfied. It will also take some time, so be patient as your body gets adjusted to your band. good luck in conquering the Mind Monster. He still visits me often...
  15. I know that it will be hard, but take everyone's advice and take it one day at a time. We are only human. Just think of the big picture and what your reward will be a new leaner you and a new way of life. Good Luck and keep us posted. We are here for you.
  16. Mariposa Bella

    Favorite Clothing Stores

    I love all of them, but especially, Dillards Macy's Gap Kids Gap Oh, well, I love to many to list. I don't do too much online shopping, too much trouble fitting into clothes at the store, so can't imagine trying to buy online.
  17. Mariposa Bella

    Another Game

    I am married with 3 kids, (four if you count hubby), don't like football, but am subjected to watch soccer by hubby (against my will) no hobbies, but driving girls to dance, cheerleading and tumbling.... hate laundry!!! confessed shopoholic.
  18. Mariposa Bella

    Do you have your fill done in Radiology?

    I had my first fill done under flouru, but have had the other two done without at a cost of an additional $300, I'll skip it for now until I can win the lottery and can afford to pay the $600 for each fill. I haven't had any problems getting my fills done without the flouru, so I've been very luckey. Let us know how your doing.
  19. Mariposa Bella

    Florida Fill Doctor Alert....!

    Hi there, how did you come across Dr. Larson? I had never heard of him, is he a bariatric doctor? Is he located in Ft. Lauderdale? How much experience does he have doing fills, his prices are very reasonable, you really have to let us know how it goes. I have been doing my fills with Dr. Gomez in Miami ($300 w/ our flouru), even though its pricey he is very good and gets my port every time on the first try (even when my port was flipped). Your doctors price is very good though, so keep us posted, okay. If you are too tight or not tight enough when he gives you a fill will he do another fill or an unfill and not charge you again.??? Dr. Gomez will, I had to be filled more cause my first fill didn't do anything for me, so please ask your doctor. Where exactly is he located is Congress the Street or is there a Congress, FL, sorry for being so ignorant on location. Hope to hear from you soon. Liliana where in SW Fl are you? I live close to Ft. Myers.
  20. Mariposa Bella

    How Many Exercise Gadgets Do You Own?

    Okay, here goes mine I bought a very expensive proform treadmill that I've used once (didn't work cause the kids sit and stare at me, or I have to get off every 2-3 minutes cause their fighting or getting into something, it just didn't work) I have the zumba tapes I have the firm tapes I have hand weights I bought a years worth of curves membership and went for 4 months-had to buy out of the second year cause your membership automatically renews if you don't give them 30 day notice of cancellation -got in big fight with owner Bought the South Beach Diet Book The Atkins Diet Book Did slimfast shakes (still have tons in refrigerator at work from last year) Signed on for the Optifast - that was really expensive _Went for a month and quite they wanted to sue me for breech of contract and then I told them that since I hadn't been supervised by their doctor their contract wasn't valid, so they laid off. Ab roller - hubby bought this Large weight station punching bag I've been on tons of medications (prescribed by dr) and over the counter trimspa hydrocycut (sp?) dexatrim metabolife (with ephedra and without) some Patches you would put on your back herbalife The last time I was going to try some drops you would put in Water and then I found out they were made with roach leg oils, the lady promised me that she had lost 25 lbs the first month, oh my... I'm glad those desperate days are over. Oh and tons and tons of aerobic classes over the years and just yesterday I bought something that will be worth it, cause I love to walk. I bought a double jogging stroller for my kids and I to go walking, now I just have to figure out when to go, cause dance is fixing to start and they are already doing cheerleading, I was thinking I could walk them to cheerleading practice and then go off with my son and walk during their practice and then pick them up and walk home. What do you think? I hope this is not going to be another useless item in my house.
  21. Mariposa Bella

    Fill Doctor In Naples!

    You both are doing wonderful, I had only lost 34 lbs since Nov, with two fills. It is true that when you start at a lower bmi, it takes longer to lose. I started at 190 and thought I would get to goal really fast, NOPE>>totally wrong, I initially lost 23 lbs because I was so sick after the surgery I couldn't even keep my own saliva down, but anyways the rest came off really slow. I was at 156-159 fluctuating just there and after my ps, I have only lost another 5-6 lbs which I was so disappointed, I thought it would have been more. The ps said that I still have lots of fluids in my body and I am still swollen so it will take a while to see any more loss. Bummer!!! I have to wait another two months before I can get a fill, so that is another bummer, at this rate it will take forever to get to goal. So my SW fl bandsters, lets plan a get together, have kids? Maybe a beach day? Movie day? I am dying to meet you all. So come on lets make some plans. But anyways, I got off subject regarding you all, you guys are doing wonderful, keep up the good work.
  22. Mariposa Bella


    I'm so happy to hear about your NSV keep up the good work, we will be at goal sooner than you know it.
  23. Mariposa Bella

    Clothing Exchange at Vegas Bash

    HotLikeHer, I just pulled it up and it says that it has been cancelled until further notice. Too bad. Well, maybe we can organize our own get together, what do yo think?
  24. Mariposa Bella

    Clothing Exchange at Vegas Bash

    OMG, how I wish you were close to me. How I would love for you to be close, too bad school is almost here or I'd put them on a plane to you. They are really cute kids, ask Penni, but it sure would be nice to go out and have a nice dinner, without having to cut someone's chicken nuggets first and trying to fight over who is sitting next to who and oh, well, they will be out of the house in about 15 or 16 years.
  25. Mariposa Bella

    What did you Dream Last Night?

    Like I said on the other post, you are too funny. You know I'm one of those persons that has weird dreams every single night. Why do you think that is? Don't remember what I dreamt last night, still medicate myself at night for the discomfort.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
