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Mariposa Bella

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mariposa Bella

  1. Mariposa Bella

    NSV Size 10 Capris

    That is just wonderful, thanks for being such an inspiration to us all, I have 20 lbs to goal, but the scale isn't budging. Although I wore some levi's capris yesterday that are a size 11 in jrs dept. and I looked pretty hot in them. I am so proud of you and I have to say that I'm proud of myself, I never thought I'd say that I'm actually quite proud of myself, boy, oh boy we are going to look hot on our calendar...
  2. Mariposa Bella

    Who are you and what have you done with my wife?

    You look beautiful. Just beautiful..
  3. Mariposa Bella

    Double jogging stroller????

    Hey just by chance do any of you have a double jogging stroller that you don't use that is sitting in some corner collecting dust. I want to start walking with my kids in the afternoons, but right now the budget is tight and those jogging strollers are so expensive, especially the double ones. If you have one and are interested in selling it at a good cheap price of course, would you send me a pm., I live in a small town and there are no places to go buy one, I checked online but they are quite high, if any one has any ideas, let me know.
  4. Mariposa Bella

    My baby's heart.

    Hello everyone, I just want to shout out to the world that God has blessed me in a huge way. My son who had some heart issues that have been monitored since birth had his yearly check up yesterday and was given a clean bill of health. The concerns the Cardiologist had have gone away and my three year old son has a strong healthy heart. That is the best news I have gotten in a long time, it was always a concern, and no more. Praise Jehova God. I got my birthday present early. And it was the best one ever. Just wanted to share my joy with you all.
  5. Mariposa Bella

    My baby's heart.

    Thank you all for your wonderful prayers. I am truly very blessed by God, not only are my three children healthy but I have wonderful people like you and my family around me. Jane, I hope everything works out for your little one's too, I know how stressful and heartbreaking it is for your child to not be healthy. Lots of kisses from us to you and your little ones. Estela
  6. Mariposa Bella

    Such sorrow at a young age!!

    I'm so sorry about your loss.
  7. Mariposa Bella

    Happy Bandiversary Penni!

    Happy Bandiversay to you, Happy Bandiversary to you!
  8. Mariposa Bella

    It took a while, but I'm back!

    Welcome back and congratulations, sorry about your bug experience, I hate roaches and would be doing just exactly what you did. So you had ps? I am heading to Mexico possibly the end of June for a tt and body liposculpture, I am so excited, and a little scared, but mostly excited. Everynight I stand before the mirror, buck nekkid and look at my nasty stomach and fat bulges on my thighs and back and think that they will be gone and how wonderful it will feel to not have to pull my underwear over my belly bulge when it rolls down over it, LOL I found a underwear sale in Dillards this weekend and bought a tons of really cute CK underwear, I can't wear them yet, but hopefully I will be modeling them soon. So how do you feel? Please post pictures, so that we can see. I'm so excited for you. How wonderful you must feel and you have already lost 14 lbs, that's wonderful too. Well wishing you a speedy recovery and keep us posted and please post your pictures.
  9. Mariposa Bella

    Happy Bandiversary Michelle!

    Congratulations to both of you, I have to remind myself constantly that this band will work for me especially lately. I started out at 190 having to lose 53 lbs, and I thought that it would be much easier than it has been, it is tough dealing with these fills, too tight, not tight enough, a lot of work. The hardest thing is my idiot relatives feeling disappointed that I haven't lost all my weight and making me feel like a failure. But then I stop and think, I don't have a magic wand in me, I have a lap band that requires work and time, especially time. I have to remember that I am only five months into this and have lost 30 lbs, that will never come back (knock on wood) and then I think I'm not a failure, I'm a winner for taking control of my life and trying to live it the way I have always imagined. Well I very much appreciate reading about your success stories because they give me the encouragement that I need and you all truly inspire me to continue on my journey. Sorry for the long drawn out post, but I just had to let you all know that I am truly proud of all of us and I pray that we will beat this freaking ugly weight monster. Let's kill him and never let him come back.
  10. Mariposa Bella

    Hail damage on the booty

    You are too funny.
  11. Mariposa Bella

    Looking for Lap-Band buddies in Florida!!!

    Melissa I am sorry that you had to go through that, but hopefully the restriction you have now will be enough to get through the next coming months and before you know it, it will be time for you to get a brand new port. Did you have to pay to have the port removed? And will you have to pay to have a new on placed back? I hope not. Well, best of luck and please keep in touch. And again, I am so sorry.
  12. Mariposa Bella

    Standing Ovation Please!

    I'm a go-getter, too, yes I am...
  13. Hi there, I've been wondering this for a while, I still have 23 lbs to lose and no doubt that they will be the hardest to lose, but I know that I will get there at least by mid summer, I just pray and hope so. Well I am scheduled to have a tt mid July and I was curious what happens once your there at your goal. Do you go get an unfill? half an unfill? What?? Or do you continue with all the restriction you have? I sure would like to know what happens when you get to that place over the rainbow. Coffewench, you look like your at goal and you look wonderful after your tt, do you still have restriction? Can you please help me understand what will be next? I hope you can.
  14. Mariposa Bella

    What happens once at goal weight?

    Well why isn't anyone interested in telling me what happens once your at goal weight, is there anyone out there at theri goal weight??? I need to know, please tell me...
  15. Mariposa Bella

    I want a TT

    Alexis, thank you so much for explaining in such detail your procedure, I feel better now. I know what you mean about the drain, when I had my C section I had a drain and the removal was quite a feeling, not painful, but stomach upsetting, at least for me it was, it gave me a quezy feeling, oh well. I am so looking forward to it. I was planning on late July, but now my boss thinks she is going out of town on my dates, so I probably have to move my dates to late June which is better, I guess. I'll have more time to recupperate before I have to do all the running around to get the kids started back to school and all that good stuff. Well I very much appreciate all your help, oh, one more question, After your tt, when you start excercising, can you further tighten your stomach muscles, or what you'll have is what you get, I'm thinking with this flab gone and with the ps help, if I work harder and do all my crunches, I can really get some nice looling abs, what do you think? Well talk to you later and again, YOu look fabulous my daling!!!
  16. Mariposa Bella

    Just banded and miserable

    Val, I got very very sick after banding and ended up in the hospital, a very frightning experience, but I have to tell you that warm tea is the best thing you can sip and by sip I mean tiny little sips at a time, since you have been pbing you have aggravated yourself further and have more restriction. I hope you start feeling well soon. I know what you are going through and you are probably questioning if getting the band was worth it? I had so many emotions going through me and it made me worse. I was so upset. So calm down and sip warm fluids only and I am sure that will help. You don't want to get dehydrated, so if the warm fluids don't work, please get a hold of your doctor, mine gave me some meds to help with the pbing. Good luck.
  17. Mariposa Bella

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    The scar that is highest on my stomach is kind of thick, should I put Mederma on it to help it heal flush to the skin, its starting to worry me, and my scars are still pink, I had my suregry in Nov., should they still be pink or should they have turned white already?
  18. Mariposa Bella

    Looking for Lap-Band buddies in Florida!!!

    Melissa have you had your port moved? Just checking in with you, let us know how your doing. P.S. I'm in SW Florida and I have been using Dr. Eddie Gomez in Coral Gables for my fills, he is wonderful and quite good looking too.
  19. Mariposa Bella

    Eating bread

    I too cannot tolerate bread, crying, actually sobbing, no but I do miss bread a lot, I was a total bread person, probably wouldn't have needed the band if I would have just layed off the bread, but I did discover this weekend that I can eat about 1/2 slice of toasted bread and boy was it delicious, just delicious. And the worst thing of all, I can't just can't eat tortillas, and that sucks cause I'm Mexican and they are a huge part of our diet, tacos, quesadillas, all that yummy stuff, I can't do anymore, I don't eat pasta either, can't all the good stuff, nope, no more. NO burgers, no tacos, no sir. Its hard, but oh well, when I get to my goal it will be worth it.
  20. Mariposa Bella

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Wow Nana, you look awesome, no flab hanging over, wow, would have never guessed your at 215, you look more like 150 to me, that's awesome.
  21. Mariposa Bella

    I want a TT

    Tangerine, Can you please give me more specific info, I have scheduled my tt for the second week in July (don't have exact date yet) and liposculpture, I am quite excited, but still have lots of questions, how lond did you stay in the hospital? Do they stitch you up or do staples? Is it very painful? I had a Csection back in 1991 and it was quite painful and the cut was much smaller than what a tt cut is (from hip to hip) please give me all the specific details, I work a desk job and can only take about three weeks off, do you think its realistic of me to think I can come back to work after three weeks, My mom is going to be taking care of me and my kids, so that will be wonderful, but I'm a big baby and even though I'm excited, I'm scared too. Well any info will be appreciated, and you look just awesome, wonderful, fantastic, well, you already now.
  22. Mariposa Bella

    I Have a Date!!!

    congratulations on getting a date. On to bandland.
  23. Mariposa Bella

    Does anyone else??

    Well It has been three weeks since my last fill, the too tight one also, and now its too tight again, I am not having a hard time with liquids which is good, but I am not able to keep food down too well. Is this common? I mean I can barely eat about three tablespoons of solid food and that is all. On the upside, I weighed myself this morning and I weigh 160 on my home scale which is light about 3-4 lbs, so I am doing quite well, but yesterday we went to this awesome restaurant w/ some friends and all I did was play with my food because I couldn't eat any of it. When one of my friends seemed like he hadn't had enought to eat, I quickly took one of my enchiladas (chicken and spinach and feta) ,( really awesome to eat, preband of course) and put it on his plate so that I wouldn't have to explain why I hadn't eaten anything (I'm a closet bandster, to most). I don't know if this is how I want to live the rest of my life, feeling so deprived... ONce I'm at my weight, what happens, do I go get the band totally unfilled and then adjust as needed? Please tell me.
  24. Mariposa Bella

    I just love Maxine!!

    I love her too, my checkbook is Maxine here are some of her quotes I won't stand for gossip? NO, I sit down and make myself comfortable for gossip. There are two ways to look at things -- my way and...and...okay, there's ONE way to look at things. I tried paying my bills with a smile. They wanted money. It wouldn't kill me to be nice once in a while. But why take a chance? I'm not grouchy. Everyone else is too happy. That which does not kill me makes me even crabbier.
  25. Mariposa Bella

    Gone for the weekend!!

    Well as always I am a lap band week poster, I just want to wish everyone a wonderful weekend as I don't log on during the weekend. (Computer is laying on the floor in my closet and can't set it up right now, remodeling) See you all on MOnday, or I guess I should say read about you on Monday. Take care, you all. Love,

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