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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lorsbander

  1. I have been losing hair for 3-4 months now. I notice it now. You can really see it in my part- in my bang area. I have been getting all my Protein, etc in. I had a complete lab work up and all was great. My doc told me to take 10-20 mg of Zinc. I am gonna try it. I hope it works. I am getting scared. My hair has always been thick and healthy. Now, it looks thin, dry and crappy! I hope this passes soon. It is embarrassing!

  2. After sliming, pbing or all-out puking your stomach gets irritated and swollen making the band tighter. I experienced this last month. It was not good. Had to get a complete unfill.

    I have experienced the bulging feeling in my throat quite often. I usually feel it after a fill or when I am full.

    I have heard it is common for you to feel tighter a week or two after a fill. (I don't know about a month, though.) Also, you may be tighter in the morning or during your period.

    I would call my doctor just to be safe.

  3. Your name says it all- "HOPE" I wish for you the very best on your band journey.

    I am 35 years old, 5 foot 2 inches and started at 232 pounds. Had heart issues, high cholesterol, glucose intolerance, etc. All problems gone within a month of being banded! It is so worth it. The best thing I have ever done for myself in my life!

    Thank you for your story and welcome to this site!

  4. I am planning on hitting my 100 pounds lost by Memorial Day. That is when our local aquatic center opens for the summer! I am gonna live there this summer with my kids!!!!!

    I hope to make it. I was losing really great until I had a "stuck" and was unfilled for over a month. I feel like I am starting over now. Just had a fill today. Now I have a renewed sense of determination to lose this weight!

    Gotta love that band!!!!!!

  5. I feel for ya! I was losing just great- wonderful restriction and everything. Then shit hit the fan! My doctor isn't quite sure what happened, but they think I may have had something stuck. I was unfilled almost completely last month. I have gone over a month with no restriction. It was horrible! I gained back a couple pounds. Today I finally was able to get a fill, and I am excited to be resticted and start losing again!

    Best of luck to you and all bandsters!! Go scale, go!!!!!!!!!!

  6. This site is great support! Plus it is a wonderful source of info and real life experiences with the band.

    Keep up the great work! Everyone has a different journey with their bands, so don't worry! If you are not losing like you would like, maybe you need another fill? Just be patient- you'll get there! Best of luck to ya!

  7. The band is not the easy way out, that's for sure! I hate when people say that. I usually tell them what I went through to get banded: the testing, liquid diet, some complications, etc. After that they don't think that way anymore. Plus, you don't have to be successful with the band. I know someone who "ate right through" his band and gained all his weight back. Losing weight is still a choice with the band. You still have to work your ass off. You still have to eat less. The band is just a tool- like WWers or Jenny Craig, etc. You still have to make a conscious decision to make it work!

  8. Did they tell you to stay on liquids for a few days to let everything rest? I would imagine you have some swelling in there too.

    I think it's a good idea to wait awhile for a fill too. I waited 2 months after being too tight and getting stuck all the time. I really think my tummy needed a rest. I didn't lose anything, but

    I didn't gain anything either.

    Yes, I am pretty much still on liquids since Monday. I am gonna try some mushies today. My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but I will take it easy anyway. I don't think I will get another fill until after the new year. That may not be too smart over the holidays, but it's what I have to do. I will be good! There's no way I'm gonna let myself gain weight back!

  9. The crazy thing for me was the fact that I really don't know what I got stuck on. I know I chewed the heck out of my food that night. Now I am scared to get a fill again. I had just had my 3rd fill 2 weeks prior to this and it was my sweet spot. Now I am not so sure! Maybe my sweet spot was a bit too tight! I am gonna wait until after the new year to get a fill. Right now I am a bit gun shy, not to mention my tummy still being a bit swollen and sore!

  10. Thought I would update ya on my "stuck." I ended up in the hospital over night. The doc on call wouldn't come in and said to just give me fluids and pain meds until the morning. It was horrible. They had to give me morphine. The next morning, my regular band PA came in and was so pissed off. She couldn't believe what happened to me. She took out most of my fill and I had immediate relief. I tell ya- what a nightmare. I have a feeling that the doc on call is in a bit of trouble! By the way, I tried every thing in the book to get unstuck. I think sometimes the only solution is to get unfilled.

  11. Well, I am still stuck. I called my doc and they said to do Clear Liquids for a day and it should go through. liquids go down, but it hurts. We got a hell of a ice storm last night. Now we are getting 6+ inches of snow on top of it. I guess I am gonna have to suffer through this for now. Can't get to my doc office anyway with all this ice. (It's an hour away.) Any other ideas would be helpful. I am gonna try some hot tea. Maybe something warm will help "open" me up!

  12. I think I have something stuck. I ate supper and was full very fast. Now, tonight I try to drink or eat something and it hurts really bad. I have been trying apple juice. It hurts, but eventually goes down. I just sent my hubby for pineapple juice, but it's 10:30 pm so he probably won't find any. (I live in a small town.) To make it worse, a huge ice storm is coming which could keep us at home for a few days. I am scared that if this doesn't dissolve itself, I am gonna be in trouble. My doc is an hour away, and with the weather I will not be able to get to him. What should I do?

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