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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RJ'S/beginning


  2. This week end my daughter and I cleaned out my closets.....all the size 5x are gone except for what I absolutely need for the next few weeks..I have a few 4x and 3x but got rid of most of my clothes a few years ago..thinking I would never be anything else but heavy...now!!!!!I look forward to the new me too...and long to go shopping at a regular store..like everyone else....oh and my daughter bought me a size large leather jacket for my goal weight..secretly I hope that jacket will be too big for me........ :wub:

  3. I just bought a small blender...it was a 1/4 of the price and will do the same thing as a magic bullet.......for several weeks after your surgery you will be on liguids and soft food.....blending it down will enable you to eat some different food...I heard of one guy who put his greek salad in the blender..he said it looked bad..but it tasted really good......he was really wanting a salad I guess...good idea I thought! :D

  4. I go on the 19th for my pre-op tests.........it all depend on your surgeon what the program is...I have been told that I will see the surgeon for an hour..the guy who puts you to sleep.....dietition and a nurse......that will weigh me and take bloods and do some tests......I also have to sign a permission slip for the surgery....that is what I am expecting...........oh and will be given the address to order my 2 week pre-op liquid diet so I can order it asap.....:)

  5. My surgeon says that the reason for the pre op diet is to shrink the liver...the liver lays over the stomach and it has to be lifted up so they can get to your stomach....they have a tool that holds the liver in place...but if the liver is not smaller it puts stress on the tool and on your entire system........plus your stomach is already shrinking due to the pre op surgery....

    every surgeon seems to have his own plan...and reasons for what they say and do....it can be very confusing!

  6. you know what...you have every right to have those jitters.....not knowing what to expect is half the problem...talk to your doctor and he/she should help you figure out some of the issues..and ease your mind some.....write them down on a piece of paper....the what if.....page and ask your Dr......you are a very strong person to make this decision.......esp. since you have never had surgery before........I know you will be okay! :)

  7. right now....it is safe and comfortable to do what we always do to protect ourselves......some where in side of you is the reason why you feel safe the way you are now......it took me years to figure out what my triggers were that made me heavy......you will figure them out as well...don't be so hard on yourself.....this is a journey to discover the new you...it won't happen over night.....but you have started that journey and are in a forward motion.....congratulations! :)

  8. you make it sound so tragic.....it is normal to have anxiety about all of it..if you didn't that would not be normal....this is not an easy route we are taking..this will take dedication and will power......and it is all about you and the choices you will make to better yourself........you have taken steps already....you should be very proud of yourself and as you watch the new you unfold...it will be because you used the tools that they gave you and succeeded...... :)

  9. I go for my pre op appointment on the 19 Sept. I am very excited.....I was told that my surgery will happen first part of Oct. Keep in the front of your mind the reasons you have made this choice.....Some where on here is a list of stuff you will possibly need for your stay at the hospital......start preparing yourself now if you have not already by changing habits and gathering the Vitamins you will need....etc. Buy something a couple sizes smaller then you are now so you can see your progress through that......No one said this is the easy way....it will be a bumpy ride.....but think of all the things you will gain from it....esp. the new you....with fewer health problems no doubt........keep yourself positive in this journey.........and remember you deserve it as much as anyone else.......we are here.....for you and you for us.....the best to you on your journey to a healthier you.......

  10. No it isn't.....your new life started the day you decided to sleeve.......then when you made some changes and went to the appointments and started thinking about how to be successful....the surgery is your tool.....and congratualations on the date by the way.....still waitng for mine.......wonderful news for you :)

  11. I am so excited for you......esp. since you look at the cup half full...and you see it and feel it and are a success...Energy is something I am looking so forward to when I get some.....lol.......It is stories like yours that help me feel good about the dicision to sleeve...Thank you for sharing! Was okayed August 24th....waiting for date.....

  12. Zonda......wait until he sees the new you.....the true you. The one that is still who you are but will be more confident and stronger and feeling beautiful in a few months........then see how he feels about it..I coulda, shoulda, woulda will make no difference then. You may find that it was the best thing you have done to shed that extra weight of the past...and I mean by the extra weight...HIM........You need strength in your life not weakness and selfishness...I hope you have other support........:)

  13. I am truely sorry Zonda.....it is disheartening to face this at a time like this........you have us here on this site for encouragement a long the way....it does not make up for a broken heart but it will help you deal with the issues regarding your journey.....I wish you well and believe that it takes a very strong person to even get as far as you have...you will make it.....and you will come out of it stronger and richer and better then before..........I have been told by my doctor that this journey is not for the faint of heart.........you are not a weak person I am sure or you would not have gotten this far........:)

  14. I have only told a few chosen people about my up coming sleeve. This time I don't want anyone around who is not going to be positive and supportive....Any other time I have dieted I allowed others to influience me and I would give in..This time....no.....Anyone who is not going to be there for me can hit the road......This is all about me! This is my time to do this for me......I have warned the ones that are supporting me that if they can't continue to be there for me...back out.....this is a life changing adventure I am doing for me...no one else......stay strong and find the strength to not blame yourself or imagine why he is not being there for you....You have already done one of the hardest parts by having the surgery.......You on your way.....don't look back........ your already doing it girl......be the little train that could!

  15. There will be one set of rules....your surgeon's rules. Go by those, not what other people are doing. That will take the guesswork out of it for you. If your surgeon doesn't have a complete preop and post op plan for you, look for another surgeon.

    But yes, all surgeons seem to have different plans.

    Yes he does have a plan and I will try to follow it to the letter...I am talking about afterward selecting Protein powders and Vitamins..there are a ton out there and I keep reading that this person tried this one and another that one.....one lady mentioned that she is a Vitamin junky...I gave up following her feeds because I stopped understanding what she was doing.....Or how she can afford to try that many different brands.I got very confused because I know there are things I need to buy to prepare myself for the sleeve........what I am looking for in any product is no artificial sweeteners......if anyone knows a brand that does not contain these toxins...I would love to hear about them.....ty

  16. I have been researching the sleeve, watching videos and reading as much as I can about the the entire experience from many people who have gone through this or are going through this..I was given the okay 24th of August....Now I am working hard to change some of my bad habits before I even start this new life change.....I am finding myself confused more and more..There are so many different vitimins out there and protien drinks and everything.. I don't like artifical sweeteners and have been searching for things without that in them......anyone know any brands that don't include these sweeteners.Am I researching too much...sounds weird just saying that...wish there was one set of rules for all of us...silly to say...

  17. You have to remember that when you have this done it is major surgery. With any surgery you have to allow your body to heal. Listen to your body it will tell you how tired you are or sore you are and follow your surgeons advice. Better to be safe then sorry.

    I am waiting for my surgery as well and have been told by my team that for six weeks after I have this proceedure I have to be very careful not to hurt myself by doing too much. I think I will be bored senseless! Then again what is six weeks compared to a whole new life..........:)

  18. Hi;

    I'm a mom and a grand mother. I dream of becoming a famous writer and so that is what I do with my day. I write short stories and poetry. I am married with two children. One of each, millionaires family.....

    I applied for the VSG three years ago and was just given the okay last friday the 24 of August/12.

    I have been heavy most of my life and now health issues are causing me to slow down. A bad back and cronic pain due to a fall 6 years ago.

    I started to change some habits several months ago when I went to my seminar for the sleeve. So I have been trying to put things into practice before I even have the surgery. I am not perfect by any means. But I really want to be a success at this amazing tool. Having others to talk to or to even listen to their stories will be a huge encouragement to me.

    Thank you for this opportunity to be here!



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