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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RJ'S/beginning

  1. I am hoping for skin removal soon! Can't wait!

    1. borg/assimilated


      Next stage of the adventure! I hope your recovery isn't too uncomfortable.

    2. RJ'S/beginning
    3. SleeveandRNYchica
  2. I believe since this is a forum where name calling and fowl language is against the rules but expressing your feeling, thoughts and ideas are aloud. I feel that the OP has every right to list the reasons she feels that it was a mistake for her. It is up to us to learn what we can from her thinking process and see that we have the right education and fortitude to travel the WLS road if it is our desire. I can think of many times when I laid in the hospital for 5.5 months that I regretted my choice. Not to mention the year and a half it took to feel somewhat normal because of the complications. But I looked at it as a choice I made to better my health and well being and glad even after everything that happened that I made that choice. Would I have done it in my 20's or 30's. Looking back, oh yes! Would have saved me a lot of grief, health issues, expensive failed diets, verbal and emotional abuse from friends, family and strangers. As I come up on my third year being healthier. I owe it all to this marvelous surgery that truly gives us who are lost as to what to do or at the end of our ropes, feel we will never be able to feel better again, live a full life and feel good about ourselves. This surgery is not for everyone. People are allowed to have buyers remorse the rest of their lives if they want to. This site is for education purposes. I feel sad that the OP feels disheartened at her choice. I appreciate her views and have read them and understand where she is speaking from. It does not change my position on it. I am not going to try to convince her not to feel how she feels. It is what it is! So for the rest of us! Forward we go! Just keep swimming eh! And hope that as time goes on she will be in a better place with her choice of WLS.
  3. RJ'S/beginning

    proudgrammy is very proud

    So you did it eh girl! congrats! You were aces in my books before the face lift! And now as well! You deserve to feel great about yourself. So glad you did it for you! Happy days hun!
  4. RJ'S/beginning

    And.... I puked.

    More then 2.5 years out and can still puke my guts out if I eat to fast or my stomach decides it is just not going to handle it. It is something we will live with the rest of our lives.... Isn't it wonderful to continue to have the reminder that we have changed our life patterns for the better. This includes WLS!
  5. RJ'S/beginning

    Nicked Bowels - Encouragement needed...

    It is up to you to encourage your friend to have a positive attitude while she heals. Because of this setback it will take her longer to get on her feet. If she feels pain then she feels pain. I am so glad it was not worse. It does happen! She is a lucky girl that they found it, corrected it and she is on her way. Does not matter that you encouraged her to do this. The final decision was hers. Just be there for her and encourage her to keep going forward one step at a time. One moment at a time and all will be great! Many have had complications and are stronger for it and really appreciate in a entirely different way the surgery of the sleeve.
  6. RJ'S/beginning

    When will the main incision STOP hurting!?

    Don't panic. Everyone is different. we all heal differently and at different rates. Remember you have layers there. With several suture lines. Also it is tender because they pulled your stomach out of there and so that is why it hurts more. Just be careful to not over do it until it completely heals. I know this takes patients but you are not a lone. All sleevers just about had tenderness with the largest incision.
  7. Every night without fail I eat fruit and plain yogurt. It is not that you are eating at the wrong times it is what you are eating. I don't think about it I just have found that that works for me personally. Seems to me that small meals is the way of WLS. So you are right on there. I think you also know when you are not making good choices. If evenings are your worst time. Schedule the right food that will help you to stay healthy and well. Congrats on nearly 2 years out! I am 2.5 + exciting eh!
  8. Fell through the cracks for skin removal surgery. Dang!!!!! now we start again. God love a duck eh!

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      hang in there GF...love you

    2. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      Totally disappointing and totally frustrating! Go beat something up (not animal or human, please) and you know the drill... hang in there.


    3. RJ'S/beginning


      I so will! There is no other choice...lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. I know this is frustrating but what is one more month. I waited four years for my surgery. One month more will give you more time to get prepared and gain knowledge in all areas of the surgery.
  10. RJ'S/beginning

    Welcome to the VIP Member Lounge!

    I see VIP under your name. So you must be one....lol
  11. RJ'S/beginning

    Welcome to the VIP Member Lounge!

    Hey Jane, I have so greatly relied on this forum for camaraderie, and to help keep me focused. It's really been wonderful. But lately I've been finding things slowing down, and as there is anywhere in life, some people are getting on my nerves, lol! So, I made a conscious decision to back off the boards a little. I used to wonder why people didn't stay around long. I didn't know how they could lose interest, or how they could possibly succeed in maintaining their weight without BP! But now that time has gone on for me, I'm starting to see what maybe they saw. Newbies who might be a little over zealous, have an opinion or idea that they want to force on others, people who have seen the light and now KNOW IT ALL, people who split hairs and find reason to disagree, and those who love to stir others up. The same topics over and over, and after a while, it's just more of the same. Maybe that's why some enjoy the controversy? I have a pretty stressful job, and I just want some peace in my free time! So, I think @@Alex Brecher is right. It's the way these forums are. People come and go for a variety of reasons. Some just go quietly, others just drift away, and others leave making a dramatic exit. I don't think there's a way to prevent it. Adding the vets forum was good, and there are a few of us who post there routinely. This lounge is good, too. After all....I saw it and it dragged me back in Yes well I think it has been a sort of injustice to some newbies who did not have the folks that were there for me. I rarely look at the vets forum. I guess I think that the newbies need more help then the oldsters....look at me eh.....only 3 years on here and feel like an oldster..lol I agree with a lot of what you said. I'm glad your still here @@MichiganChic . I owe a lot to some of these people on here for my success so far. It is hard to walk away when others gave so much of themselves to me.....
  12. RJ'S/beginning

    Is this too much?

    Thank you @@rhonda2006 and @Aube. It is hard to believe that photo was over a year ago..Does time ever fly!
  13. RJ'S/beginning

    Is this too much?

    Hi guys; Was out last night shopping and found a pair of pink jeans.... I went back and forth about buying them.....Am I too old? Do I look dumb? you know the usual! What do you think!
  14. RJ'S/beginning

    Welcome to the VIP Member Lounge!

    It is lovely to see the lady from my 600 lb life. She looks awesome too
  15. Thank you for sharing. it made me smile for the first time today!
  16. RJ'S/beginning

    Welcome to the VIP Member Lounge!

    Where have all the people gone who I met on here when I was going through my pre-op and then surgery? Not to mention after? Did they lose energy to be here or did they go for no reason. Some of the hosts you rarely see anymore. I really wonder if that is going to happen to me someday. That I will no longer be here to help others or be helped myself! I know that is my choice but they had a wonderful way about them. I miss a lot of those folks!!!!! Jane
  17. Could spring really be here! The roads are clear but there is still 4 feet of snow every where. Temperatures going up, up, up

    1. pupichupi


      Not here, I am so happy we have no more snow, that was the longest winter I remember having in forever? Wow, so glad it's over!!! Hope yours melts away soon!!!

    2. RJ'S/beginning


      me too, me too!

    3. ProudGrammy


      FINALLY temps are hovering,50-60 - fluctuates up and down

      reminds me of something else too !!! LOL

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Punctuation is not my priority in telling this story. Nor is my sentence form correct. Read at your own reading risk! LOL I hardly see anyone notice me anymore. It has become common place for me to walk around now without anyone coming up to me and acting all surprised when they find out who I am. Most people have done their thing and I can move around freely now without a scene. Also I am in a new place/world where I have gathered new friends and so they do not know the history. I will tell if I decide to but not now! Let me tell you the latest! My hubby and I were in the supermarket in a huddle going over our receipt. The cashier was the fastest on the register I have ever seen and so I wanted to make sure that she did not double charge me or over charge me or not charge me at all for my items in my cart. I happened to look up as the bank manager was passing by us. She knew it was my hubby as he stands at 6'3" but she did not recognize the woman beside him. I looked up and saw the look she gave my hubby as she slowly moved past us. Then our eyes locked and she gave me a look that would make any right minded woman feel guilty of being a home wrecker straight away. She then looked away in disgust and began to move her cart forward again. A few moments passed and she turned to take yet another look. Our eyes locked again. And she stopped dead in her tracks. I knew who she was! She is the person who looked at me like I was a piece of trash when I tried twice to say hello to her at the bank. She would sweep past me and give me a don't bother me look or worse. Anyway I digress, she said Jane is that you? Jane is that really you? I nodded and she gasped! Look at you she screamed, and your hair, your so beautiful. Oh my god I would have never recognized you....bla bla bla! I looked at her and said you thought Roy cheated on me and I was the new woman right!? Well yes she said. I said I have tried to talk to you twice at the bank and you were rude to me. Otherwise you would have known it was me and this scene would not be happening here. She laughed and said she did not remember seeing me. She started touching my hair and looking me over closely. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. My kids used to tell me that she was not nice to them when they got older and started to deal with the bank themselves. I would defend her and say no she is nice, she is just doing her job. But they were right and I was not! This is what bothered me about the whole thing. She thought that my hubby was the kind that would dump me because I was fluffy, obese, fat whatever word you want to use. She was judging his character to be weak and superficial. You don't stay married for 37 years without some attachment and love for the person your with. Automatically thinking that he left me because of my shell really pi**es me off. Do people really look at couples and think that if one of them are obese that the mate is looking to end the relationship at some point. Are they so stupid! Long rant I know.
  19. RJ'S/beginning

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    That is so wonderful for you..Awesome Possum!
  20. RJ'S/beginning

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    It was implied. She does not know me personally. I just did bank business with her. No she answered quickly and as she commented on my body and looks. The implication was that he left me for that reason. When a person is face to face with another some of us can pretty much tell what another is thinking as I saw the color change when I said it. She is not the first person to think that Roy left me because I was fat and he found someone who wasn't. Ahhhh.... I see. I'm not one of those who can "pretty much tell what another is thinking". Perhaps that is why I'm considered a bit more forward or abrasive? I tend to ask people outright what's on their minds. They don't always like it, but there is no room for misconceptions. I did have a cashier ask me once if I was getting a divorce because I had lost so much weight and was in the market all dressed up/made up. I was actually on my way home from a conference I was speaking at and it was my 19th anniversary. People are strange birds... It was implied. She does not know me personally. I just did bank business with her. No she answered quickly and as she commented on my body and looks. The implication was that he left me for that reason. When a person is face to face with another some of us can pretty much tell what another is thinking as I saw the color change when I said it. She is not the first person to think that Roy left me because I was fat and he found someone who wasn't. Ahhhh.... I see. I'm not one of those who can "pretty much tell what another is thinking". Perhaps that is why I'm considered a bit more forward or abrasive? I tend to ask people outright what's on their minds. They don't always like it, but there is no room for misconceptions. I did have a cashier ask me once if I was getting a divorce because I had lost so much weight and was in the market all dressed up/made up. I was actually on my way home from a conference I was speaking at and it was my 19th anniversary. People are strange birds... I did say it straight out. I could have punched her in the gut but thought better of it since I would have been arrested. My circumstances after WLS have not matched yours and my experiences in life have not matched yours. I have had this experience more then one since surgery and it has left a bad taste in my mouth. For to me it is yet another misconception in society that we love one another for our shells. Not what is beneath. I am not the type to be abrasive. It does not work for me. That is why I was tolerant of the hair stroking thing. It gave me the willies!
  21. RJ'S/beginning

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    No I don't think she did. I think that she is just that way and I just did not see that side of her. She was always so liquid sweet but all I was really looking for was a loan or something to do with my banking. Never really thought about her as a person until I tried to say hello to her a couple of times recently.
  22. RJ'S/beginning

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    You got that right...For some reason I don't hang with any of my old crowd. I am out looking for new friends...Any takers...lol
  23. RJ'S/beginning

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    It was implied. She does not know me personally. I just did bank business with her. No she answered quickly and as she commented on my body and looks. The implication was that he left me for that reason. When a person is face to face with another some of us can pretty much tell what another is thinking as I saw the color change when I said it. She is not the first person to think that Roy left me because I was fat and he found someone who wasn't.
  24. RJ'S/beginning

    Gastric leak

    Both would satisfy my need for the info. The first time I had no clue what was happening to me. Most people realize right away what is going wrong. They just feel lousy and have a temperature. Mine spiked to 104 and I was in so much pain I was no longer thinking straight. My daughter came to visit and noticed that I looked grey. I had no clue if I was just having a hard time taking in liquids or that I just was being difficult in dealing with handling liquids. Most people know something is wrong right away. They spike in temperature and their stomach does not feel right. Pain and nausea to the extreme. I was to the point of being septic so I was no longer thinking straight when my hubby drove me to the hospital and the long journey to recovery stated. The flesh around one of my staples died and so it caused a leak. The second time I had severe pain in my left side and a temperature spiked again. But this time I had an ulcer that caused a leak leading to an abscess. I had a temperature but it was not as high. I had a drain put in to drain the Fluid from the abscess and that took 3 tries to keep that in. Now I take meds to avoid any type of ulcer. Which happens more frequently with WLS. I knew that I could die from the surgery but I did not have any knowledge of the complications that could happen. I learned fast. Do I regret the surgery? Would I do it again? The answer is a resounding YES! It has given me new life and vitality I did not have before. And even though I am still recovering I would not trade my surgery for anything. These kinds of complications are not common. My sister had hers in Dec. And she shares the experience like so many others here. A hope, skip and a jump. So be sure that you are willing to face what ever your journey is going to be no matter and you will be fine.
  25. RJ'S/beginning

    Gastric leak

    Which time the first time or the second time?

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