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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RJ'S/beginning

  1. I was excited to go to my first appointment with a dietitian to help me figure out how to treat my hypoglycemia because nothing so far is working. All the ideas and advice I have gotten from Doctors, friends, nurses whoever. Nothing has stopped them from happening. And when they happen there is no warning. My biggest fear is to be driving, one come on, me pass out and hurt someone. So I know it is reasonable to get help. Whether I have to take pills, needles or someone manages to figure out a diet that will level me out. I don't know. So!!! I walk into my appointment and the lady is looking at me strange. We introduce ourselves and she asks me how she can help. I say you tell me, you are the one who is supposed to help me with my Hypoglycemia. lol She does not miss a beat. She pulls out a piece of paper and proceeds to tell me that the first thing she wants to do is have me keep a log on Calories, Protein, carbohydrates, sugar and sodium I consume in one week. Side Note: If anyone knows me and my story I have been completely against spending huge amounts of my time planning what I eat. Let alone count it and log it. It has not been me. So I say look. i don't feel the need for that. She says we must get an idea of what you are eating because I think you are not getting enough carbohydrates in your diet. I tell her that since surgery I have eaten this way.....Protein, vegetables, fruit and then if you have any more room..Carbs! I don't plan on changing now! That is how I got heavy in the first place. Way to many Carbs! She said I understand how you feel but your surgery experience is not common. Not everyone gets hypoglycemia following WLS right. I said I did not know it could happen as it is a form of diabetes and isn't WLS supposed to improve your odds against diabetes. She said yes it should but you have not had an easy time and are suffering the consequences of the complications. So the conversation goes along and I agree to write down everything that falls into my mouth over the next week and she will look at it and see what changes she thinks I need to make. She said. You know I need to get up and go to my office to get some handouts for you. I said okay! She leaves and comes back. Sits down and pushes the Doctors note over to me and said here is what the specialist wrote and I had no idea why you were here. I looked at the sheet and in the reason for coming to her was ....Wait for it......OBESITY! I burst into tears and sobbed like a baby. She said I thought you were coming here to lose weight and then when I saw you I thought why! So I was very confused when you sat down and told me you had WLS. And how much you lost and some of what you went through.....She kept talking and I kept sobbing. I looked up at her and said, how could he write that word about me now. I don't understand. I have worked so hard and I went to him about my hypoglycemia." You can see why I was confused she said. I told her that that word was repulsive, horrible and downright dehumanizing. I would rather be called fat. She looked at me. I said you have no idea what we go through when we are your so called obese. And I spouted a few examples of my own before I had WLS. I said I think that that word will follow me to my grave. It has made no difference. He still called me obese. She apologized for showing me the form and said it was unprofessional of her. I disagreed. I think it was unprofessional of him. I think he does not know how to spell hypoglycemia. So he just threw obesity on the page. I cried for an entire day over that. I think it hurt so much because I have worked so hard for the opposite affect and that's how he saw me. She asked if I would come back to see her in spite of the form. I agreed to see her in a week! I have a good mind to call his office and ask him what he was thinking when he wrote that! And how it affected me! What a bozo!
  2. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    I would think anything related to hypoglycemia would also relate to obesity, former or current, especially where WLS is involved. I'm not a doctor, though, nor do I play one on TV. Edit to add: I don't play a doctor on the internet, either. Are you saying that no one who is skinny has Hypoglycemia or Diabetes for that matter? It is not always related to obesity( there's that word again ). I'm not a doctor either. I certainly don't know everything! But this I do know. It is not always related to WLS or obesity!
  3. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    I live in Canada. Insurance is not an issue as regards to with WLS. I know it is my history. just as my family originated in England. That is my history as well. And yes it is a matter of how we behave and think. But do we have to be reminded every time we have to see someone in the medical profession! Even if it has nothing to do with the reason we are there. As a prognosis. I think not!
  4. Gee thanks @@CowgirlJane that's the only thing you mentioned that I haven't got yet. Reflux/ Gerd! Thanks I look forward to years 3-6 now! lol If you don't have humor you have nothing right!
  5. RJ'S/beginning

    Personal Style -- How will I dress as a thin woman?

    I read on here once a lady who said she couldn't wait to stop wearing glitter on her clothing. Big flowers and painfully unattractive outfits that never fit right. Me I have given up the big flowers but not the glitter. I like to shine. I wear lots of leather jackets and bright colors. A lot of jewelry as part of the glitter and pink. Lots of pink. Right now I am holding off getting more closes because I hope to have skin removal surgery! So I am looking forward to that. Look out world. If they thought I was running wild with clothes before...That had nothing on my future!
  6. I was originally interested in having the band done. My surgeon suggested the sleeve. Seems to me that there is good and bad experiences with all surgeries. If I were to go back I might have chosen differently if I knew all the complications I and others that I have contact with have had with the sleeve surgery. I wonder if someday the sleeve will be fazed out as they may say we used to do the "sleeve surgery." That that surgery might be considered barbaric. We just never know what the future has to hold! As with science and medicine they are always moving ahead making strides in areas like these. I hope someday they have a pill that can be taken that will rid all mankind of their ills! Addiction is a difficult demon to live with.
  7. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    I understand that obesity is part of my history and will always play a part in my future. Whether I gain the weight back or not. I have been through a lot because of my choice of WLS. I had been through a lot before the WLS. This I understand everyone. This I see. It is an addiction. I am a food addict. I know that! I own up to it! No issues there. It's the word! It's the meaning of the word! I don't know a single person who thinks that word is okay except for maybe one who has the exceptional ability to push it off like it has no meaning. To me they use it like a title. Not a diagnosis. Not every heavy person is the same but they put us all in the same pot! Paint us all with the same brush! I hate it. They can't take that extra minute to write "Reactive Hypoglycemia." That would have been the purpose of my visit to the dietitian. Not a diet to lose weight. When the Dietitian is confused. That tells me that the form was not filled out properly! That's all I'm saying here.
  8. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    It was not the history. It was the diagnoses. He wrote it as the reason I was going to her. Not to enlighten her about my history. But as the REASON I was going to her. If it was normal to put that on the reason for referral. Why was she confused when she saw me? why did she not have a clue what I was doing there? Why did she feel the need to show me what he had written as the reason for a Dietitian if it had not confused her?
  9. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    I am glad that you can laugh at this. Whatever gets you through the day and whatever you can do to handle how others see you. But for me it was a time in my life where I dealt with a lot of crap over it and no one ever pulled punches either. For me that is over and was shocked to see the word or even read it on a paper that had nothing to do with my former obesity state! I think it is wonderful if you are the kind of person to let this word roll off your back! Unfortunately I am not one of those! I guess I will always detest that word and would love to throat punch the person who came up with it!
  10. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Good point Alex. I will ask about testing for my A1C levels. She did suggest healthy carbs. Both that you mentioned, I am having trouble digesting them. I will look at more legumes as she got excited that I enjoy them. So far this week I have had two attacks. But was able to catch them before they got really bad! I know it is Reactive Hypoglycemia. I was diagnosed with that. But for some reason as I am an emotional person and affected by things around me. It seems to trigger the attacks more then say others who are less sensitive to their surroundings. This is who I am. My nature! I cannot change this part of me. If I/they can't figure out a way to help me then it will be one more pill I have to take daily. Still it does not change the fact that I would do it all over again. To be where I am today!
  11. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    the point is that nothing else was on the sheet. none of my other problems. Or issues. Just OBESITY! That was not even the reason I went to see him. It was because of my Hypoglycemia. Then he transferred me to the Dietitian. There was no reason for that to be on that sheet. Yes I see it is part of who I will always be but it had nothing to do with either visits. Monday I go see a cancer doctor. I am sure that he won't have OBESE written as the reason I am there. It is just stupid! My size or previous condition had nothing to do with the visits to either appointments.
  12. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Somehow I got it in my silly head that if you work hard enough and lose enough that no one will remember who you used to be. I know that is wrong thinking. But the word jumped out at me from the page and I handled it badly! Today it is just another day. I don't care anymore! But I think if we give people labels and don't see changes or growth then that is a sad commentary on how we view life. Once in a box of labels, always in a box of labels!
  13. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Maybe in reality it is! But it undermines everything a person has worked so hard to change. To me when you change you are no longer who you were. I did not go to him for this particular issue. I went for another. I went to my Gynecologist and not once did she write obesity on the form she was filling out. I know I watched her fill it out. When it is no longer relevant then put it in my file if you so chose. But not as a diagnosis that is not even there now! If that is how it is supposed to be then there is a list of things that has happened to me that should be on that damn report then. That word is horrid to me. I don't care what size a person is. I personally find that word repulsive! Relevant or not it did not apply to this situation!
  14. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Actually, I am living with worse conditions since surgery then before. I not only take more drugs but I have reactive Hypoglycemia because of it. Other then a bad back I was a healthy over weight person. The chronic co-morbid conditions happened after the surgery. K
  15. RJ'S/beginning

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Yes it is called reactive Hypoglycemia. If this is true then it certainly would make me feel a little better, somewhat, maybe. I have to say though. I really really hate that word!
  16. RJ'S/beginning

    Complications following surgery

    I too had a similar experience as you in some ways. I went septic after 3 days of surgery and was put in an induced coma for 19 days. Like you I had to learn everything again. It was trying and they gave me little to no hope of recovering. It is almost 3 years now and I have reached goal and am maintaining. I too have a lovely Trachea scar to remind me of the coma. I was able like you to look forward and remember why I did it. So happy you are with us! Please if you need to talk just message me! Remember that 50 % of the healing process is attitude. The other is hard work. Sending well wishes your way!
  17. RJ'S/beginning

    Psychiatric Medications

    I am on medications for depression and I take them without crushing them up. You will have no problem with that at all. Just make sure there is plenty of sipping water after okay!
  18. RJ'S/beginning

    Fat and Back, a two part special...

    Did anyone see the first episode last night on TLC. The things she said made my blood boil. My take on the episode is you can't fix stupid because like Forest Gump said " Stupid is as stupid does."
  19. I agree with your logic @@VSGAnn2014 concerning threads, topics and forums. But as you said it is in your opinion, just as it is in mine! It is difficult to put everyone in the same category. As everyone is different in so many ways. Dialogue is good, learning is good, instruction is good. it is all good! But there is a way of expressing thoughts, principles, information and ideas without being harsh, rude or belittling others. That is my opinion. The way we communicate with each other behind the mask of a computer does not give us licence to say what ever we see fit because it does not matter. No one really knows me or you. I concern myself with the possible negative affect because I told it like it is in my books. Instead of treating others with understanding and compassion like I would like to be treated. I know that this comes up all the time on the forums. Around and round we go. I feel this way, you feel that way and we defend our way of thinking and that's okay! I just worry about those ones that aren't as disciplined in their thinking not to give a dead ratz behind what others ( complete strangers ) think or respond to threads that they have written. I think that a lot of people have been treated with disrespect for a long time dealing with the issue of weight. Why add to it other then it gets a lot of people looking at the thread to see how it's going to turn out! It is exhausting! But that is just my opinion. It doesn't mean anything really.
  20. Who gets to draw the fine line? Who gets to say what is written here and what isn't? I think that all areas need to be discussed and all different ways of looking at things. After all. It has been pointed out to me in many threads as I made comments that I was not saying the right or correct thing. Well, guess what. I know that people get scared, and people feel buyers remorse and people might not even know why they made the decisions they have regarding WLS. Realizing that they are just human and that this entire journey is not as easy as they thought it was going to be. If we all learn something from a thread like this, great! But the last time I checked, I can make errors in information and ideas and hopefully someone would help me see my mistakes and teach me better without putting me down. Or laughing at me. It all comes down to helping one another instead of waiting to pounce when we read something that is not true. I am not offended by the way if it is me you are referring to. I understand your feelings on this as well. I just think that we are all human beings. Now I step down from my soap box!
  21. Just drink one meal at a time. Don't look at it as a whole. One meal at a time. Stay away from being around food as much as you can. The third or fourth days are the worst. Then after that it seems to get easier. This gives you a great start to the process of WLS. The shrinking of your liver makes it easier for them to do the surgery and gives you a better chance of success.
  22. RJ'S/beginning

    Have you ever swallowed something by mistake?

    My pride. I had to swallow my pride more times then I can count over the last 3 years of this experience. And it is not over yet. I am waiting for skin removal and my pride is being called into question again as I show my body to the professionals that are going to help with the surgeries.
  23. I do hope that when you get a little further down the road and the confusion of what to do next will escape you ( maybe not losing weight, stalls or even maybe gaining some back ) as it has for most WLS patients @@scarletwitch19 I hope that some one does not say the things you have said to this person. I agree that there is confusion in her thought process and even some misinformation, but it is her feelings and thoughts that she has taken the time to write out hoping for understanding. I would say that there are things about WLS that you don't know or have not been privy to because you never had to deal with them. Not every one has had a lovely experience with WLS. Not every one is prepared even if they think they are for what you have to do to be successful or deal with the emotional, physical or mental changes that can and do happen to many after surgery. I say never say never when it comes to how you may feel later on. Never point out mistakes that you think you may never make. And never say you must be doing it wrong...... And then laugh. Because the last thing that is funny is everything we have all gone through; good experience or bad to get where we are today! It is hard work and plenty of changes and fortitude to continue in this journey!

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