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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by mkb805

  1. I cant believe the negativity. You too were once fat. At least I am taking steps to change that. Yeah I will loose it slower but I sure as hell feel better knowing lapband can be undone. I will still have my whole stomach so in the event of an emergency I am not totally f***ed! It is my body. I can make what ever decisions on my own. The negativity actually makes me want this even more. See you on the losers side!

  2. There is a thread here that talks of lap band reversals into ventricle sleeve. You should look into it!

    My surgeon told me that usually after lapband patients need the sleeve. I just dont feel comfortable yet having them remove so much of my stomach. I never had a surgery before. I know someone who has had lapband and she seems to be doing really well on it. Im just hoping for the best.

  3. I am getting surgery same day as you :) You mentioned eating at work, Try bringing an Atkins shake for lunch and do not eat in the breakroom. I take my shake and a magazine and sneak out the back door for my half hour. I found it easier to be alone. If I am in the break room there always seems to be someone else eating real food around me. I also bring Jello for my Snacks at work. I also bring 3 Water bottles. I will put tea or crystal light in one and sip on those at work. It was hard for me first few days. I have to do this two weeks though. You'll get used to not eating.

  4. I had my final appointment with the surgeon earlier this week. The appointment only lasted 5 minutes and he wouldnt answer my questions. Mostly all the appointment was for was me getting a note to be out of work it seems. He said there is a clear liquid diet but didn't say when to start it. The pre op at the hospital is on the 12th (Surgery on 16th) Apparently I find all that out at that appointment.

  5. What all is ok to eat? I have been having broth, sugar free popsicle and fudge pops. Gatorade, crystal light. Yogurt and malt o meal. I have been feeling sick, no energy, constant headaches, constantly hungry... Its only day 4. First day I cheated had a mini bagel second day cheated and had a salad. I am trying to make this work but I am going crazy! My aunt has been my biggest support but she said she only did a pre op diet for two days so I am pretty much on my own now.

  6. I cant wait to shop at normal stores. No more feeling pathetic when I go somewhere that doesnt have my size. I cant wait to take my dog for a walk with out feeling like I am going to have a heart attack. I cant wait to be able to buckle the car seatbelt (Right now I just put it around the e-brake) I also cant wait to finally be healthy and active again. :)

  7. Keep reminding yourself why you need the surgery: health, quality of life and even life itself. At this point, having tried diet after diet only to be unsuccessful, there are no other options.

    I can not believe people at work call you those things. What kind of people are these and what kind of work environment do you have? I suggest that once you are through the surgery and accustomed to all of the changes look for another job.

    I work retail. Usually the problem is when customer's dont get their way I am called fat a$$ or anything else along those lines. I would like to go back to school when I can get my credit card paid off. I know working where I work has caused a lot of stress!

  8. I think At this stage maybe you would find some counselling helpful in your decision. It seems to me (been there, done that) that you have a lot of self-esteem issues and maybe you're worried if you lose weight again you might not know who to trust... The funny thing is I made a lot of new friends in the early stages of anorexia that couldn't give me the time of day when I was in rehab, but as I more than tripled my weight I have met the love of my life and some lifelong friends... Sure the weight can make a difference but you need to know who you really are before you can let other people back in again :)

    I hope this helps, I'm set for June 2013 and as most on here know am taking this time to be thoroughly sure I'm ready for this step mentally! :) peace

    I tried talking to a psychiatrist once. All she wanted to do was give me meds. I took what she gave me but it really messed me up. The combo of pills was giving me black outs. I am way too freaked out to try getting help again!!! I have to get everything approved by insurance so she was the only one my insurance would cover that was close.

  9. How did everyone know that surgery was right for them? I don't have a surgery date but kinda starting to have second thoughts. Some of my family is very against me doing this. I do want to lose weight but last time I did (Phentermine and topamax mix, got down to 190 lbs) I noticed people who never gave me the time of day when I was fat started talking to me. As I gained weight again, I lost the "friends" I had. Has anyone else noticed as you lose weight the more people are "interested" in you? I do get called a fat a$$ and everything like that at work. It would be nice to not hear that but everyone seems so judgemental!

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