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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jakat

  1. along with what others have said, are you taking your Vitamins, especially the B12. If you are doing everything the doc has told you then you should be alright. Everyone has the slow down where their bodies are adjusting to the new sleeve and lower calories. My NUT told me that the body was going thru the starvation mode and to keep up the good Proteins, watch the bad or as she called them "soft carbs" and keep up with the fluids and exerecise. I broke thru in about a week, but others take longer. Good Luck

  2. is the pain in back side or front. If it's in the back area, i guess it could be kidneys??? but if it's on the side or front, it could be gas, try gasX strips. Or you said you just got over the flu, if you threw up you could have strained the muscles or something like that. When in doubt go see the doc, for peace of mind if nothing else...Good Luck

  3. Katie, it sounds like you are well on your way. I love walks in the woods especially this time of year. I too am impatient, but I have to realize it took a while to get the weight on, its going to take some time to get it off. You are going to have bumps in the road. We all have. I have been very lucky to have had very minor complications. I actually went into surgery at 8:15am and was released at like 3pm. They want you walking around recovery, able to keep ice chips and Water down, go pee and pain to be under control before they release you. You will have a tremendous amount of gas pressure and pain, do to the fact they blow up your abdominal cavity with air so they can work. GasX strips worked wonders!! Good Luck and stay in touch.

  4. Katie, I understand your nervousness. We have all been there. Dr. Curry is a great doctor and his staff is tremendous. When I had my consult it was all in one day. It took about 3 hours. The biggest thing they stress is that this is a lifetime lifestyle change. This surgery is a tool that can be a tremendous benefit, but it's up to you to change a lifetime of bad habits. You are going to have to be dedicated to changing your eating habits and excerise on a regular basis. They are, as we are in here, there to help you in any way we/they can. His nurse and dietians are on call 24/7 if you need them. THis is major surgery and there can be bumps in the road, but a positive attitude will go a long way..Good Luck

  5. Yes the grazing is real bad. The gum thing is ok as long as it is sugarless. It you feel like to want to go grab a bag of popcorn or chips make yourself do something else. Go for a walk or some other hobby that will keep you busy. I have found myself being tempted for no other reason than being bored. If I am busy doing something I actually have to keep track of the time to eat every 3 hours or so. Good Luck and hopes this helps

  6. Well it is the best way to get B12 and I don't have to worry about putting that tablet under my tongue and I won't miss a day or so. Plus with my insurance I only pay $12 for a 4 month supply which I believe is cheaper than the tablets. After the surgery you can't take the regular tablet, you have to have the ones that dissolve under you tongue. Also the other Vitamins you take post surgery are all chewable.< /p>

  7. Steph, yes I am doing well. I am down a total of 49, including pre-op. Yes it is great to be on soft foods. My problem now is eating to fast. I have cheated a little with the "no bread" rule, but I do watch it. I am doing the monthly self injections of B12 since a four month supply with syringes is only $12 thru my insurance. I got clearance to begin full workouts within reason, so starting next week I am going back to the gym. Hope everything is going well

  8. I am patient of Dr. Curry. I had surgery on 9/24. First you will be measured, weight taken, photos, tehn you talk with Dr Curry, his ass't, the insurance person, the nutrition person, the pyschologist. Once you are approved for surgery, then you have to go to a nutrition class, bllod work taken and finally a endo scope where they put you in lolla land and run a scope down your throat and check your espogages (sp) and stomach for any problems. Then surgery after at least a two week diet. He is one of the best in the area his staff is OUTSTANDING. I have had zero complications and have lost almost 50lbs pre and post surgery.

  9. I tried the Unjury chocolate and chicken broth. Both were great. The chocolate one is better with milk than Water and the broth, as with any time you heat liquid with Protein you have to make sure that you don't get it over 130 degrees or it gets lumpy and nasty. I always heated water to 130 then added the protein and stirred. Do some test runs with a 4 and 8 oz of water in your microwave and take a meat thermometer and check. Mine was 1min and 7 sec to get to 130. Good Luck

  10. I was told two things: 1st your body goes into a stravation mode at about 3 weeks when it realizes that it's not getting as much calories as it is used to. 2nd that males need to try to achieve 80-100 grams of Protein and 64 oz of liquid per day especially early on. Watch what type of carbs you are having, soft carbs such as mashed potatoes and soft Pasta of not good especially as early as you are out. My NUT told me you will experience stalls and just to keep the protein,fluids and exercise up and you will break thru. If it continues I would call and ask some questions. Good Luck

  11. Well ladies I don't have the same hormonal problems you guys do, but yes I have good days and bad, cranky days. Remember we have just gone thru major surgery and are trying to reverse a lifetime of bad habits. I am a month out and it is getting better. Just try to keep a positive attitude and remember we did this for a better life.

  12. Hey Carmel, It is perfectly normal to feel how you are feeling. I think we all go thru those types of feelings, I know I did. I am three weeks out and feeling great. I did not have any complications. Nothing but some NORMAL post op pain which the meds took care of. Just make sure to keep fluids up and walk walk walk even if it's just a short walk around the house or out. You won't feel much like eating but very important to keep the Protein up also. Keep a positive attitude, remember this is a life changing experience for the better.

    GOOD LUCK and keep us informed.

  13. Hang in there teach. Our bodies have gone through a tremendous amount of trauma. It takes a while longer for some of our bodies to adjust. As far as your husband goes, we men are sometimes inpatient. As others have said, once your meds get straighten out things will start looking better. Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids and stay up on your Protein. Good Luck.

  14. sprinkles, no problem not to personal. I no what you mean about not eating well on puree. I constantly have to remind myself Protein protein protein and not to eat ot fast. Need, sounds like you are doing great. I ask the question about what to eat on puree and asked if I wanted a Whopper and blended it. Erin said that's fine, but it kinda takes the fun out of it when you pour it out of the blender. Can't wait for soft foods and at least have something to chew

  15. Hey Delta, I have one area near my main incision that is still a little swollen and sore. They told me I had a hematomia (sp?) basically bleeding in the muscle tissue. It's not non common and should take a few more weeks than the other bruising to heal. they just told me to keep an eye on it and if it become a lot more tender or hot to the touch then come back in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
