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Patti C

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Patti C

  1. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello all. Hope you are having a good weekend. It is raining here. It has been raining here for days. I would love to see sunshine almost as much as I wish I could eat somekind of meat! I am on a 4 week pre-op diet and it is beginning to get to me. Must be the rain and being cooped up. I also just asked my entire family to come to my house in 2 hours for the picnic we were to have in my Mother's back yard. Can all liquids cause you to lose your mind! Oh well it will be fun when the kids get here. Thanks for listening to my ranting. Anyway for the reason for my writing. What is this Gastric Sleeve I am starting to hear about? Is it suppose to help more? thanks for the info. Dini, I hope you are doing better. Been praying for you. Patti C
  2. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Chimboree, What a good idea. I have thought of several things I wanted to be able to do and I am going to write them down and post them here at my computer so I can add to the list as new things come to mind. Anyway here are a few I think of first.... Being able the sit in a chair and cross my legs like all of the other "ladies" Being able to fasten the seat belt in any car I ride in. Being able to fly and feel comfortable in the seat and the person next to me being comfortable too. Wearing shorts! Being able to tye my shoes without pain in my gut! TO BE CONTINUED.....
  3. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just got home from my day of doctoring. I had all of my pre-op tests run this morning. They said everything was good to go. My surgery is all set for 7:30 am on July 12th. I met with my doctor the first part of February and finally my time is about here. I am so excited. All of the workers at the hospital were so very supportive and friendly. I am counting the days. They said that I might not have to spend the night cause my surgery was so early in the morning. Is that really a posiblity? I just wondered cause I will need to find someone to come and pick me up. What ever! All is good so far. Dini, I hope you are feeling better. It doesn't seem like much else can go wrong, so since you are getting all of the bad stuff out of the way first, you should be on the upward treck now. I sure hope so. You and Breadlady have been my inspiration. Hang in there. We are praying for you. Have a great evening everyone. July is just around the corner! Patti C
  4. Patti C

    July 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Roc. I am going to Menorah Hospital on Wednesday to have a complete physical and meet with the Anithesiogoiest( really bad spelling, but the guy who puts you to sleep before the surgery). I hope he will tell me the actual time of my surgery on July 12th. I am glad that they are doing that so that I know I am in good enough shape to get this started. Seems like I have more questions everyday, but get more excited everyday. We will make it this time! Let me know how things are going for you. Patti C.
  5. Patti C

    July 2007 Bandsters

    Roc, I am from the KC area also. My surgery is scheduled for July 12 at Menorah. I am on a 4 week pre-op diet now. Are you going to have to do something like that. It's so exciting! I cannot wait to get it started also. Let me know how you do Patti C.
  6. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Breadlady. Glad you have gotten along so well. And all of this info is great. I just ordered a new light weight sweat suit to come home in, so I hope that will work. I don't fit into the hosipal gowns. Do you think they would let me take my own to wear after surgery? I take alot of medicine that really drys out my mouth. Sounds like that is going to be a bad deal with not even ice. Someone said to bring SF mints. Would they have let you had them? Did they do the GI thing first thing that next day, so that you didn't have to wait too long to drink? I heard that you could not leave the hospital until you had drank and they knew everything was hooked up ok? My last question is about the bladder thing. I have a leaky bladder problem anyway. Guess I had better have lots of panties and pads with me also. Thanks again for so much info. I am just 2 weeks and 5 days till my date with my new life and I cannot wish the days away any faster. Keep up the good work and I hope you don't mind all of my questions. Patti
  7. I have been on my low fat low calorie liquid diet for one week. I am having a terible time with leg cramps! They get worse every night. I had to fast for a series of blood work this morning and I hurt all over. I think my potasium level might have gone low. I know I am not suppose to, but I ate 2 bananas today. I wasn't able to call the doctor today, but tomorrow I will. Has anyone else had this problem on the pre-op diet? Thanks for the info. Patti C
  8. What would there be about hand soap under the sheets? I am kinda dense, but I don't get any connection. I will tell you that it is worth a try cause those leg cramps are very painful. Patti C
  9. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all, I am on my pre-op diet too. My doctor requires a 4 week diet with only Protein shakes, a little fresh or frozen fruit. SF popcycles, SFJello, a little Gatorade or power drink. Nothing over 200 calories at a pop. 3 or 4 shakes a day. I have been doing it for 1 week getting ready for my July12 surgery. It it to shrink or get rid of the fat in my liver. It has been rough, but I am thinking it may make the clear liquid days after surgery a little easier. Maybe I won't be so hungry cause I am so hungry now! It is just that I want to CHEW something. But I will do this. Thanks for all of the info and positive stuff you all put on here. I read every post. Good Luck to you all and I will try to keep in better touch. Patti C
  10. Thanks for the support. I seem to be doing much better after that first day. The cramps in my legs are finally letting up. Thank goodness! I have ate one banana a day and started taking potasium once a day. My pre-op is for 4 weeks so I know it will be a long haul. My doctor said we could have a little fresh or frozen fruit with my shakes, so I am claiming my banana as that. I will make it cause this is my life saving statement and I am going to do it right! Thanks again for writing me back. There are some really good people on the site. Patti C
  11. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow! What a caring bunch of people we have on this thread! I don't write much, but I sure do read every word written. You have given me so much inspiration and knowledge, so I decided it was time to thank each and everyone of you. I started my 4 week pre-op diet on Thursday and it hasn't been too bad yet, but I know 4 days are a very small part of 4 weeks. I am trying to look ahead for the great things to come and you all make that very possible to do. I pray every day for everyone who are in the same boat as I am. We have all lived through a lot to get to this point and now we getting the opportunity to change our lives in so many ways. Thanks again for possitive attitudes and inspiration. Patti
  12. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, I read this thread all of the time as I am to be Banded on July 12th, but today was such a bad day that I needed to vent. You guys are my new best friends, so please let me rattle on a minute. I work for the Post Office and we are suppose to have 5 clerks. We are down to 3 and management doesn't want to replace the missing 2. I stood at my window for 6 hours this morning with no help and was not given a break, much less given a few minutes to go to the restroom. I ended up working 9 1/2 hours. If ever I knew that I had to do something serious and NOW about my weight problem, it is tonight. My feet and ankles hurt soooooo bad. I have soaked them, and soaked them. Anyway, hopefully I can walk tomorrow and be able to go back to work. Thanks for listening. I have started my 4 week pre op diet and I hope that that helps me jump start my weight loss, and being so busy at work, I don't have time to think about what I am missing as I have my Protein drink. You all are great and I will try not to always complain on here and hopefully have better news the next time I write. Have a great Tuesday and please make July get here FAST! Patti C
  13. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks for the welcome. This site is so awesome. I have learned so much just reading all of the different threads. I am encouraged also to see that many people have lost large amounts of weight. I have way more than 150 lbs. to lose and it is scary, but having read about so many people here I know it is posible and I am going to do it! I hope to visit with lots of you often here. Good Luck to you all. I also want to have a "Great year in 2008!" Patti C
  14. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm a Lucky 7 too! My surgery is scheduled for July 12th. I have been waiting since Febuary to get everything set up with the hospital and scheduled to be off work. I am so excited. I am suppose to start on a 4 week very low fat, low calorie diet. Mostly liquids. Thats not too exciting, but I am ready to get going toward my new future! patti
  15. I am scheduled to be banded on July 12. The closer it gets, the more little questions I have. Many have been answered here. But here is my question for the day. I have to take lots of medicines for varied medical problems. Between my blood pressure meds, dilantin, waterpills, and ashma pill, I take lots twice a day. Will it be a problem getting them down? Hopefully, someday as I lose weight I can get off of some of them. But I know that day will be down the road as I have 200 pounds to lose. Any experiences that you want to share would be appreciated. Thanks, Patti C

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