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Patti C

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Patti C

  1. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I had my surgery July 12 (last Thursday). I have been amazed with how well everything has went. You all told me to just walk and walk as soon and as much as I could. I have had the gas pains, but not bad at all and if I just get up and walk a little bit they have immediatly gone away. So if I have any advice for anyone getting ready to be banded, JUST WALK! I have also had the great news this morning that I have lost 7 pounds since my surgery. It is so modifational. That helps with any little pains I do get. Today I got to have applesauce, yogurt, SF pudding, and runny mashed potatoes added to my choices of food. This is suppose to last for 14 days and then I get mushy stuff. Let me tell you that applesauce never tasted so good. But I could only eat less than half a cup before I was full. I guess that is a good thing. My main problem is not drinking Water an hour before and an hour after a meal. Also none with my meal. I have just caught myself doing it absent mindedly. Got to find a way to get that to my attention. Oh well, thanks for listenly and thanks for all of the encouragement, ideas, and experiences you all share so openly and honestly. You are my special friends that I think of and pray for every day. Patti C
  2. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Please tell me what PHAT really means. I think I might be behind. Patti C
  3. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Luck all you lucky banders this week. I got mine last Thursday and all is great. I am sure it will be for you too. The waiting is the hardest part. Just hang in there and it will be over before you know it! Just think by this time next week, you will be telling us all about your experience and encouraging the next group! Think Positive and head to BAND LAND! My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you! Patti C.
  4. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    good job jackie. I think the dreams may be what keeps us sane! Patti C
  5. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    BobbertsMom, I am so sorry you have to deal with this kind of a jerk. I weighed 402 lbs at my first visit with my doctor and he has been nothing but supportive. I cannot imagine being able to do this without the doctors and nurses being on your side. I suddenly feel very fortunate. My problem with your situation would be that I could not keep my mouth shut with him. How do you think he would react to you if you told him how you feel and that he is that A##. For sure I would report it to the proper people, so that someone else would not have to go through what you are. I do wish you the best of luck in your future with the band. I feel like it is my chance at a new and productive life that I can enjoy! I want that for you too. Please know that you have all kinds of love and support on this site and I will send up extra prayers for you and your patience. Hang in there. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Patti c
  6. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dieka, So glad they got you all fixed up. I had my surgery on the 12th also and I was really apprehensive when I went for my swallow test. But I was luckier than you cause mine was fine. I do know what you mean about that chicken broth tasting so good. Who would have thought that. Hang in there and we can be band buddies now. Good Luck Patti C
  7. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I just had my surgery thursday and they told me they would give me anti nausia drugs all through out the surgery and I was given a shot of anti nausia stuff every six hours after surgery until I came home. My doctor did not want to take any chance of you getting sick and messing up his good work (Ha Ha). He also sent me home with a supository in case I started feeling sick a my stomach. It made me feel confident I was not going to be sick. Hope that helps you as you prepare for your big day! Patti C
  8. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, I tried to walk outside this morning also. I didn't make it too far and the heat and humidity just zapped me. It was the first time I had walked outside since my surgery on Thursday. I just did my walking inside until then. I think my afternoon walk will have to be inside. I have one of those "Walk away the Pounds" tapes and I do what I can with that. Anyway the walking does make me feel better. The gas pains have not been very bad, but I think it is because of all of you encouraging me to get up and walk as soon and as much as possible after surgery. I was told that my surgeon does the lap-band surgery with you sitting almost upright and he is facing you as he works. This is suppose to help with some of the gas going out naturally with gravity as they remove the instruments. Every interestin concept. I know that is not how they did it on the surgery they have for you to watch on this web site. Whatever. There were 2 ladies that he did the lap-band on the same day as me, and none of us had gas pains that were very bad. I had terrible heart burn last night. I took gas-x and it did not touch it, so I took Mylanta liquid. A couple of sips. It took care of it immediately. And I finally slept. Trying to sip on something all of the time. The doctors had decided that they think that I was not having mini seizures yesterday, but just some antisetic that was coming out. Anyway not more of my zone out times. I feel good and I am just excited that I am on my way. Patti C.
  9. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello all. I have just gotten home from the hospital. I was banded yesterday (7-12-07). It went amazingly well. I have been up and walking since yesterday about 2:00. My doctor requires all of his patients to stay in the hospital overnight. There were 3 of us done yesterday. We all gathered together about 7:30am this morning and we went to x-ray to have a barrium swallow test. We then went back to our rooms to wait for the doctor to come and visit us. He came about 8:30 and checked us and signed for us to go home. His nurse came and gave us paperwork on what we were to drink and eat over the next 14 days. We all have doctor appointsments with hime next Friday as a followup. We then got broth, jello, apple juice and hot tea. Couldn't eat much, but it tasted go good to get to drink anything after 36 hours of nothing to drink. As I ate my broth, the nurse was trying to give me my last pain shot and she says I had a small seizure. Been dealing with that cause I had another one when I got home. We have talked to my doctors and we are trying to make sure all of the anathesisa is out of my system. Feel pretty good otherwize. Patti C
  10. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks for the good thoughts. I am trying to do that last minute stuff so I will be ready to leave for the hospital at 4:30 in the morning. I live an hour south of Kansas City and I have to be at the hospital by 5:45, so got to get started early. I am so glad I am the first surgery in the morning. I don't wait so good! By this time tomorrow night I will be starting on my new life. My doctor does not release you until the next day after a barrium swallow test, so I will check back in on Friday sometime. Good Luck to us all and prayers for everyone. Patti C
  11. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    chickb13, Oh honey, I know where you are coming from. I started out at 402 in February when I had my first visit with my surgeon. Because of insurance and work schedules, I could not have my surgery until July 12th. I do have to go to work everyday because I am single and only have myself to support me, but as soon as work is over I have become a hermit myself. I hate to even go to Wal Mart to get needed things, because of the looks I feel people give me. I have a wonderful family and friend who come to me. I gave up going to shows several years ago, because the seats were so uncomfortable and I am able to travel with my Mother some, but we only go places we can mostly drive and look at or we survey the places to see if they have seating I can fit in. I am so tired of this life. This is going to help all of us. I know it is not going to be easy, but it will be the crutch to stop me when my will power fails. WE CAN DO THIS!!! And I thank God that I have found this site to have people who understand and support each other. I have so many things to be thankful for. My faith, my family, my friends, my home, my country, and life with hope and purpose. Lets do this together. Patti C
  12. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning to all. I just have to write a little note to thank each of you for you notes of support. I was so bummed out yesterday and so many of you wrote back such positive things that I feel like a new woman today. I am totally back on board and getting things all ready for my big day Thursday. My sister came yesterday afternoon and we talked and made plans for her to take me to the hospital at 5:45 AM on the 12th. My surgery is at 7:30, so I will not have to sit around and think about it all day. I am very thankful for that. My doctor always make his patients spend the night and all of his banded patients go down to x-ray together the next morning for a barium swallow test. Then if all is ok, you back to your room for you clear liquid Breakfast and then home for the FIRST DAY OF OUR NEW LIFE! All is good and I wish all of you who are getting banded prayers and good luck this week. It is so nice to have others let us know what we can expect. Have a great day! Patti C
  13. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yes, Lynette. Thank you. I guess I just needed a little reassurance. I told my Mother what I did, but had not told anyone else. I knew that you all understood where I was coming from. Patti C
  14. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, its confessin time. I lost it yesterday with my boss at work. He is trying to pressure me into coming back after a week because he wants to go to Las Vegas. Well I am a window clerk at the Post Office and I stand at that window for 8 hours at least a day and lift packages that weigh up to 70 lbs. I told him NO. I would be off at least 2 weeks and then I might have restrictions about doing my job. He is trying to bully me into coming back. I am not going to screw this up. I have had this surgery scheduled since last March. It took that long to get two straight weeks off work. Anyway, it was a nasty day and I lost my head and I stopped and got fish at a drive thru for supper. I ate every last bite of it and washed it down with tears, because I knew what I was doing was wrong. I have been on my 4 week pre-op for 3 weeks and my surgery is next week (July 12). Today I feel guiltier than last night. I am trying to do my confessions in hopes that I can just forget it and go on from here. I really have a problem with stress eating and my problem won out last night. Today I have prayed for help and patience and I am determined to behave myself from now on. Thanks for listening. Patti C
  15. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette and BfyneNtyme, CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!! First step taken and you did great! I pray that all continues to be all positive for you both. Have a restfully and joyous night. Tomorrow will be another good day. Patti C
  16. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Chimboree, i have had the sleep studies done before. They are not bad at all. You just have to get wired up all over your body and then sleep like you were at home. They monitor you and watch you all night. When I had mine, I bet I did not sleep 2 hours total. But they got the info they needed and I sleep with a C-Pap machine now. I have had it a couple of years and I would not give it up for anything. I am so much more rested in the morning. But maybe after I lose some weight, I will not need it anymore. I can only hope. But don't worry about that test. I cannot believe all of the testing that they do before they let you have this surgery, but if it makes it all safer and I will test all day! Patti C
  17. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Laurend, This is Patti C. I know you are gone for a few days but I want to sent this info before it slipped my mind. My height is 5 ft 6 inches and the weight is 377 (uugh). Anyway that is soon to be going down. Thanks for all the help. Patti C.
  18. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Laurend, I am not good with the computer, so could you tell me how to IM you with my stats for the spreadsheet for July. I want to be in, but I just don't know how. Thanks for the help. Patti C.
  19. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I love my magic bullit. I use it several times a day. Even with a regular protein shake and a few ice cubes, I can make a shake consistancy drink which is a treat. I am not real fond of coffee, but I love the Cappacino Slimfast. Thank goodness there are a few things that get us by. Patti C
  20. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Lynette, I think I will be trying this tomorrow. It makes everything a little easier just to try something different. It sounds like you are well prepared for tomorrow and the days ahead. Will you have to spend the night at the hospital or will you be coming home tomorrow? Patti C
  21. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, Whats with the frozen Slimfast? Do you put the whole can in the freezer?
  22. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I just finished a little concoction I made up for supper. I have been on this Protein liquid diet for 2 1/2 weeks now and I am looking for something different. Anyway I got a Slimfast Capicino Delight Optima drink, added 1 scoop of chocolate Protein powder, and 5 ice cubes. I put it in my new Magic Bullitt for 5 or 6 seconds and presto chango. I had a really yummy drink. I have been having trouble getting in enough protein, so I thought I would try adding the powder to the Slimfast. This one worked pretty good. I have a strawberry Slimfast and I have a Raseberry Protein powder and I think I will try mixing those two together next. Just a suggestion for something different. Have a great week everyone! And hugs and prayers to all of you who are getting banded this week. Patti C
  23. Patti C

    June 2007 Bandsters

    mjsafari, I see you had Dr Malley for your surgeon. I so too and I am scheduled for my banding on July 12th. I have been reading all of your post for a while and it has been so interesting. It kind of gives me an idea what is to come. I am on my 4 week pre-op diet and it has gone really well until this weekend. I had to have one bite of a hot dog yesterday. I did quite with that but it was really hard. I keep telling myself it is on 12 more days! Anyway I was wondering about the special bed you mentioned that Dr Malley used for the surgery. Tell me more please. I just want to know all I can know before the surgery. Thanks for the info. Patti C
  24. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey, Good Luck to all of you with your big day tomorrow and this coming week! I can only imagine how excited and a little scared you must be right now. I know it will be fine and you will all be on your way to our new lives. Let us know how it all goes and give up any pointers you might come up with. Praying for you all. Actually I am praying for us all. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Patti C
  25. Patti C

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Nelli. I just knew it was new terminology that I had not investigated. I studied long and hard before deciding that Lap Band was for me. I just have 12 days to go. Can hardly wait, but I am getting kinda scared also. My friend just talked to me and told me to just focus on the big picture and how much better I am going to feel. I am praying daily and taking her advice. She has Gastric Bypass two years ago and has had no complications. She looks and feels wonderful. I just hope I will be that successful. I WILL! and you will too. Good Luck. Patti C

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