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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by srs82781

  1. How is everyone doing? I feel amazing!!!

    Overall I think I've had a smooth recovery these last two weeks. Incisions are healing nicely. I can't wait to have a little crunch in my diet, and I'm eating a little more on the purée stage then on the full liquid stage.

    How are you doing???

    Height 5'4

    Pre op weight 258.4

    Date of surgery 251.2

    Current weight 235.0

    Total weight loss to date 23.4lbs!!!!

  2. On the whole being 1st comment.... I was the 1st and only patient for dr Garcia the day of my surgery.... The issue was there are 2 OR's for the entire hospital so my surgery ended up being at 4pm, it helps if you're aware of that. I think there were 7 other surgeries before mine, just with different doctors.

  3. I just got back this past Friday, had my surgery with Dr Garcia on Monday the 18th. It was a great experience. The Marriott was lovely and the whole r4ac staff and hospital staff were great. I had 3 leak tests, one during surgery and two the following day. They stitch the incisions from the inside with dissolving stitches then externally they use a few staples. My drain was removed by a nurse the day I left hospital. And then the day I left the hotel dr Luna came to remove the staples. Rosie was always around to check on me at the hotel. I only stayed one night at hotel post op since I had to get home soon, but had no problems traveling. I'm so glad with the decision I made! Good luck

  4. Yes I had mine, got it the day before surgery and was in Mexico and they didn't have tampons. I changed my pad before going into the OR and they said the nurse would take care of everything since I couldn't have underwear on... I don't know what she did and didn't ask but woke up with my underwear on and a clean pad.... Side note, they gave anticoagulants to keep from having blood clots after surgery, which incidentally made my period last 3 days longer then normal :(

  5. As a former cast member of disney and local annual pass holder now I say you should go to a guest relations representative an talk to management there. They accommodate all food issues and any other special needs. I really think you need to state your case to them and have someone there give you something stating the fact that you cannot eat, you are there to spend time with your family in a "family" environment. They cannot expect you to miss out and should most definitely not make you pay to sit there. I've encountered a guest on a feeding tube and they didn't have to pay to sit at a character meal with their family.

  6. On on day 3 of pre-op! Surgery 18th. I can see how it starts to get better, the 1st two days were really hard and I started to doubt myself. I think I opened the pantry and fridge every 15mins. And I drank broth like crazy.... Today it definitely seems to have gotten better, especially when I stepped on the scale and saw 3lbs gone.... Amazing what happens when you cut carbs and cleanse the system! Good luck everyone, we can do this!

  7. What hospital do they work out of? My surgery is the 18th as well at Mi hospital. I will be arriving at the Marriott on the 17th. So if you are there I will be seeing you!

    The are at MiDoctor. I get in around 1:30pm on the 17th in San Diego. I will be at the Marriott then as well. I hope we meet up. I am nervous about going alone but know that I need to get it done :)

    I will see you there!!!!! We can chat over some broth for dinner at the hotel! Lol

  8. I will be there on Feb 18th with Drs.Cabrera/Valenzuela for surgery. I will be flying in on the 17th. Coming from Canada.

    I will be coming alone :( I am nervous and excited all in one. Hubby will be home with the 3 kids :)

    What hospital do they work out of? My surgery is the 18th as well at Mi hospital. I will be arriving at the Marriott on the 17th. So if you are there I will be seeing you!

  9. I totally am on the same page! I want to make appointments for post op care so I have them lined up for when I get home, but I'm afraid of them asking questions and then trying to convince me otherwise. Not that they will ... My deposit is paid and my insurance already denied me... I'm not going thru another 6 mos of stress! So I'm just going to worry about it when I get home.

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