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Posts posted by srs82781

  1. Ready for a change was a great company to work with! I adore Alma! She dealt with me and my millions of questions every day! I also had surgery with dr Garcia in TJ at Hospital MI. My surgery was 4700.00 and the staff was amazing. The Marriott is the same quality as any Marriott in the states, very lovely and great staff there as well. I'm 3mos post op. I actually found cheap flight on Alaska airline (partner of delta) San Diego is one of their hubs so it tends to be a cheaper flight. With what you have saved up, you are good to go, flights and all! Good luck

  2. I'm 3mos post op. I definitely overbought pre op! I did buy tons of different broths but generally stick with the same ones. I had my sister make me some homemade butternut squash Soup and freeze it in ice cube trays. They were the perfect portion sizes. I would take one or two out and pop them in the microwave.

    My tastes buds definitely changed after surgery. I'm not a big sweets person, so anything like that was overly sweet. And some savory were to intense for my new stomach. Broccoli was a little too much so early, causing gas pains. But that brand has a potato leek one that was good! Plus since you cant use those containers so quick I would for sure freeze them in portion sizes so your not stuck eating the same thing all day for day so that you don't waste it. I feel like I wasted so much in the beginning. I probably ate 4 sugar free Popsicles and fudge pops everyday.

    Once I got to the purée stage I did a lot of guacamole and hummus right off the spoon.

    It really is trial and error though with the way your tastes change. Good luck!!!!!

  3. I am currently 3 mos post op. I have a 2 yr old and home and had the same issues and concerns all all of you. Having to try to tell her that I couldn't pick her up was an issue I was struggling with.... It really wasn't that bad! She is 25lbs (petite) but very active and hard to control. Lol

    I was able to get her to work with me, we started laying on the floor for diaper changes an when snuggling, instead of picking her up completely I would have her climb up to my lap. We ate picnic style on a blanket on the floor which was fun for her. (Even though my meal was in a glass!) bath time I waited till the hubby was home and just used him for getting her in and out, and at that age if you miss a bath day and do a sponge bath, no biggy.

    Bed time/nap wasn't as big of an issue for me cause she is in her own bed and could climb in, but I would recommend a stool if possible. The first few days will be the hardest when u get home, but I was somewhat lifting her by 2 weeks, with caution.

    I would always explain to her that I had a boo boo on my tummy and show her the incisions and she understood. Also if you have a belly binder or a maternity belly band I found this really helpful to hold everything in place when having to lift her.

    It is doable for sure! And the couple of weeks till you are feeling better will fly by and you will know when your body has had enough an needs to rest.

  4. Yes you will feel better soon! I hated myself for doing it when I was in the hospital cause I also had reactions to the meds and was vomiting every 20 mins for the 1st 24hours! It definitely gets better. I was over the sickness within a day or two, then just weak! Congrats on the surgery!

  5. My NUT recommended having one, I was obsessed weighing every day, but she said during the losing phase to weigh in once a week and during maintenance phase once a month, cause you don't want to go too long in case you are putting on weight. It's always easier to up on then to lose.... Made sense to me!

  6. I take the Flinstones as well, I was taking Celebrate bariatric and when comparing the 2 they had almost the same ingredients. The doctor actually approved them. I take 2 flinstones a day, even sAys on the bottle adults take two. I just have to add extra B12, which u already do.

    I think you just have a heavy work/ life load. Try to take some you time if you can find it, easier said then done (I know I chase around a 2yr old all day).

    Maybe try to add extra Iron or a supplement if possible. Good luck

  7. I was in the same situation, having to ask my dad for the money and also telling him I was going to Mexico. I did the money thing first, lol!

    I was fully prepared with the info, website for the hospital facility, dr credentials, coordinator website, YouTube videos of patients and the doctors. Also it was helpful that I had a friend traveling with me that was reassuring to him. Since I chose Tijuana, it was a 10 min trip back into the states. Good luck!

  8. Well less then 3mos out and down 51.6lbs. I don't know if that's fast or slow, but I'm happy with the results. I still have about 70lbs to go but already feel like a new person! I've had about 3 stalls lasting for about 5days each but I make it thru. (I may be brave enough to post pics by the 3mos mark) How is everyone else doing?

  9. If you plan on having your insurance pay for your surgery they will not accept your weight during your pregnancy for the 2 yr weight history that most require. Since I had a baby in 2011, they would not accept any of my weight history from 2010 or the beginning of 2011. Even though I was morbidly obese, so I became a self pay in Mexico cause I wasn't going to weight an extra year to try to get it covered. Good luck

  10. I totally agree with the above statement! I originally planned on staying in the US and ended up in Mexico. The doctor I chose here in the states, a center of excellence, did not use a drain, and does not perform a single leak test because he is so confident in his work.

    I'm glad I made the choice I did, I had great care in Mexico, a drain, 3 leak tests and an extra night in the hospital to recoup. I would have been miserable being sent home the day after surgery.

    Confidence can also be arrogance and will catch up with people one day.

  11. I agree about the whole people seeing us naked but there where about 15 staff members between the two OR's at Hospital MI, hate to say it but I'm sure a lot of people saw us all naked the day of surgery. It's a hospital and I'm sure it didn't phase any of them. I also agree waiting does suck, but I never had an issue with not knowing time frames and my coordinators were in my room to check on me every day, even in the hotel. I'm sorry to hear some people have this experience but I truly think those are few and far between, and although the diarrhea may suck! A lot of people in the hospital with me were so constipated and jealous of any of us thy could poop! Lol I also expected some funky colored pee with the crazy blue liquid we had to drink, although it was a little disturbing :)

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